I am a big advocate of Pocket Carry.
It's appears very non-threatening to walk across a Parking Lot with your hand on a gun in your pocket. Since the fastest draw is the gun already in your hand, that part is covered by already having my hand on the gun.
Bear in mind, pocket carry is not for every situation, and as noted is almost useless when seated. That's OK, as the gun carried in my waistband is what I'm using the pocket gun to fight my way to.
For me it's about accessability. If I have a gun on my waist, and I do. I very well can't walk across a Parking Lot with my coat swept back and my hand on my gun. I can however have my hand on my gun when it's in my pocket. For what it's worth, I carry at least a 38 SPL in my pocket, as that's my minimum caliber to own or shoot.
To me a 38 SPL J-Frame is a "mousegun". I don't go smaller than that. From expirience I don't like autoloaders in the pocket, for various reasons. I also don't care for them, autoloaders, on the ankle, but that's fodder for another topic.
I also don't leave home without at least two guns. If I had to carry in the pocket only, then it would be a J-Frame in each pocket. You can bet that my hands would be in my pockets a lot, as it's very natural for me. I can be deadly while not appearing so to the sheeple.