The most depressing Presidential election of my lifetime.

I remember what happened when we had 8 years of slick willy. (Funny, had friends that laughed at me when I told them they would be sorry if Clinton got into office. Told them they would be sorry within 6 months if he got elelcted. Within 6 months, they were sorry he got elelcted. Then he got elelcted again.)

Have you noticed the past 7 years.;)
I will not vote the lessor of two evils. I will vote, given my choices for the candidate that represents me best regardless of party. I get to vote in a few days for Ron Paul. After I commence that exercise of my voice, I will then likely vote libertarian. I won't have to explain to my kids why I am responsible for creating the world they will live in. I will be able to tell them that I voted to make them freer to do as they wish, to succeed or fail, to win or lose and be free to do so.

Many of you will ridicule me after posting how you hate your choices this year. I just don't give a damn about your opinion. This isn't Vegas. I'm not trying to pick the guy or gal who will win. I am trying to voice my opinion. Since this is a gun board, if Ron Paul does not win, I am voting for the next most pro-gun person running. By default, that will be the libertarian. I simply cannot 'not-vote'. My grandfather taught me better than that. Yes- he was a democrat raised by immigrants from Germany, and he voted every single chance he had in his life. I will too.

That doesn't mean that I have to select whatever idiot that the R's or D's are running now. Look at your ballot. You have choices. There is no need to hand Hillary a mandate by not voting or McCain a mandate by voting for the lessor of two evils. You can vote other and still hold your head high.
In the upcoming election, please choose one in each of the following:
1) Would you prefer to be:
a) Shot, or
b) Hung

2) For President:
a) Stalin, or
b) Hitler

Sorry guys, IMHO it's reaching the point where there is no "lesser of two evils", the end result will be the same, only the method is different...:(
The powers behind both are intent on "recreating" the world in a twisted mockery of it's already troubled self.

I'm not sure of Obama. I don't like any of the Repub candidates except Ron Paul. I don't like many things about Obama. Some things make me CAUTIOUSLY optimistic. Optimistic is too strong of a word.

He can do some things; depending on how far he's willing to push his backers like Zbigniew Brzezinski. Push too far and they'll turn on him. Nothing new here. Of course, Brzezinski's foreign policy will lead to direct confrontation with Russia so let's hope that Obama chooses to fight against those who'd have the two most powerful nations going at it.

McCain and Hillary are dangerous puppets. Obama may be.
In the upcoming election, please choose one in each of the following:
1) Would you prefer to be:
a) Shot, or
b) Hung

I'd rather be hung. (I think the word you wanted to use was "hanged") ;)
Now it appears we might have changes that are basically a one way street. Hard to undo if they occur.

I will not vote for any candidate (President, Representative, or Senator) who favors irreversible change. "Universal healthcare" represents irreversible change because once it is in place, you can be sure that the masses will not vote to give up what they see as a freebie.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship."
I'm just trying to think who would do the least amoung of damage in 4 years. Personally, I'm hoping Mitt will be back in 2012.
You can always emigrate

Emigrating is easier said than done. Have you ever tried to become a permanent resident of another country? Most Western countries have complex rules and regulations which the average person would have a hard time dealing with. Getting legal status in Australia, New Zealand, or the UK is generally quite difficult, same as it is to immigrate legally to the US.
Well, one thing is for sure. Everyone with their Ron Paul bumper stickers needs to get there head back out of the ground. He is dead in the water. Dont start looking like the whiners with peeling GORE for PRES stickers four years after the Florida fiasco.
Dont just stay home and not vote, geeeeeezus. Quit whining andmake a move for your benefit, as little as it may be. You wouldnt want to give up your right to whine about it later. Or, wait a minute, maybe you guys are setting it up so you can whine about it no matter who wins:barf:..
I'm not so excited about it either, but it's an interesting race for sure. Obama is slightly scary, meaning his skills as a speaker are honed and perfectly directed for todays youth and not so minorities. I don't hate the guy, but he may be starting to believe that he is the savior and that scares me. I don't want a president thinking he has the right to tell us what is good for our health.
McCain seems a little weak and his speaking is not showing much tact. For crying out loud, doesnt he know that when he talks about being in Iraq for a 100 years he is not helping himself. Forget about whether, or not it's the truth. I fully understand the reasoning, but he's kicking himself in the rear everyone time he tries to sqaure of on that topic. He is showing poor judgement.
Why can't I have a President who believes in small government and powerful economies AND liberal social ideas. Do not tell me what to do. Run the gears of the government and keep your hand out of my pocket unless it is for the roads i drive on, or the schools my children will go to (at 25, i havent had any yet... atleast i dont think...). Socializing things like health care will marginalize the quality of care that is possible. Canadian doctors emigrate to the states to be able to work with equipment from this century. Capitalism is scary to some people, but it works in the favor of the population as a whole.
Well, one thing is for sure. Everyone with their Ron Paul bumper stickers needs to get there head back out of the ground. He is dead in the water. Dont start looking like the whiners with peeling GORE for PRES stickers four years after the Florida fiasco.
Why can't I have a President who believes in small government and powerful economies AND liberal social ideas. Do not tell me what to do. Run the gears of the government and keep your hand out of my pocket unless it is for the roads i drive on, or the schools my children will go to (at 25, i havent had any yet... atleast i dont think...). Socializing things like health care will marginalize the quality of care that is possible. Canadian doctors emigrate to the states to be able to work with equipment from this century. Capitalism is scary to some people, but it works in the favor of the population as a whole.

Now who's whining? You can't have a president like that because you didn't vote for Ron Paul in the primary.
Not only are stocks bad.....401K's are low......the market is down over 200 again today.

Not sure how close you are to retirement age, but if you are investing for the long haul, you should be glad the market is down. In fact, you should be hoping it will go much lower.
"Not sure how close you are to retirement age, but if you are investing for the long haul, you should be glad the market is down. In fact, you should be hoping it will go much lower. "

I'd say it's a better bet for us younguns. We have more time to ride it out. I certainly don't have much room to profit off my portfolio at the moment, so i feel for people ina bind right now. I have the ability to posture myself for future gains though. Doesnt bother me one bit. I sure as hell am not running any options at the moment though.

"Now who's whining? You can't have a president like that because you didn't vote for Ron Paul in the primary."

haha, you caught me. I apologize, i was attempting to express my political belief (philisophically atleast), but i admit the intro gave it a hint whine. On the other hand, while i whine, I do not admit defeat and stay home on election day. And did I say I didnt vote for Ron Paul? Maybe I simply realize that he is no longer a possibility and have moved on. The past is to be learned from, not to be cried over and certainly it has no need to be wallowed in.

paul [An American for better, or worse]