The Next Georgia TFL Shoot (May/June)

On Wednesday me and 14 other people were laid off so I don't know if I will be able to make it. I need to find a job asap, and need to conserve money for the time being.

If anyone has any good job leads in the ATL area I am all ears. The job I just finished was a "computer nerd" job where I built Linux and Windows webservers. I live in the Marietta/Kennesaw area but I am willing to commute if the job and price are right.


P.S. I have a 4 year degree in Police Administration and would be willing to give Law Enforcement a try if I could find a good paying LE job....
OK its time to set a firm date and please post or Email me directions to the range. I will be coming south from Atlanta on I75. Thanks.

Sensop said:
"I haven't heard a word from Edmund Rowe, either."

Edmund replies:

zzzzzzzz........snort...hunhh?? (sits up and rubs eyes) wha? *ahem*...**Kaff**....(insert loud sound of blowing nose) uh, whaddya talkin about?

(scrolls back through post)

uh, yeah, um, gotta check and see whazzap but I think I'm available on 16 June. What's this about an 0800 meeting time?? You guys all type A behavior or something? OK I'll try to go to bed earlier.

Sensop, which range will we be on?

Dunno fer sure, but it looks like I gotta go to Austin, TX, to be general factotum for my father and step-mother. He's going in for surgery sometime this coming week.

I have no idea about the length of his hospital stay, nor the recuperation. Heck, he's 92, so I'm just crossing fingers about his getting through it!

Looks like I'm wiped out for this year, %$#@$%!

Will keep you posted as I learn what it is I'm gonna be doing.

:(, Art
Hi guys, been off line for a few weeks and trying to catch up.

Lightsped, sorry to hear of the lay off. Interested in working on forklifts? If not I may be able to get you an application for the Carroll County Sheriff's Dept if you want to work all the way out here.

Al, by all means take care of your father. I'll keep him in my prayers.

For the rest of you, are we on for the 16th or did we change to the 10th or what. By reading back through the thread I can't tell what has been decided.

I need a decision too. This week is looking hectic in that I start my internship with Fulton County PD next week and have several papers due on Tuesday. I'm personally leaning towards the 16th right now, but that's just for selfish personal reasons; nothing a swift kick to the ass wouldn't cure. Y'all may have learned I'm a bit wishy-washy ;)

Hey Lightsped, Atlanta PD is ALWAYS hiring, that's where I'm plannning on going when I graduate assuming they can look over my slight nearsightedness. They have a great pay incentive for those with a degree which it sounds like you have. 35.5K for starters... not bad, eh? Don't forget that Marietta and Smyrna are often hiring as well, or you can look at Cobb if you don't mind wearing thoose goofy cowboy hats. Most of those guiys start you out at a little under 30K, but Cobb is a bit higher than 30K. I'll give you my local PD links:

That last link contains an official link to all the cities in Cobb... most of which have their own PD as well. Just go to "Municipalities" about half way down.

Let me know what you think.

I've been away from my computer for the last four days.

Here's the simple version ...

Most of us have agreed on the 16th. Some of us cannot make it on the 16th, but can make the 10th. I intend to be there on both days, because I want you guys to come down and meet as many of each other as possible.

Art, sorry you're going to miss the get together. Maybe next time. I guess surgery at that age is a mixed blessing? I just spent Fri night through Monday afternoon with my 78 year old father. I don't get to see him very often, but I'm only four hours drive away. He's actually in pretty good health.

Lightsped, I understand you won't be able to make it. Good Luck. If you want to commute to Warner Robins, email me.

Edmund, we'll be on the lower range unless someone needs more than 100 yds. If another member can be there it will help. I've invited a few, but no commitment.

So, I will open the range at 0900 on the 10th and the 16th. Get there when you can.

The map to the range and the range layout is Here. It is a word document, not an image, so you will be asked if you want to open it or save to disk. I'd open it and then save it. Let me know soon if you have problems reading it, so I can post in an another format.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all.

Well, at this point I am not refusing to consider anything. I would try for Atlanta PD but I am not sure how I would do in the downtown areas. Again, I am not refusing APD, but I definately would prefer Cobb County. Actualy, one of my dreams is to be a State Trooper, but I am having a hard time finding info on the GSP and their hiring process. Plus I have heard GSP pay is really low.... :( Carrol County Sheriff sounds halfway interesting. It would be a long commute though. I wonder what their pay is like?

I still am very willing to do some kind of Computer/IT job in a Datacenter or NOC, but it seems the Computer/IT market is really sucking nowadays.... :(
You might be able to come work with me, (wireless web), but entrance pay would only be 27K. Duluth area, email if interested.
Sensop - I will be there at 9am on 16 June. Lightsped - My info is dated but to apply for the GSP you must take the Georgia Civil Service test. Call that Dept. for info. When I took it location was in downtown Atlanta but that was in 1972!
Just a reminder and for clarification ... the 10th of June is this coming Sunday. The 16th is the Saturday of next weekend.

So that I don't give up and go home around 11 AM, any one that is planning to come this Saturday sound off. Even if 11B is the only one coming, I'll still be there. :)

I have no idea what the starting pay is like at the Carroll County Sheriff's Dept. I can ask next time I see our Sheriff but I don't know when that might be.


I'm still planning on the 16th so I'll see everyone then.

I may just do Advanced next Saturday assuming the weather clears up a bit. What nastiness, but I guess we could use it.

Lightsped, any luck job hunting?

Ben (and others),

I am still looking for a Computer/IT job where I can work in a Datacenter/NOC building, managing, and working with servers. I am open to any suggestions. Post here or email will work.

If I haven't found anything by July 11th, I plan to take the Cobb County PD test..... I already have the test booklet and info.

I will be there unless it is a frog strangler! Even if it does storm, if it looks like it will blow through, I will be there ... in which case I will have my Georgia Red Clay Clodhoppers on:D.
Wish I could come. I have to work this weekend (fri-sat-sun). :mad: I'd love to bring my new AR15 shorty and try it out. Maybe next time...
