The Questioning of McCain's past

The majority of conservatives rejected that argument by voting for him in the primaries. Many conservatives are quite happy with McCain. Which is why they voted for him in the primaries.

In most primaries, McCain did not win the votes of a majority of Conservatives. He got his nomination because he attracted more "liberal" moderates. Conservatives, in general, don't like McCain.
I respect the GOA very highly as do others. In the opinion of many, they fight for our rights harder than the NRA.

I live in the state of Washington. Every year the NRA fights new anti-gun laws which come up in Olympia. I have yet to see the GOA do anything, repeat anything, to fight them.
A very simple concept, which "true" conservatives don't seem to comprehend. If Obama or Hillary appoint a bunch of Ginsburg-look-alikes, the USSC will be leaning left for many years to come.

This is not a very strong point because it is not very likely that a Conservative justice will decide to retire during a democrat presidency. During Bush's 2 terms, he got to nominate 2 justices (thus far) who replaced.... you guessed it... two justices which were nominated by Republicans. None of the liberal justices retired during the Bush presidency. It is unlikely conservative justices would retire under a Hillary or Obama presidency. Just not very likely at all.
Holding my nose, gagging and retching as I vote Republican may not be an option for me this fall
The Democrats will thank you.

The Republican Party can thank itself for thrusting a liberal, anti-gun candidate on us and expecting conservatives to vote for him. It was a stupid gamble and the Republican Party will pay for years for their stupidity.
McCain is a foul ball. You simply can not predict with certitude where he will come down on any particular issue. He spent an entire political career positioning himself as a maverick for one purpose and one purpose only. His value to any particular group goes up because he simply can not be counted on day in and day out. I see no reason to expect any consistency in a President McCain that we have not seen in a Senator McCain. The man is unpredictable and will remain that way. "Conservatives" supporting McCain because of <insert issue of choice> will be used, abused, and discarded when it becomes convenient. McCain is a power politics kinda guy. Principle has nothing to do with his behavior.

I don't understand his positions. His words and actions don't seem to mesh up.

Even on simple things like the Bush tax cuts(against them in 2000, for them now), torture (against it, but willing to let it be used by the CIA), the war in Iraq (will be easy, I never said it would be easy)

What I would like to hope is that a candidate has a given set of fixed beliefs. Voters will either align with him and vote him up or with another candidate with different positions. That's the best way to democratically choose someone that will do (based on his positions) the will of the people. This whole believe whatever will get me elected thing just bugs me. That is why Hillary is losing ground every day.. she says what she thinks voters want to hear. But for McCain, even on gun control, I couldn't foretell what he would do once in office.

It isn't his past I am worried about. There won't be any questions regarding his patriotism. It's his present I am concerned about. Like knowing whether condoms are effective in preventing the transmission of HIV. He couldn't respond to that question because he didn't know what his base wanted to hear. Or worse, he actually didn't know.
I hear this 'foisted upon us' talk and wonder if those saying it remember it was a primary process, not a political appointment, that gave us John McCain as the Republican nominee.

There was a time to choose and that choice turned out to be McCain. Let's not pretend that some unseen political masterminds colluded to fix hundreds of precinct results to 'fix' an election. The sum of individual votes got us this candidate, not the Republican Party.

Alot of us didn't see our candidate prevail. OK, has happened before but fits are for kids. Toss your disappointments and accept the reality. The reality is that most Republicans voted McCain over any other individual candidate. As the saying goes, that was then, this is now. Few things are a bigger waste of time and energy then bawling about not getting your way. We are now at a place where the reality is that McCain, Hillary, or Obama WILL be the next President. Want to look back then look back at what you could have done to change an outcome you didn't want. If the answer is nothing then let nothing be what you regret. If you find something you could have done, or done differently, that you regret then resolve not to repeat the mistake and carry on from HERE.
the best money can buy

that probably the bottom line truth in the entire process of who is where today. Our presidential races have become less and less politics and more and more money talking. I'm just not sure whose money is doing the talking right now; but I know they don't care about me any more than they care for a used car. well maybe the used car has some long term collector value while my vote comes and goes with my birth and death.

Three candidates for president and they all seem to pass on any real commitment to deal with the economy. Gas has gone up 16% (from $3.99 to $ 4.64 in then last five weeks) and these bozos are ignoring the problem that is killing the economy as American are diverting more and more of thier income to home heating and less and less on other goods. But we going to fix the problem by lowering taxes to oil companies, expanding the amount of jobs in countries overseas, privatize everything immaginable, and give 135 billion in an economic stimulus where 1/3 goes to individual taxpayer and 2/3 to industry. Then they claim the budget deficit caused by the war will go away by some miraculous intervention.
Toybox, if you think it's just money you really weren't paying attention. Explain Romney (BIG BIG money) and Huckabee (almost always near broke) or Paul (broke fundraising records).

