I think he did a credible job representing gun owners. He was firm enough and gave away nothing, which is where we all need to stand on this issue. Let's all get on the same page and start standing up like men for our rights before they are gone, for us, and most importantly for future generations. GUN CONTROL IS NOT ABOUT THE SAFETY OF THE GENERAL POPULACE. It is about control of the general populace. One question: How many of our essential freedoms have we seen slowly being taken away from us over the past few decades? We're being nibbled to death. If there is another ban, then I can almost guarantee that it will be forever, and we will have lost a major portion of the right that ultimately guarantees all others. What will be next?. It is a certain thing that a similar incident will happen again, because a ban had no effect on the Newtown incident. Then there will arise the call for registration. Down the road comes the knock on your door at 3AM in the morning to search your home for weapons. Do not be so jaded as to think it cannot happen here because it is the good old USA. It has happened before.
Freedom requires two things to be maintained, vigilance and often blood. Many have given their all to preserve it. If we are not willing to do the same then history will judge us harshly. We as a people have grown complacent and lazy. It is time for all of us to wake up. We are standing on the edge of the slippery slope. We must all stand together and shout loudly with a single voice for the ideals we hold so dear, and for the sake of future generations. E-mail your Congressmen and Senators. Let them hear your voice. Let us stand with Mr. LaPierre and draw the line here.
Freedom requires two things to be maintained, vigilance and often blood. Many have given their all to preserve it. If we are not willing to do the same then history will judge us harshly. We as a people have grown complacent and lazy. It is time for all of us to wake up. We are standing on the edge of the slippery slope. We must all stand together and shout loudly with a single voice for the ideals we hold so dear, and for the sake of future generations. E-mail your Congressmen and Senators. Let them hear your voice. Let us stand with Mr. LaPierre and draw the line here.