The Questioning of McCain's past

"How can we go about kicking out the party leaders who decide that backing him is a good idea? Who are the puppet masters here?"

I am thoroughly PO'd that the Republican party could not come up with a truly conservative pro-American, pro-gun candidate for POTUS. The lesser of two evils is still evil. Holding my nose, gagging and retching as I vote Republican may not be an option for me this fall.
I did not vote for McCain the last couple of times he ran for Senator in my beloved Arizona. But I'll vote for him this year. The Supreme Curt Justices to be appointed by the next POTUS are too important not to.

I did not vote for McCain the last couple of times he ran for Senator in my beloved Arizona. But I'll vote for him this year. The Supreme Curt Justices to be appointed by the next POTUS are too important not to.

A very simple concept, which "true" conservatives don't seem to comprehend. If Obama or Hillary appoint a bunch of Ginsburg-look-alikes, the USSC will be leaning left for many years to come.
Anything the Court does can be overturned if they decide to. Heck, before the Heller case the Supreme Court heard the Miller case just a couple years back in 1939. Are you young enough to wait another 69 years?

How can we go about kicking out the party leaders who decide that backing him is a good idea? Who are the puppet masters here?

Your friends and neighbours.

McCain hasn't been all but nominated because of a cabal to frustrate you. People who liked Thompson, or Romney or someone else provided fewer votes in the primaries.

I've supported Kemp, DuPont, and Forbes in the past. Things didn't go my way, but the importance of voting against the democrat nominee always was more important than any self-congratulatory display of pique.
He got on the ballot at all because of a cabal. People vote for what's put in front of them. There are people who make decisions about who gets the limelight that are not merely the common voter.


The Illuminati?

A man can run for the nomination because enough people contribute then vote for him that he can be a credible candidate for nomination. That some very marginal people declare and run should be adequate proof that the process is not overly selective. Dennis Kucinich?

If there is someone out there you like better than McCain (I know there is for me), blame that guy for not having more charisma and better contributors and yourself for not doing more to get him more money and votes.
Denny Hansen said:
I did not vote for McCain the last couple of times he ran for Senator in my beloved Arizona. But I'll vote for him this year. The Supreme Curt Justices to be appointed by the next POTUS are too important not to.
The problem with McCain is he has performed his maverick schtik so successfull for so long we out here in flyover country simply can not predict how the hell he will govern. We draw, for example, a line at SCOTUS justices and use that as the justification for voting the McCain. How do you know if he has drawn his line at the same place? You don't. You are assuming that what you want to happen will magically appear in McCain's actions. Why would anyone watching McCain eviscerate part of the first amendment (restriction of political speech), all of the second amendment (Gunshow loophole control), abandonment of national borders (immigration reform X3), and his knee-jerk globalist proclivities think he will suddenly and out of the clear blue nominate and then promote a SCOTUS justice who feels constrained by the constitution. Based on his history which has been thoroughly documented it is likely McCain will nominate justices who hold no particular regard for constitutional constraints or who are bothered by full throated globalism.

McCain is a foul ball. You simply can not predict with certitude where he will come down on any particular issue. He spent an entire political career positioning himself as a maverick for one purpose and one purpose only. His value to any particular group goes up because he simply can not be counted on day in and day out. I see no reason to expect any consistency in a President McCain that we have not seen in a Senator McCain. The man is unpredictable and will remain that way. "Conservatives" supporting McCain because of <insert issue of choice> will be used, abused, and discarded when it becomes convenient. McCain is a power politics kinda guy. Principle has nothing to do with his behavior.
Can it be overturned or dissolved in that event?

Oh, and how will a left turning SCOTUS be dissolved. I get it, you will dig your guns out of the PVC pipes and march to DC and overthrow the government.

Having a revolution that would kills thousand or millions and ruin the economy and leave the world vulnerable is better than voting for someone who isn't the zealots' true conservative. Wah, wah, wah, wah.

Just like the GOA opposing the TX chl bill way back when. We don't need it because of the 2nd Amend and I should be a lawbreaker for ideological purity.

Common sense is not the strong point of the true conservative zealot, now is it? What I actually see is an infantile striking out as one's ideological purity was rejected by Daddy - now time to hold our breath and not eat our strained peas.
"Conservatives" supporting McCain because of <insert issue of choice> will be used, abused, and discarded when it becomes convenient.

The majority of conservatives rejected that argument by voting for him in the primaries. Many conservatives are quite happy with McCain. Which is why they voted for him in the primaries.

The neo-libertarians may not consider McCain to be "conservative", but he appears conservative enough to win the Republican nomination. :cool:
Yellowfin said:
There are people who make decisions about who gets the limelight that are not merely the common voter.

zukiphile said:
The Illuminati?

Um...aliens, I'm definitely going with aliens.

That some very marginal people declare and run should be adequate proof that the process is not overly selective. Dennis Kucinich?

See, there ya go.
The majority of conservatives rejected that argument by voting for him in the primaries.

Not sure that is true, I would say that many who voted for McCain were
not true conservatives and many I talk with will sit this election out or
write in someone. McCain certainly will not do the GOP any good if elected.
McCain certainly will not do the GOP any good if elected.

Speak for yourself. Preventing Hillary or Obama from leading this country down the path to socialism strikes me as being a worthwhile goal.
McCain certainly will not do the GOP any good if elected.

LOL. Ok man, whatever you say. Allowing Hillbama to be elected will be good for the GOP. :rolleyes:

By the way, anyone interested can check out McCain's website at! It's a pretty informative website. Don't let the democrats, the NY times, or the libertarians misrepresent McCain's stand on the issues; go to his website and check them out for yourself.
Speak for yourself. Preventing Hillary or Obama from leading this country down the path to socialism strikes me as being a worthwhile goal.
Not much different from having someone who will do nothing to prevent it. One is turning on the sprinklers inside a building, the other is having a colander for a roof in a climate of 200 rainy days a year.
Remember what McCains mother said months ago. "The republicans are going to have to hold there nose and vote for him for President." She knew even way back when. Also, don't forget what Rush said......
I think it indeed to be a fallacy to think that McWeasel is a supporter of gun rights, but almost equally a fallacy to call the GOA "highly respected."

Why so negative about the GOA? Don't you like pro-gun organizations who fight for your 2nd amendment rights?

I respect the GOA very highly as do others. In the opinion of many, they fight for our rights harder than the NRA.