The most depressing Presidential election of my lifetime.

George McGovern?

I told you I was old...I had a senior moment, I forgot about him. They call that repressed memory conditioning. In fact, I am already beginning to forget the names of the candidates running this time.
No wonder there is no enthusiasm.....Congress has the lowest approval ratings of all time, current candidate finalists are part of that gene pool.
I turned 18 in 1996, this is my 4th Presidential election. I paid attention to the 1992 and 1994 elections though.

I voted Bubba (cringe - I was a Lib 96-2000 before seeing the light), Bush, Bush (cringe - lesser of two evils hurt for that one but I voted based on SCOTUS).

I don't want to endorse the Republican party for this election. But I don't want HilBama. I want the Republicans to swing back to real conservatism, not state-sponsored jingoist police state conservatism speckled with crunched up bits of the bill of rights. I truly feel that if I vote for McCain, the next quasi-Conservative to follow him will be even more distasteful than either him or Bush-43.

Seriously, what's out there for 3rd party that isn't overtly Communist? Who are the Constitutionalists running, or the Libertarians?
In fact I have my vote list, Ford, Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole ,Bush, Bush

Well, if this is confession time. My list for recent years is the same except the last vote for Bush. I had grown to dislike Bush and I didn't have to do any growing to dislike Kerry, so I did the un-thinkable...I didn't vote. The first President I voted for was JFK. I just missed being old enough to vote for Ike.
I am now 39 and have voted in all presidential elections since 18 (I mighta missed one) I have voted republican each time 'cept that one optimistic moment I voted for Ross Perot.
I'm voting for McCain, but I'm not jumping up and down about it.

What everybody here has to realize, is that our Constitution provides checks and balances.

We all must vote, and elect Local, State, and National Candidates who subscribe to our views.
This way, the next President can't go off the edge, and get away with what I think they want to get away with.

This Country survived through 8yrs of Nixon-Ford, and 4yrs of Carter.
God gave us Ronald Reagan, and, the USA will get past this bunch of wanna-be's.

You wanna say stupid, I spent $100 on Fred Thompson bumper stickers. Anybody wanna buy one? Course, this was well before the time when Fred said "I will NOT drop out before the February Primary!", which of course he did. Learned my lesson, not sending another penny to a politician. Was hoping for Mitt, we all know what happened there. I'm hoping Mitt will make VP, so McCain will get a pair. (Could not believe he apologized for Obama being called Barrak Hussein Obama, I'd call him Barrack Hussein BinLaden if I had my choice.) Well, there's always 2012.
We fellow gun owners/shooters north of the Border don't are not so jealous anymore, but we are behind you guys, lets hope for the best. I am not in anyway a racisit, but Obama is not the man to lead the United States of America. Just an outsider looking in.
azredhawk44 said:
I want the Republicans to swing back to real conservatism, not state-sponsored jingoist police state conservatism speckled with crunched up bits of the bill of rights. I truly feel that if I vote for McCain, the next quasi-Conservative to follow him will be even more distasteful than either him or Bush-43.

I truly believe that Obama will be a worse President than McCain and I've heard all the arguments in McCains favor.

The most persuasive ones to me are the SCOTUS, RKBA and Ronald Reagans 11th commandment(speak no ill of fellow Republicans)

I have to draw the line somewhere, my poltical ideology has been well thought out and formed over 30+ years and the present course of the Republican party is running too far adrift of it.

How far does the 11th commandment go? How far from ones own ideology should you stray in the name of party unity?

Ronald Reagan also said when asked why he had left the Democrat Party: "I didn't leave the Democrat Party they left me"
Election of also Congress

This election is not only for the president. THEN VOTE for a SENATOR or HOUSE REP that supports the 2nd amendment.
I, too, will be staying home on Election Day. Anyone wanna go Christmas shopping with me?

I've been hearing this sort of thing a lot lately, and the lesser of two evils thing. Well there is a lesser of two evils and I will be doing my part to make sure that the lesser of the two gets elected.

I'm definitely not staying home and whinning about it.
Re: Staying home and not voting...

{sound of soapbox being dragged out}
~ 10 years ago there was an AP article in the paper about a man in China.
His name (IIRC) was Mr Xi.
He semi publicly campaigned for open free elections in China.
Naturally, the Chinese .gov was upset by his actions.
He was put on trial, convicted and sentenced to 18 years in prison - all for having the attitude that freedom to chose your .gov is something to believe in.

Ya'll can do what your conscience dictates. That's your God given right.

All I can say is when I get to feeling that voting "isn't worth it", I think of Mr. Xi, and the sacrifice he willingly made - 18 years in a Chinese prison is a death sentence, and not a pleasant "lethal injection" type one at that.

So, yeah, I'll vote. The choices suck, but at least for now I have the choice.
I feel I "owe it" to the Mr.Xi's of the world...those that cherish matter where they are or what the cost is.
{/sound of soapbox being put away}
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Join Date: 03-16-2007
Location: Commonwealth of Virginia
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Originally Posted by LouPran
If that makes me a bad American
Took the words right out of my mouth. But let's go ahead and replace the word, "American," with "ungrateful person."

Because I won't vote for Obama, Clinton or McCain I'm an "ungrateful person." ?

No my friend, what that's called is not compromising my principles and helping someone I do not like get elected. But thank you for proving my point about that certain kind of attitude , I like to replace "attitude", with "ignorance".
No my friend, what that's called is not compromising my principles and helping someone I do not like get elected.

Fair enough. Just promise us that you will not be here come next October, whining about the newly-elected President, whomever it may be,.
So let me get this straight so I understand the rules. If I vote for the loser , I can whine. If I vote for the winner , I can whine. If I diligently support a candidate that doesn't get the nomination , and explain to others why they shouldn't support any of the candidates being paraded for us, and I choose not to vote for them because I worked diligently before the elections to see them not nominated , I cannot whine when the winner turns out to be the disaster I spoke of before the nomination ? But if I compromise my beliefs , I can whine?

That's an interesting paradox. I'd like to replace interesting with another word , but I will refrain.
This election is not only for the president. THEN VOTE for a SENATOR or HOUSE REP that supports the 2nd amendment.

I agree with the above quote however to vote for Obama or McCain is not for me simply they are both a disaster for the country and why help their agenda with a vote. I see both equally bad for America so what is the answer flip a coin.
So let me get this straight so I understand the rules.

No rules.

Part of our form of government is the responsibility to elect our leaders. No candidate is perfect, and the possibility of finding a candidate with whom we agree on all the issues is virtually impossible.

However, the prospect of things such as socialized, make that "universal health care" and many more expensive entitlements lead me to believe that there are choices to be made this November, and like it or not, you will be affected.

Suit yourself.........
For the record I will probably vote 3rd party or write someones name in. But there's no way I will support any of the 3 current front runners.

Though I don't like everything about him , I could vote Huckabee if by some miracle he gets the nomination. He's a lessor evil I could live with. I can't support McCain. I can't stand the man. He's got far too many issues that I do not agree with.

I won't vote Obama or Clinton for obvious reasons.