So let's stop pretending we are Anglo-Saxons with some late editions.
Handy, thank you. You said what I was trying to say in exactly one line; nice economy of language.
So let's stop pretending we are Anglo-Saxons with some late editions.
Yes, all those flag having Irish that come out every March should go home too.
Importing poverty is never a good idea...and the cost of illegal immigrants FAR outweighs the benefit...however, we have brought this on ourselves with our soft, politically correct approach to every touchy issue know to mankind.
I just fail to see how importing poverty on a mass scale is good for our country. Please tell me how! Do we want the quality of life to degrade to that of the current state in Mexico? Or Guatemala? If so, them let's just give amnesty to anyone and everyone and be done with it.
I am continually disgusted with some of the economic conservatives playing the race card as a way to get Republicans elected when their real goal is to have a government favorable to big business crap.
I like to be able to pick and choose who enters my house. I don't take kindly to someone who comes in without asking, sits down at my dinner table, and eats food that I have purchased for my family.
The most widely believed seems to be that illegals fill a niche in the economic stata by filling jobs that Americans don't want. My belief is that the opposite is true; wages for those jobs have been depressed by illegal immigrants to the point that Americans can't make a decent living doing them.
Now lets say you have no food for your family. What are you willing to do to feed your family?
The immigrants have always been the butt of jokes, accused of stealing jobs from "Americans", forecasts of doom for our economy, etc. This is a redundant argument never demonstrated in the history of immigration in America.
Do you mean would I break into my neighbor's house if I had no food for my family? I don't know...fortunately, I've never been in that situation. I would like to think that my moral character is strong enough that I would find another alternative to breaking the law. But to 11 million illegal aliens, that thought seems not to have crossed their mind. And I doubt that all 11 million were forced to make that choice...
What you say is partially true; however, at the peak of immigration-from the 1880's to about the time of the First World War-there were plenty of opportunities for immigrants. There was lots of land available, and the nation was still largely agricultural. Immigrants were able to work the land and eventually earn enough money to buy a plot of their own. These plots of land were passed down from generation to generation, and each succeeding generation was able to increase its holdings and become more prosperous. These immigrants embraced the values and obeyed the laws of the country they adopted. The same is not true today. We live in an urban society. Most of the illegal immigrants come to the cities, and, because they have no right to be here, exist in a subculture that is separate and apart from the mainstream of society.
Their allegiance is to Mexico, not the United States. Look at the number of Mexican flags that were waved during the recent protests. Is that the kind of immigrant we want?
First generation immigrants who show pride in their homeland instill this trait in their children who know only the US as their homeland.