The most depressing Presidential election of my lifetime.

The lasting legacy of W will be his meltdown of the republian party.
No, the only meltdown you will see is Hillary, as she cries, "Why do I get the first questions?", then Barrack going "You can't ask me those questions!". Then John apologizes for anybody saying anything bad about the democrats. This is not an election, this is what happens when the writers go on strike. :eek:
So let me get this straight so I understand the rules. If I vote for the loser , I can whine. If I vote for the winner , I can whine. If I diligently support a candidate that doesn't get the nomination , and explain to others why they shouldn't support any of the candidates being paraded for us, and I choose not to vote for them because I worked diligently before the elections to see them not nominated , I cannot whine when the winner turns out to be the disaster I spoke of before the nomination ? But if I compromise my beliefs , I can whine?

Saying "I told you so" isn't whining.
Choosing not to vote is a right that we as americans have. It's a right that I support, however, choosing not to vote is a choice that I personally do not agree with. Neither choice in candidates may be ideal, but one will definitely be better that the other. I feel that it's not only my right, but my duty to vote for the candidate that is most closely aligned with my viewpoints. This is what I feel is best for this country and my family.

I guess if I just didn't care either way, then I could probably sleep at night knowing I didn't exercise my right to vote.
Thanks Hal.
Sitting at home and wishing, however fervently, for a different situation is not a principle. If you are not voting, McCain, or Hillary, or whoever it is you are upset with will not read your mind and figure out why. They just know that X number of people did not vote, and as far as they know, X number of people never vote. You are completely irrelevant. If you are not voting, please put "not voting -skip this post" at the beginning of your posts.
The thing to do is find someone who intends to vote for the man (or woman????) you are not voting for and say " My vote will just cancel out your vote, so lets both agree not to vote.) Then do the sme as many times as you can.
Well, I don't think it's so gloom and doom. What have we here? A career politician who tries to stadle a fence (McCain) and a newbie politician who leans so far left I'm surprised he hasn't fallen into the Pacific Ocean (Obama). Then there is that other left winger from Illinois, er, uh Arkansas, er, uh, New York who tends to be so across the board that you don't know what she stands for.

Really guys, this talk about staying home on election day is purely defeatest. When it comes to politicians, It usually boils down to "which one smells the least". Remember, a policitian has one purpose in life: Tell people what they want to hear to get elected, then do anything and say anything to get RE-ELECTED. Whomever is sitting in the Oval Office Jan 21, 2009 really isn't going to be able to change much of anything from the status quo. There's enough of a congressional balance that neither JSM, BHO or HRC will be able to change much of anything, no matter what kind of buzzwords these jokers tout. So get out and vote for your least smelly politician.

Always remember folks: Policitians are like diapers. They both should be changed often - for the same reason.

Oh, by the way, if you haven't already, stock up on ammo.
For the record

I have never wrote on any thread that I will not be voting.

I will vote, I haven't missed a presidential election since I became old enough to vote.

In the past I voted for Reagan '84, Bush '88, Bush '92, Dole '96, Bush '00, Bush '04, ? '08.

You can rest assured whom ever I vote for it will not be for Barrack 'Milhous'* Obama.

*I just heard that today on Mark Levin's radio program.:)

We wouldn't want Sen. Obama being offended by someone using his real middle name, now would we.:rolleyes:
As I see it the men running the government from behind the scene are kinda like the gambling boats and the politicians are like the slot machines. The gambling boat is not there to help you (it’s rigged before you walked in) and your just arguing over which slot machine to play. Either way the boat will win.
If you vote fo McCain and you are a conservative your sending a message
to the GOP we will accept moving to the left for our party in my opinion
it is best the Republican party fails this election and perhaps they will
rethink their agenda of who is selected. I intend to focus on senators
congress and not concern myself with the presidential election this time
because for me its a loss either way.
If Obama wins I will feel like that French guy from the old newsreel that cried while the Nazis marched into Paris. :(
I will not vote for Obama, but having Bush operate in a fog about the economy doesn't help his supporters like McCain. From a personal standpoint, I am watching our stocks & returns on stable investments like CD's go down the drain. Not only are stocks bad, but interest on investments like CD's and 401K's are low. Then Bush tells its just a dream, this is really not happening. The economy is in good shape. When we get our $300 to $600 refund all will be well. in the meantime the market is down over 200 again today. When will we learn. Japan at one time went to 0% interest rate, and it did not solve their problems. We are spending trillions for a war, billions for free medical coverage of illegals, and we have lost major manufacturing jobs due to NAFTA. This all gives Obama added rocks to throw. Come November, if the economy is down the drain, and the Iraq war is not going well, then you might as well hand him (Obama) the election on a silver plater....or Hillary if she survives.

Message to Bush & any Bush supporters. Nothing is free, there is always a cost for doing a poor job.
I'm new here, so I'm a bit surprised. I didn't realize the NRA stood for NO REPUBLICANS ALLOWED. I don't care for McCain, but I'm voting for him. Won't take a chance that a Democrat will get into office again. I remember what happened when we had 8 years of slick willy. (Funny, had friends that laughed at me when I told them they would be sorry if Clinton got into office. Told them they would be sorry within 6 months if he got elelcted. Within 6 months, they were sorry he got elelcted. Then he got elelcted again.)
President Obama

I'll vote for the lesser of two evils as I see a huge threat to our freedoms if Obama is elected. McCain is a career politician so he'll straddle the fence and "see no evil hear no evil" - we won't improve but we won't go down the crapper either. At least the man served this country.

I think Obama really believes his socialist agenda will do this country good - this should scare the hell out of anyone that thinks we deserve personal choices. Not to worry though, he'll make our decisions for us, crime will cease, we won't need those nasty guns anymore, and everyone will have free everything. Not sure how we'll pay for this but I'll probably quit working and go on the dole as I'll need to keep eating.

Never forget that the sitting President makes all federal judicial nominations - including the SCOTUS. Also remember that these folks serve for life so a 1 term disaster CAN affect us for a long time...
I'd vote for Satan before I'd vote Republican this election. With that said, I will not vote for Obama due to his anti gun stance. Guess Nader is looking better and better.
Quoted by LouPran
Because I won't vote for Obama, Clinton or McCain I'm an "ungrateful person." ?

No, I think the point is if you don't vote at all it appears that you're ungrateful. Whether that's the case or not I think is irrelevant. The principle of the matter is that it's our DUTY to vote. It is our right not to. But I believe that if you don't vote, silence is acceptance.

You don't have to vote for any of the candidates. There's a spot to write in anybody you chose. The likelyhood is obviously high that that person won't get elected, but what if many people are on the same thought of who they want to be president? It would send a powerful message that there's people out there that refused to vote for the current candidates. The only way that the govt. will see who you want to have in office is to vote.

It only happens only every 4 years. And to see the only time that people can officially cast their opinion for president only to stay home is IMHO is ungrateful.

My $.02