This is why I have a problem with all this HD talk.

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One of our posters says he clutches his gun everytime he is near a stranger, another is planning on mowing the lawn with a mini 14 at his side and you wonder why I have suggested that some(I think I said 1% but boy it is looking like a bigger lot then that) of us may be abit over zealous. This was not an attack on HD although I admit the title was poorly chosen, but it is a question "why do some of us obsess on this subject" and what consequences such an obsession might have. It is ashame that what could have been a useful topic about restraint and responsibility has turned into an attack on the poster and the few who have agreed with what is somehow a controversial issue:rolleyes: Frankly after reading some of the responses here I am more concerned then ever. I had to chase away what I thought was an intruder once in my first apartment, I confronted two black fellas who had gotten in my front door, they saw me in the nudeLOL pointinga 12 gauge double barrel shot gun at them; they left they ran lOL they were maintainence and had the wrong place. I did not hear them knock and they let themselves in. I got a dog the next week! Thank G*d I showed some restraint. I wonder how much restraint some of yawll would have shown LITTLE from what I see here too damn little!:mad:
I once had a job that required going onto rural area properties. Never had a problem. But there are ways to approach a house. Don't park too close. Always look for dogs. If you don't see activity just toot your horn. If you go to the door knock or ring then take a couple steps back.
If fact many farmers want you to toot before getting out of your vehicle. Some places the property owner will yell "Who's here?". A story has it that in Indiana they yell with their rural accent "Whosere?". Supposedly that is how Indiana got the nickname of the 'Hoosier' state. I dunno if it's true but it sounds like a good story.
On the job over time, I stopped at, literally, thousands of farms and rural homes. Never once had a problem. Got invited for coffee several times. And once a naked lady came to the door. Never had a gun pointed at me.
For G*d sakes defend your families, but we are not served well, by obsessing on this subject. I fear too many people are sitting around, polishing their guns, just waiting for it to happen; itching for it to happen.

Wow, ANYONE doing this is a mental person.

This is a wrong attitude to have, you do not shoot someone just for pulling up on you're drive way, this man is beyond paranoid. If the guy started to break in then YES defend yourself. You can not just shoot someone for pulling into you're drive way.
I am not going to condem the entire subject matter and fruitful debate of lawful SD simply becuase (1) person made a very bad decision.
TailGator said:
Leaving one's house to fire on someone who did not present a viable threat is not home defense, not self defense, and not defensible in any way. Discussions on this forum, and current laws governing the use of firearms, make it clear that responsible ownership and use of firearms preclude such actions.
And that's why it's a good thing that this forum exists, and why it's a good thing that the same "What should you do if..." or "What should I have done when..." topics come up over and over again. The more we discuss what makes for responsible gun ownership, the better the chance those discussions will make an impression on people who don't get it.

Sure, a few gun owners are "hyper-vigilant" and "obsessive" about defending themselves -- it's a matter of probabilities, just as it's a matter of probabilities that a few gun owners are out-and-out whack jobs who, in an ideal world, would never be let near a gun. And it stands to reason that a forum like this is going to attract some percentage of those people. And, yes, there have been a few members here whose posts are a bit alarming in that regard -- not to mention those whose "routine" chest-thumping and bloodlust just indicate immaturity, lack of familiarity with current laws, and thoughtlessness (and perhaps an excess of testosterone ;)), rather than pathology.

Granted, we can't fix the nut cases -- but I'd like to think that if those other folks stick around, some of them, at least, will learn better; and the ones who don't learn tend not to last around here, anyway.

So, better we should keep up the "HD talk," say I...
A few comments...

The shooter in the news story was clearly not your typical home owner who is concerned about their well-being. Who in their right mind would leave their house when someone pulls into their driveway and then proceed to shoot them multiple times? The guy was not of sound mind.

As far as the 1% comment. It's more than 1% of the population. There are about 7.3 million people who are on probation, in jail or prison, or on parole in this country. How many haven't been caught? :rolleyes:

If it were not for even keeled forums like this, some of the more gung-ho folks would/could do something really stupid because they never learned the proper strategies or the understand the consequences of certain actions.
One of our posters says he clutches his gun everytime he is near a stranger

So what? The only reason you know is because he said so. On the street you would never know. It would have zero effect on you or anyone.

"why do some of us obsess on this subject"

Because some are more concerned than others. Some are in more danger than others. Some wish to be more prepared than others. Who are you to question our reasoning? Who are you to compare us to murderers?

I wonder how much restraint some of yawll would have shown LITTLE from what I see here too damn little!

So only you are going to act appropriately and its because you don't talk in the HD forums you are currently talking in..........smooth LOL.
you should! But this crowd seems a lot more dangerous then any normal one

Interesting. Very classy.

