Trickiest game to hunt

I'd say pronghorn antelope... I could never seem to get within 2 miles of those things growing up and if you stepped on a twig by accident you could just see the herd move off like a big black blob on the horizon...

Elk are a pain and probably some of the most elusive game I've ever had to work with, they cover vast distances in short periods of time and they have amazing hearing and smell...

turkeys also are difficult but so far that's the only animal I've ever managed to actually call in so I don't think they get the nod, at least in my eyes.
year hunting mountain lions without dogs sucks... I just gather up all my friends dachshunds and walk them around the mountains... having the right bait is key ;)
Long thought to be urban legend, or myth, the Wyoming Jackalope has to be the trickiest to hunt, they are as fast as the Pronghorn Antelope, with eyesight equal to Pronghorn Antelope...and the bucks are only hunt-able during horn season, which typically only lasts 3 days until they shed their horns.
Licenses for special season hunts are only available in in Douglas WY.
They are not to be confused with TX Jackalope, which can be determined by their antlers instead of horns.


We get to hunt roedeer bucks a while before the general hunt begins but without dogs. very keen senses at that time of year (on the lookout for intruders and willing shedeers:)
Sure Shot McGee: I am with you on the Muntjac, first vid I saw of it I thought it was fake to:D

People in the northern parts of Sweden swears that Skvaders exists
trickiest and cunningest but not in the least bit fun is a wounded bear.

Boars can be a hassle to but bears frekkin ambush you. The chose paths to run away unseen.

Partridge!! No Doubt About It!

I was hunting deer in upstate New York, and I heard a really loud flapping sound. Turned out to be two partridge. Later on I tried hunting them and all they did was scare me!!!! Yes, they are hard to shoot but they can almost give you a heart attack!!! :D
According to a coworker who grew up hunting and became a Ranger sniper, the trickiest game is the dogma-driven-drugnov-carrying local.
Husqvarna, that's an interesting pic. I haven't seen those before. Do they have big teeth? Also, what chamberings do you use?

I would figure a flying carnivorous half rabbit might require the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to kill effectively.
Ruffed Grouse.

They tend to live in thorny thickets that are nasty walking. If you are lucky enough to find them, often the best you will do is to hear them flush. If you see them flash through the woods you are even luckier, if you get a shot it's a day for celebration, and if you actually connect and bring one down you feel like you won a gold medal. Good luck finding it once it's down, too! Good dogs make all this easier, but grouse are still the most challenging hunt.

We grouse hunters measure success in number of flushes, not by grouse actually taken.
I vote for the ruffed grouse with TheStig. Contrary to one poster, the jackalope has been caught. I saw one mounted in a bar in Texas years ago.:D