The S&W Model 10 thread...

My own is a "Pre-model 10" made around the time the model 10 stamp was beginning to be applied, but mine didn't get one.
I have 2. Guess they are pre model 10 by age. 1 is from 1922 and was my grandfathers service revolver. 2 is from 1944 and was my fathers service revolver. Both were Chicago policemen. Both have plenty of holster wear and are great shooters. The stories both of these guns could tell. They will go to my nephews when I am gone. Only guns I own that I wouldn't sell
This looks like a thread that won't die...Kinda like the M10 itself...My first M&P was loaned to me(issued) by the first PD I worked for. It was a M10HB. Being a new kid, I got one of the scruffier ones in the supply armory but it was a good shooter. I've had a few over the years including a couple of two inch ones as well as a M13 and a couple M64/65's...Currently, I have a pristine M10-4 with tapered barrel and box, etc. I also have it's big brother, an unfired M58 with the box and all the stuff. I haven't been able to bring myself to shoot it yet. I had a well-used M58 about twenty years ago. It was a handful with full power .41 Mag ammo...The current one even has the purchase reciept from when it was bought in 1971.
Howdy Again

Here is the gun that started it all. 38 Military and Police, 1st Model, aka Model of 1899 Army Navy-Revolver. Notice the lack of a locking lug under the barrel to secure the front end of the extractor rod. The locking lug for the extractor rod did not show up until the Model of 1902.

This one shipped in October of 1899.


Howdy Again

Here is the gun that started it all. 38 Military and Police, 1st Model, aka Model of 1899 Army Navy-Revolver. Notice the lack of a locking lug under the barrel to secure the front end of the extractor rod. The locking lug for the extractor rod did not show up until the Model of 1902.

This one shipped in October of 1899.



Very beautiful revolver

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