Trickiest game to hunt


New member
Just looking to see what you all think is the funnest and cunning game to hunt, rather it be "rhinocerosses" Or the elusive squirrel that stays on the opposite side of the tree

There is an old indian saying as told to me by an old indian. .... ;)

A Deer thinks that every man, is a tree .... :)
A Turkey thinks that every tree, is a man. .... :eek:

While hunting, I have been busted on many occasions and have lost track of how many times, I have been busted by a Turkey. ...... :o

Be Safe !!!
Just looking to see what you all think is the funnest and cunning game to hunt

Waterfowl is the most fun for me, lots of action usually and I really enjoy getting them to work decoys.

Most cunning? I would have to say blacktail deer. I think it's mostly because of the terrian/vegetation they live in, but they can be like ghosts the moment they sense danger.
wolf . they are hard to find and hard to hunt but iv got it sorted out now. In northern Alberta were i live iv strated baiting them with tree hugger bunny kissers wereing their PETA T-s lol found Green Peace Hippys to smelly

if you go to you can by Radiant Farms unicorn meat. comes in a can kid you not my son who is 22 got me one for xmas funny stuff it comes with a stuffed toy unicorn all quartered . he got it for me cuz when asked what i would do if I saw Sasquash i replied same thing i would do if i saw a unicorn drop it
I have never gone after turkey, but I hear that it is one of the most challenging game animals to pursue.

I imagine that mountain goat would be one of the most physically demanding hunts in North America. High altitude climbing of steep, rocky terrain, high enough up that the weather can change in minutes. And packing it out, good luck on that.

In Georgia, the difficult game animals are turkey, coyote, and maybe black bear. I have only seen one young bear cub that had climbed its way inside a fenced in trout hatchery, we got out of there as we didn't know where the mom was. Saw some good tracks on a sandy road while camping by a river in a primitive camping spot in north georgia. I have no real desire to go out and shoot a bear.

The most fun things to hunt would be deer. I have never been bird hunting but it would probably be a blast.
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Bear are one of the easier to hunt, if you are in an area where they are located. Which in Georgia is spotty. They are pretty thick, but in small isolated pockets mainly in the N. Georgia Mts.

Turkey are the most frustrating for me. You know they are there because they will answer your calls, but often will stay just out of range. They are not the smartest animal and at times will do the dumbest things, but they have better vision than anything I've ever hunted. Sometimes they come straight in to your call, at other times I've had them never answer, but circle and come in to my calls from behind me.

You can have a dozen deer within 50 yards and never know they were there. They just slip out if they smell you, but a turkey will let you know he was there and taunt you.
In open areas your right bears are easy. In the wooded areas many areas the tricky part is to remain the hunter and not the prey.
600 lb bears get that way by being tricky and stealthy.
Turkeys & deer usually aren't a problem since I see them walking around in the hay field in flocks & herds.. Squirrels can be tricky once they're on to you, laying on top of branches unseen. The elusive snipe hunt presents the biggest challenge

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only hunted deer and squirrels, might have to try turkey next. yeah once the squirrels are onto you its game over, unless you shoot the tree so they move enough you can actually see them. tricky little devils,