This is why I have a problem with all this HD talk.

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Its simple its called home defense not driveway defense.

If I shoot someone in my driveway not directly threatening me then game over I am a murderer and should rot.

If they break into my house(doors always locked) then game over for them.

The OP/this thread has troll written all over it.
In MD. you can buy 1 pistol a month, 1. To some that seems reasonable; who needs more then 12 pistols a year, but what if I am a collector and because of this law I have to leave 2 good deals on the table cause I can only buy 1 pistol. Next month the guns I wanted will probably be sold.

It is a foolish law, when it would make alot more sense to simply investigate anyone who buys 5 or 10 .380's and has no ffl. He may be legit, but he probably is reselling; a short, discreet investigation would answer that question. Why make every gun collector pay the price for a few idiots.

I do find it very unfortunate that, when a person expresses an opinion different from some, that some people resort to personal attacks like weakminded or troll, I don't even know what the "blank" a troll is, outside of Grimm's fairy tales that is. People need to show a little tolerance for those who enjoy shooting, enjoy their rights to weapons, but still find some middle ground with those who do not. I support some gun regulations GET OVER IT!
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And I for one am guilty of personal attacks..but 99 percent of them are at the brady campaign people on face book....and I don't attack mnero because I can see things from his perspective ...a little rash maybe...but it had good he should have expected such replies from a place like this tho...just as the people from the brady campaign are so set in there ways we are set in ours..that tends to keep things balanced ..I don't agree with them and they don't me :)
As so often happens with these long threads, this one's wandering all over the place, and the original material's been pretty well covered.

Given that, and the fact that the tone here is starting to take on ugly qualities, I think it's time to put this one to bed.

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