The ultimate weapon....The MP5


I was just in London. The adverage Scotland Yard Officer (the beat cop), at least the ones that have completed the required training, do carry now. They began training the officers accordingly due to the recent terrorist attacks and attempts. They're still a lot of 'Constibles' there that do not carry due to the required training, but as they complete it, they are issued Glocks and they are packing. They are even sporting BPV's now too.... At least from what I've seen.....


(I know, I cant spell... sue me :D )

BTW.. It has very much been my experience, that the Black Rife actually performs a little better when its slightly fouled. They do NOT need the lube that people are taught they do. I never lubed mine in the Sand Box (that fine sand LOVED the lubricant.. stuck to it like a 40 year old virgin nerd to a super model after a mercy-%*$&). I've used Colt, Bushmaster, and DPMS and I've never, not once, had any malfunction from ANY of them, and they were all shot completely dry. So was my Kimber TLE/RL2. Not 1 problem. With the exception of the .556/.223 caliber, I would not hesitate to carry that platform into any mess imaginable.
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As someone from the UK let me clarify that UK police* are not routinely issued with firearms. Only around 10% of British police are trained and issued firearms. Whilst this figure will be higher for the Met, most officers go about their duties 'unarmed'. In offensive terms British police rely on Batons, ASPs and side handle types, and CS spray**.

For those police that are armed the MP5 is still the predominate choice in 'long arms' but more 5.56mm weapons, mostly the HK G36K and G36C are being deployed.

* The Police Service of Northern Ireland, formerly the Royal Ulster Constabulary, and the UK Atomic Energy Agency Police are however armed. Though all officers of the Ministry of Defence Police are trained in the use of firearms they do not routinely carry them.

** Technically under UK law CS spray is a Section 5 firearm subject to the same restrictions as a machine gun, or pretty much any gun for that matter.
Unofficial "SMG"

I can shoot 5" @ 25 yard groups out of a properly "tuned" G-30, and somewhat better in my G-21, both at 3-round burst setting. I use the 27-round magazines which does help stability a lot. The MAKO 440 stock brings the circle down to 3" or less. The G-30 is in an ankle holster, with extra magazines at the belt. The G-21 is on strong side with magazines opposite. Nothing is quite as easy to conceal as these two, IMHO.
Im not sure why more officers are not issued the MP5. In fact, this weapon should be issued to all officers to carry around as their standard firearm.

the local PD got them, took them to the local indoor range, and managed to shoot the hell out of the ceiling....

i dont have faith in the firearms competency of any of the local PD, and i cant imagine what would have happened if they were allowed to keep the mp5's after that horrific day.
What do GLocks have to do with necroposting in a MP5 thread?

Particularly one that talks about non-FA Glocks using mags that don't exist?.... :rolleyes:

I think semi-auto MP-5's and other carbines in that size range would be a good idea for patrol vehicles in urban areas, but full-auto should remain only with those LEO's with extra training and certification....
Site-Ninja warning

My post was to DOUBLE NAUGHT SPY, 7/07/07. Sorry to have roused you two site ninjas. Many go-mens, Y'all. As for what you "experts" know about availability of non-Glock accessories: you should get out more. Try Hong Kong. Take your certifications. If anyone has ever ordered any Glock item, it is available there: want 30-, or 40-, or 50-round drums for ANY Glock? A 6", or 8", or 10" barrel? How's about a brief-case firing Glock? Rail-mounted lights with built-in spikes or blades. Don't get me started. Among Gentlemen, manners gets you a lot further than smart8$$ comments. 21C
What is it about the HK54 that brings out...

...various myths, misconceptions, and the ice-cream store commandos on the intarw3bz?

To clear up some misconceptions:
It was very soon adopted for LE use in about 1983 (around there), and it became EXTREMELY popular among NFA shooters. Several C2 Manufacturers began taking the SP89/54 (the simi auto version)

Most sear guns are on HK-94s, which is the 9mm semiauto carbine variant. The SP89 was the pistol version that appeared just in time to get banned by the Bush Import Ban of '89. The popularity of making MP-5 clones is what keeps the prices of the HK-94 and SP89 so inflated vis a vis their HK-91/93 brethren (even though the '93 is the scarcest of the bunch, a primo '94 will bring a lot more money because of the Rainbow Six factor... :rolleyes: ) I felt like a fiscal genius for selling my SP89 for not too much over a grand, and I just saw one go for as close to five long as makes no nevermind... Live and learn.

To counter some of the latter:
21CFA said:
Sorry to have roused you two site ninjas.

The only Glock accessories coming out of Hong Kong are airsoft toys from The Wargamer's Club. Having worked at an SOT manufacturer and having some experience with our post-sample Glock FA conversions (installed on a 17 and a 20, FWIW) and how they work, I'd be interested in seeing your "3-round burst" Glock 30, because I'm just not visualizing the mechanism.

I see that you are in Marion. There will be a bunch of us getting together at the Broad Ripple Brew Pub in Indy today at 3PM. Bring your toys, I'd like to see them; you may get to meet Frank James, the guy who wrote the book on the MP-5 story.
MrNiceGuy said:
the local PD got them, took them to the local indoor range, and managed to shoot the hell out of the ceiling....

I don't know you or what department you're talking about, but I'm gonna have to call BS on this statement. The MP5 is probably one of the easiest SMGs to keep on-target, as well as having the least amount of climb. I've been behind the trigger of one long enough to know that it is such a favorable weapon to control...
Im not sure why more officers are not issued the MP5. In fact, this weapon should be issued to all officers to carry around as their standard firearm.

Maybe when all officers are proficient with their semi-auto duty weapons, some can go thru the extensive training required for sub-gun. Police standards being what they are--- we're a long ways from seeing that.

In the mean time, a semi-auto AR15 or M4 version would be a real asset after proper training.
Why would someone what to take a longer than pistol range shot with an MP5 anyway?
Well, that's why you'd want an M4 or some such instead - for if you DO have to take a longer shot, you have the proper tool to do so.
The MP5 is probably one of the easiest SMGs to keep on-target, as well as having the least amount of climb. I've been behind the trigger of one long enough to know that it is such a favorable weapon to control...

I'll take your word for that, since I've only fired one once.

What concerns me is how easy it is for a less than well trained person to ND 5 to 10 rounds down range before they know what happened. That's why I wouldn't be in a rush to put one in the patrol car of an officer with minimum semi-auto qualifications.
The 30-30 and 308 have too much penetration for "trailer park" use. They are also a bad idea in the rare active shooter scenario where the officer might have to take a shot inside a mall or school.
110 or 125 grain HP .30-30 loads eliminate that problem, making the lever gun the superior tool. Slimmer, lighter, faster handling, and cheap enough to be deployed in mass numbers for PD's on a budget.
I didnt read the whole topic, just most of the first page. Some posters said 9mm was ineffective against body armor, that just isnt true. Sure there may be no penetration but all of the force behind the bullet is still there, which would probably knock them out if not, stun them.
I would think that MP5s would be more controlable (although I havnt fired either) plus most people assosiate uzis with gangsters doing drivebys.