To the topic, first I have to acknowledge that we (meaning Americans) are nearly all decended from 19th an 20th century immigration in one way or another. That being said, we also have to recognize that the many different cultures that immigrated here helped to shape what our American culture is today. What CAN'T be ignored, bowever, is that we do have what is easily identified as a well-founded AMERICAN culture here. Though varied in countless ways from one household to the next, there are many deep rooted standards of what our culture as a whole represents. Our grandperents or great-grandparents understood this when they came from where ever they originated even way back then. And though they did bring pieces of their former culture with them and hold on to it, they adapted to what the standard was here in order to carve out and have a place for themselves as Americans. It was not only expected, but in many ways it was required.
Now, thanks to ignorance or even plain stupidity in the form of "Politically Correctness" and "Culteral Tolerance", we really are in danger of loosing our own identity. Not only is it not expected for immigrants to learn and adapt themselves to our culture, it has become wrong for us to even think they should make an effort to blend even in part to the general culture and standards here. It has reached the point that we, who have been here for generation after generation, now have to make every effort to adapt ourselves to accomodate and make openly welcome a foreign culture even when it reaches a point of infringing upon our own. I am far from racist, but there needs to be lines drawn, and action taken to curb the flood of immigration that has gone completely out of control. There comes a time when we do need to start protecting what we have spent the last 200+ years becoming and stop protecting those who think it's their right to change, step on, or otherwise ignore who WE are and what WE as a country and culture represent just because they're here now and it's their right granted just by their presence---especially when they AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
On a personal note... When I'm in Washington state, and see 'Help Wanted' signs posted and all of them say boldly "MUST SPEAK FLUENT SPANISH" or are just written in Spanish all together, I can't help but say there is a problem. When I'm in Wal-mart in Colorado, and a store employee starts speaking to me in Spanish, then has to go get someone else to help me because THEY didn't speak ENGLISH, there is a definite problem. When I'm expected to improve my own Spanish because 95% of the sub-contract crews in the construction field (legal OR otherwise!) within a 500 mile radius can't speak a word of english, yup--you guessed it--We have a BIG problem, and it's getting bigger by the millions every year.
I don't want to be misunderstood as singling out or focusing strictly upon our southern neighbors, but it's not only difficult but also very stupid to ignore the facts when they slap me in the face daily. Rationalizing and dancing around the issue is what has allowed it to get so out of control for so long. It's not like a Vegas slot machine that will eventually pay off if you keep pulling the handle long enough. We can't expect a different outcome than we've been getting for years if we keep repeating the same action (or lack there-of).
I honestly see it no differently than the smaller scale of my own house. If you come to my house, you will likely be made welcome, but it must be understood that there are rules of my house. Do not come to my house with the idea that you'll walk in at any time without knocking, abuse my furniture, change my decor if you don't like it, help yourself to whatever you want at any given time, and then decide you're just going to leave when you're damned good and ready and not a moment before--all the while expecting me to adjust and without showing the slightest notion of thanks for any of it. I tend to look at my country the same way.