The Questioning of McCain's past

the poorest financed candidate

Bruxley show me who the poorest financed candidate was in the last six elections. Show me the candidate in the current election who had no major cash and/or donors to fund thier campaign. Mike Gravel was probably the candidate with the smallest resources and he entered the race with something around $ 6 million in his coffers. Think some retired general with only his military retirement and no major donors would get his day in the November showdown. Ron Paul claims to have spent $ 8 million out of his own pocket. That's not going to happen to anyone I know as even the best off people I know don't have a spare five million to play with.

I'll say it again we have the best politicians money can buy. It doesn't have to be the candidates money but someone is picking up the tab of these half billion dollar campaigns. And its not the man on the street giving $ 20 to his favorite candidate. $ 10,000 a plate fundraising dinners are not attended by the guy on the corner selling newspapers.

Yes Bruxley Presidents don't fix the economy. Their policies create the infrastructure that affect the economy. If they can't fix the economy why is Dybya so sold on his Economic Stimulus Plan as the solution? I don't expect the fix to be a simple one day here is the solution but I'd sure like to see more than lets throw money at it fix that we are using now.

I'd sure like anyone out there to show me any other consumer goods that have been increasing at the rate of 16% in the last five weeks. Gas/diesel/fuel oil has and those items where the related business has had cost increase have. But those increases for petroleum product cost are after the fact increases where the petroleum product goes up first.

McCain proposes to stay in Iraq. Has McCain given one simple explanation on how we pay for the cost of staying in Iraq? NO. Like all the cost so far they (Bush and now McCain) seem to have no concept on what the war is costing or how it will be paid for. The trillions of dollars spent in Iraq are going to come due and bill is going to be handed to the tax payers.

Back around five years ago the idea was Iraq will pay the cost of the war. Well just when will that happen? We sure have not seen one dime from Iraq coming in while we dump millions that just disappear into the air with some Iraqi official who disappeared along with the cash.
Yes Bruxley Presidents don't fix the economy. Their policies create the infrastructure that affect the economy. If they can't fix the economy why is Dybya so sold on his Economic Stimulus Plan as the solution?

I believe the proper terminology is blue smoke and mirrors.
Bruxley show me who the poorest financed candidate was in the last six elections. Show me the candidate in the current election who had no major cash and/or donors to fund thier campaign. Mike Gravel was probably the candidate with the smallest resources and he entered the race with something around $ 6 million in his coffers. Think some retired general with only his military retirement and no major donors would get his day in the November showdown.

I think anyone who would purport to be competent would be able to obtain requisite funding. Nader ran.

Ron Paul claims to have spent $ 8 million out of his own pocket. That's not going to happen to anyone I know as even the best off people I know don't have a spare five million to play with.

Maybe you don't personally know anyone competent to hold the office.

I'll say it again we have the best politicians money can buy. It doesn't have to be the candidates money but someone is picking up the tab of these half billion dollar campaigns. And its not the man on the street giving $ 20 to his favorite candidate. $ 10,000 a plate fundraising dinners are not attended by the guy on the corner selling newspapers.

If that guy were a citizen, would you want him to choose? BTW, the current individual limit is $2,300.

Contributors pay for campaigns.

Yes Bruxley Presidents don't fix the economy. Their policies create the infrastructure that affect the economy. If they can't fix the economy why is Dybya so sold on his Economic Stimulus Plan as the solution?

Becuase he is wrong. Governments can ruin economies, but the ability to fix is very limited.
McCain is old! McCain was military, McCain spent more then enough time being torchered by a bunch of people that did not like American to much!.

McCain Served his country.

Hilary has don what? Tried to Socialize Medicine? Make a Killing on the market with Inside Trades? Carpet bagged her way into N.Y.? She is so hungry for this , you better not get in her way! Vince Foster got in her way!:cool:

Obama Hessian? Is going to do what? Next Jimmy Carter? Dismantle the Military in favor of never ending talks , giving the current people that really don't like us to much time to rebuild and get ready? " AGAIN "

We are in the crap pile with the Chines because of Bill and Hil selling us off to them. THEY ARE NOT OUR OR ANYONE ELSES FRIEND.

They are doing the same with Europe, and other places flooding the markets with cheap, crap products and stalling, killing the local economies!

Obama is a good looking man! Smooth talker! Seem to never get RATTLED!

He is Clueless!

I would rather place my bet with the old FUD dud and know that he knows what it is like to have his ass kicked! I would be willing to bet my life that He will never let it happen agian!:D

My Two Cents and How I will Vote!:rolleyes:
using this criteria

"McCain is old! McCain was military, McCain spent more then enough time being torchered by a bunch of people that did not like American to much!.

McCain Served his country." homefires

we should restrict candidacy to those have earned a Medal of Honor. But that would eliminate McCain.

Military service is a factor but how do you evaluate it over everything else. There wasn't a lot to be heroic about in the military from the end of Vietnam till this Iraq fiasco. No war in progress no war heros no qualified candidates.

No !

This is just what the system has provided us to work with!:D

I do not support that the C.C. is only from the military!

I think that would go against the Constitutions intent.

They ( Founding Fathers ) Thought this would stop us from becoming a Military Based Government!

They tend to lead people to leaded by Dick Potatoes!

"There wasn't a lot to be heroic about in the military from the end of Vietnam till this Iraq fiasco. No war in progress no war heros no qualified candidates."

What has that got to do with Experience? What does Obama have? Back when I was in the military Hil would have been a subject of interest and investigated ! Of course JFK's family sold food the the enemy too!
Vote McCain... then demand impeachment at the first opportunity.

This guy has Nixon written all over him. A little paranoid and crazy. Only offered by strange coincidences. Obama/Hitlery following in the shoes of McGovern.

I don't know if I could ever vote for McCain. It would almost be better to allow Hilbama two years (by then we'd have another conservative majority in Congress just like the last Clinton reign) and get a real candidate in 2012.