Like most folks who project in this manner, it is done with little to no awareness of just how much of an insight it gives.
I confronted two black fellas who had gotten in my front door, they saw me in the nudeLOL pointinga 12 gauge double barrel shot gun at them; they left they ran lOL they were maintainence and had the wrong place.

Uh, I ain't the one pointing a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun at two innocent maintenence guys - just sayin'.............................

they came in w/o knocking, what would you do. It ain't a nice neighborhood I live in. so I got a dog and stopped sleeping in the buff on hot nights:D
I didn't read all the posts so I apoligize for that. I just don't have the time but....

Maybe he was a nut, probably. You see I have a job, where occasionally, I knock on a wrong door, forget the drive way and more then once I have had a pistol put in my face or pointed in my direction. No one fired or even looked like they were really expecting to or wanted to, but it worries me, lol. I don't carry on my job. I am certain 99% of our poster are responsible and restrained in their defense of their dwellings; it is the 1% that worries me

I have posted, sevral times, how I don't trust the police; I don't, but I want to be clear: I RESPECT them for what they do and don't do(restraint is a tough and potentially dangerous thing) and I like cops just fine. The ones I know are regular guys who do a very irregular and very demanding job.

Please don't regulate 100% of us because of the 1% of us that are nuts.
they came in w/o knocking, what would you do. It ain't a nice neighborhood I live in. so I got a dog and stopped sleeping in the buff on hot nights

mnero, I probably would have done exactly what you did. There are, however, many in our society that would label us "overreacting gun nuts" attempting to use guns to make up for our inferior physical endowments. :confused:

I recognize that gun owners sometimes on gun forums approach the pulpit with a little more of a bravado attitude than is necessary. Perhaps that is nothing more than a delayed reaction to the frustration of prior years of preaching by liberal groups. Their advice regarding robbery, burglary, home invasions, etc. was "just give them what they want and you won't be harmed". Not only did that advice turn out to be deadly wrong on many occasions, but would turn us all into cooperative victims that is not even a normal reaction in the animal world when species attack their own kind.

Your reaction to my first post was what I expected and is a very mild form of what we see on gun forums - a need to voice our decision to not be a victim. Maybe some express the same decision with a little more aggressive attitudes, but testosterone can be a master if one so allows. ;)
Southern that was very well put. I agree with your post completely, and you are right most people here are very responsible from what I can see. People do tend to talk a big game and do what is right even when the talk and the actions are very different. I doubt the lad who claims to clutch his gun everytime he is near a stranger really does that; I hope not:D
they came in w/o knocking, what would you do.

Same thing you did. Get the situation under control and prepare to eliminate the threats if need be. Point is a home defense thread isn't going to change anything.

I had a similar situation here at the pawnshop I manage. A man walked through our back door (coworker forgot to lock it) which leads to a door right behind us which was wide open. My coworker and I were doing some paperwork on our computer terminals when this guy comes up behind us asking to pawn his laptop. Before he could say "pawn my laptop" I instinctively drew on him from sheer surprise. He complied by stopping his advance and once we figured out what happened we pawned his laptop.

Good people do the right thing. Bad folks do bad things. Neither is responsible for the other.
One of our posters says he clutches his gun everytime he is near a stranger, another is planning on mowing the lawn with a mini 14 at his side and you wonder why

Actually, I was thinking if carrying my Hyperbolic Illudium PU-36 Space Modulator so I could defend myself if attacked from orbit.

The fellow that suggested I mow the lawn with the Mini strapped on my back probably didn't know I was in a subdivision where I'd want to only carry concealed. It would be appropriate to have a rifle strapped to my back if I was out in the country on a tractor. I might have a chance at a feral pig or coyote while bush hogging.

I understand that you don't like having guns pointed at you but it's appropriate to discuss the topic of self defense.
i always carried a lever action .22 when i mowed the area of my sister camp ground where all the copper heads where. She would just run them over with the mower, but I just could not do that, a head shot is much more humane.
Sometimes it seems as if there's some obsessing going on on this board, but then I remind myself that this is the forum for such talk. Seeing as how it wasnt obsessive when I came searching for answers...I figure it is overload of the subject(s) for me. That's when I turn it off for a few days.
I wonder if many who react to the posts, reading an article or seeing a TV report would actually do what they "feel" they would in the situation.
Our country place is "out there". No one should come up our road uninvited. Everytime they do, I get that sense of why are they here and I am not off alert until I know it is safe. But, I am also not going to shoot someone for coming up and getting out.
Breaking in, threatening, etc: that has to be dealt with according the the threat.
But, the line is clear; threaten me or my family, cross the line and make that threat one that could result in our loss of life and we will try to leave; if we can't there will be decisive action after a very brief warning.
But, shooting randomly is for idiots.
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