Straw that broke the camels back
I live in OR,the state with the highest per capita gun ownership,and that doesn't include blackmarket owened by gangbanger guns.We have a decent ccw program here,although it can be pulled nonviolent crimes like DUII and possesion of pot,and unpaid traffic fines can prevent you from buying a weapon from an F.F.L. through the background check.Lot of gun owners here,though most don't see whats going on.Like how the chair of the state Republican party used to chair of the Democratic party and helped pass gun control laws on both sides yet gets an A rateing from the NRA.Obsereving this makes me fear that it doesn't matter if a straw breaks the camels back,because the camel is already dead.By the analogy if the statist win the camel they get nothing.A nation of men with thier balls cut off can acomplish little and a nation of "strong women"that do nothing but dream of enforced equality and waste our resourses at every whim will become bankrupt in a short time.Look at the red and blue map a few pages back and you will see a very divided state.One of those who vote for a living and those that work work for a living.Those who want to keep and protect what is thiers,and those who believe that private property is "social injustice".In OR the commie types might have the votes and the numbers but they don't have the arms or the balls or the brains.If just the the head of the camel survives the owner will get a face full of spit,and thats the only sense he can effectively use.