The old money plea doesn't pan out.

It's the votes. He got votes....

...and Presidents don't/can't fix an economy.
I would ask the conspiracy theorists to name the person who should have been nominated but wasn't. Who would have won in a general election, but was shut out of the primary process?

Three candidates for president and they all seem to pass on any real commitment to deal with the economy.

Really? Have you listened to Obama? Do you recall HillaryCare? Both dem candidates for nomination can be expected to deal with the US economy in demonstrably harmful ways.

Gas has gone up 16% (from $3.99 to $ 4.64 in then last five weeks) and these bozos are ignoring the problem that is killing the economy as American are diverting more and more of thier income to home heating and less and less on other goods.

Milk is more expensive. So is ammunition. There was a political system that set prices at politically accepted levels. They collapsed in the early 90s.

But we going to fix the problem by lowering taxes to oil companies, ....

Who proposed that? Do you think it would help to increase the government's take on our energy supply?

But we going to fix the problem by... expanding the amount of jobs in countries overseas, ...

I'm not sure that it is policy to expand overseas employment, not that people working overseas is a bad thing.

...privatize everything immaginable, ...

Who proposed this? The last time I checked, the post office still has its monopoly, medicaid/medicare and social security aren't getting any smaller, and people are looking to the government to "fix" the liquidity crisis.

...and give 135 billion in an economic stimulus where 1/3 goes to individual taxpayer and 2/3 to industry.

If only individuals owned those industries...

Then they claim the budget deficit caused by the war will go away by some miraculous intervention.

I'd like to know the antecedent for "they" in that sentence.
I would ask the conspiracy theorists to name the person who should have been nominated but wasn't. Who would have won in a general election, but was shut out of the primary process?

Three candidates for president and they all seem to pass on any real commitment to deal with the economy.

OMG, now you've done it! You DO know the Paulistas are still out there, don't you?
[QUOTESpeak for yourself. Preventing Hillary or Obama from leading this country down the path to socialism strikes me as being a worthwhile goal.

Certainly I speak for myself as you do however to believe that McCain is
any benefit to our country is naive as a long time conservative I voted for
the present administration and it was a mistake McCain will only be worse,
do I believe either democrat candidate would be better, no but we must
prevent the GOP from their current direction. In truth any further discussion
about the 3 similar candidates is silly as none of the three will correct
the problems Americans face in coming years.
The Republican Party can thank itself for thrusting a liberal, anti-gun candidate on us and expecting conservatives to vote for him. It was a stupid gamble and the Republican Party will pay for years for their stupidity.

As will you, if the next President ends up being a Democrat because "true" conservatives refuse to vote for Sen. McCain. You will pay for it, quite literally, perhaps for the rest of your lifetime. But don't let that bother you.......
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In truth any further discussion
about the 3 similar candidates is silly as none of the three will correct
the problems Americans face in coming years.

However, 2 of the 3 will not only exacerbate the current problems we face, they will give us a whole new set of very expensive problems. If you think we have big problems now, just wait until the Democrats have had 8 years of "fixing" things.

But you are right about one thing. Any further discussion about Sen. McCain is "silly", as you have already decided you would rather see a Democrat in the White House than vote for him.
Why so negative about the GOA? Don't you like pro-gun organizations who fight for your 2nd amendment rights?

I respect the GOA very highly as do others. In the opinion of many, they fight for our rights harder than the NRA.
When the GOA get something done that works, gimme a call. I like their spirit, but their results just don't seem to add up to much, and the fact that they tie up the pro gun effort by causing in house fighting rather than directing everything to the antis is more harm than help.
zukiphile said:
Who would have won in a general election, but was shut out of the primary process?

Think the paranoid vast-conspiracy/machinery theorists are bad now? (Despite the fact that a woman and a minority are leading candidates.)

Just watch them explode if Obama is denied. Charles Manson may live to see Helter-Skelter yet.
It seems to me that if you assert that the process is corrupt or there is a conspiracy to deny americans the candidate they really want, you have to know either

1. how this is done, or

2. someone it is done to.

If you know neither, but still make the assertion, it seems you would just have an advanced case of very sour grapes.

My previous was not a comment on the process. It was a wry appraisal of the theorist's political/reality disconnect, and how their displeasure may manifest itself.