The ultimate weapon....The MP5

I would think that MP5s would be more controlable (although I havnt fired either) plus most people assosiate uzis with gangsters doing drivebys.

So, it's "classy" to shoot an MP5 and "gangsta" to shoot an UZI. The UZI is actually fairly accurate. I'm still trying to figure out what an MP5 actually does better than an UZI, other than being a little lighter and arguably a little more concealable.
See, it's that kind of thinking that's the problem. Why should police not have access to better weapons just because they look scary? A lot of PDs still don't even have their AR15s in the front rack because the brass is worried about "offending the public". Screw that, police should carry the scariest, most effective weapons they can find; most criminals are basically cowards, and a little more intimidation factor might well reduce the possibility of a shooting being required, and the malevolent criminals who aren't cowards need to be killed ASAP when they're endangering the lives of innocents. If police kill a criminal in the act of committing a crime, they should be immune to court system revenge the same way a private citizen in a "castle law" state is.
Well I was planning on posting some pictures that I got off of google but they the first 10 pages of "uzi" "gangster with uzi" "gangster" and "MP5" turn up no usefull pictures.... I planned on getting pics of gangsters with uzis and normal ppl or cops/military with MP5 but found neither. Then I looked for pics of cops and gangsters that I could photoshop weapons in (although I dont have photoshop so I woulda just used paint :D)

But personally when I think UZI the first thing that comes to mind is the scene from Gran Torino when the gangsters use 2 uzis and do a drive-by on the azn ppls house.

@TheManHimself I didnt say that they shouldnt be able to carry scary weapons, but I think that if the discision is between an MP5 and an Uzi I would choose the MP5 as the one that will cause the most civil unrest. AND I guarantee that the perps would sh3t there pants if the MP5 gets pointed at them, I know I would if I was doing anything to warrant the fireing of the weapon.
What is an MP5 going to do that an UZI can't?

I have both the MP5 and an Uzi. The ergonomics of the MP5 are much better than the Uzi. The grip safety on the Uzi is a PITA. As the magazine fits in the grip of the Uzi, the grip is relatively fat. The selector switch on the MP5 is easier to switch back and forth between modes. The stock on the MP5 A3 is easier to open and close than the Uzi.

The Uzi is considered a 2nd Generation submachinegun and the MP5 is considered a 3rd Generation submachinegun. One fires from an open bolt and the other a closed bolt. About the only thing they have in common is the caliber.

Oh, yea. Did I mention the sights? Swapping magazines? Operating the Bolt? :)
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As Hkmp5sd said, the major difference is the Uzi fires from an open bolt. Closed bolt machine guns generally run smoother and are more accurate. I've fired both side by side. They are not even in the same league.
Downside to MP5s

MP5s are not left handed friendly, cost of repair and supply of parts non existant. You can not shoot hot load SMG ammo for long in MP5 without breaking it. The open bolt close bolt accuracy only applies to the first round and is negated by training.

Your dept. can buy 4 UZI SMGs for the price of one MP5

Just because it's on a lot of swat posters and in magazines it is not all that it is cracked up to be.
Your dept. can buy 4 UZI SMGs for the price of one MP5

The one and only time I have ever seen a LEO with an Uzi was back in 1981 when Ronald Reagan was shot. But even the MP5 is on the way out. The current trend is toward M4s. I have one of those too (not a look alike, a real select fire Colt). Of all my machineguns, the easiest to control and keep on target with long bursts is the H&K MP5.
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I got to shoot a mag thru the MP5 at the Knob Creek MG Shoot a few years back. I didnt think it was that heavy at all and even on full auto is was easy to control. Good times.

Rolling along quite well for a necropost, don'cha think? The Glock idea was meant to introduce the select-fire Glock 9x19s for consideration in the easy-to-carry SMG category, not to give you any Red Chinese sources of any real machinery. (How many air-softs DO you own, anyway??) As for body-armor penetration, there are many 9x19 options available to LEO, and many of us repack our own hot loads. Sorry I missed the meeting. I had a U.S. Congressman to attend to. Maybe next time.
Cawnc4, Thats just not how it works.....a IIIa vest is made specifcally for the threat of 9mm submachineguns, and then you get into the rifle armor levels. While it will feel like a bee sting/light punch, it more often than not really makes you mad. There is no backflips, being tossed against the wall, caving in you ribs etc that you have been lead to believe happens.
(I have 30 years of wearing body armor starting with the orignal Second Chance Model Y, and I'm a vest save..not a bullet lol, a Penski rental truck at approx 40mph)

like that Shootout at the Tyler Texas Courthouse, where a carry license holder shot the gunman at 5 feet twice between the shoulder blades
with a .45acp Govt Model colt..the gunman was wearing kevlar, and promptly
turned around and shot the would be hero to death with a semi auto AK47. no fuss.