The straw that breaks the camel's back?

People are too busy buying burger king, and going to sears, and watching the super bowl to care about stuff like that. We have an obesity epidemic going on in America. You really think people are going to care what the government is doing when everyone knows there is at least some corruption already in it. Besides, who do you think the government would fight with? That's right they would use the military. A military comprised of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, and family members of the people it would be trying to kill. You think they will fight their own families and communities just cause ol chief of staff said to?

No the more likely outcome of this country is over population and eventual surrender to an army mix of illegal immigrants and alqaida terrorists who plant dirty bombs in my, yours, and everone else's hometowns.

That, or someone will organize another million man march style gathering which will get out of hand and wind up burning the white house and other acts of violence which usually happens when people get together. Probably wouldn't take much. Hell we have morons who riot cause they're favorite football team lost the big game.:cool: