The most depressing Presidential election of my lifetime.


New member
Well it is rapidly coming down to a choice between Sen. Barrack Hussein Obama(d) and Sen. John Sidney McCain III (r).

I am a very optimistic person who strongly believes in the power of positive thinking and yet when I consider the possible political outcomes of the next presidential term I can't see the upside.

On the one hand we have the most liberal Democrat in the Senate a man who wants socialized medicine, a national ban on CCW, AWB II, greatly increased taxes, less control of illegal immigration and a host of other far left ideas. His campaign headquarters in Houston had Cuban flags and Che Guevara posters on the wall! That is as big an outrage as Hammer and Sickle or Nazi flags.:mad: Is this really happening or is it a Twilight Zone episode?

On the other hand we have one of the most liberal Republicans in the Senate, click here to read his afronts to conservatism. Its basically going to be a continuation of the Bush administration without the good points which were Alito, Roberts and a modest tax cut. We can expect no tax cuts and Kennedys and Souders for the court. If the Democrat congress passes 'resonable' gun control legislation we can expect McCain to sign it. Oh and don't forget amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Now call me a doom and gloomer if you like, but it looks like thats whats on our political horizon.

I know America has survived alot of unpleasantness in the past however for all of us who love liberty, small government and the ideals of our founders the future looks dark indeed.
The most depressing Presidential election of my lifetime.

This speaks to your youth.

If you are under 30, it may seem the norm to have a landmark repub president followed by moderates for the next five terms. It isn't.

The Carter/Ford race was not a matter of celebration for for proponents of small government. Before that, Nixon, arguably our last orthodox liberal president, ran against a socialist loon. Before than, Nixon was beaten by someone approximately as liberal, JFK, who was also weak in foreign policy.

Reagan was an aberration in presidential politics. We usually have had it much, much worse.
We usually have had it much, much worse.

I don't agree and I have voted over 40 years, time have changed dramatically and the risk of damage current candidates present is much worse and it becomes more difficult for America to rebuild after 8 years of a poor president, in terms of economics and freedom. First poster was correct extremely bad choices this time I cannot vote for either.:(
We've had it worse, but correct me if I'm wrong... We used to have much more industry in this country. We could work our way out of problems. When WWII was going on people saved and bought bonds. Compare that to todays strategy: Hand out checks to the people (serfs) to stimulate the economy. Polls say 70% of the people don't want them to do this. The public is wising up. Bush's modest tax cuts if combined with decreased spending might have worked. The deficit bus is heading toward the cliff, will it turn in time?
I am older than anyone here...Ok, older than many anyway. I think this is different than past years. Yes we had periods of Dem's followed by Republicans, but it seemed that all agreed on the rough basics of how this country should proceed for the future. Now it appears we might have changes that are basically a one way street. Hard to undo if they occur. It looks like "change" might be the key word, but that does not mean better. As a Republican, I still blame Bush's poor performance for a lot of this drive for radical change. For every action there is a re-action. In this case it might be a big re-action that we all live to regret.
Nate45, you may be a doom and gloomer , but I'm right there with ya.

I'm not happy with any of my choices and probably won't vote. I know the mentality that says as an American you have to vote , but I don't buy that and I will not give my vote to someone , just because I like them less. If that makes me a bad American , than so be it.
I don't know. Carter was pretty bad. We had a prime rate in the teens, gas, gold and silver higher in real terms than now, dollar lower, stagflation, American retreat across the globe. My fear is the next could be worse. Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. I guess we could look on the bright side and hope for a hyperinflation to wipe out everyone's debt.
I know America has survived alot of unpleasantness in the past however for all of us who love liberty, small government and the ideals of our founders the future looks dark indeed.

I over heard local NPR this morning. I found interesting that every caller that ask a question to our MI governor (D) want to know why doesn’t the state go spend more money (which we don’t have) to fix there pet project. I find interesting the thought is no longer how can I help my country or fellow citizen but why can’t government due for me. This is all too evident with the presidential candidates.

I think many people believe that the government is in charge. What happen to we control government and that it derives it power from us?
I think many people believe that the government is in charge. What happen to we control government and that it derives it power from us?
I think you can thank those sociofascist indoctrination camps we refer to as government schools for persistently teaching children to rely on government for virtually everything.
I am older than anyone here...Ok, older than many anyway. I think this is different than past years. Yes we had periods of Dem's followed by Republicans, but it seemed that all agreed on the rough basics of how this country should proceed for the future.

George McGovern?
I have voted in national elections for 60 years.

I am not enamored with the candidates either, but I'll tell you what - staying home on election day is not the way to do it. No one but your wife will notice that you did, so you will not be making a statement.

Just consider the alternative to McCain. IMHO Obama has to be the worst possible choice of any of them. If you stay home and don't vote Republican (if that's what you are) that's just another vote for him. :mad:

Just my $.02
So let the libertarians stay home instead of voting. They don't make any difference in elections, anyway.

The Democrats, Republicans, and independents will show up, vote, and decide who will be the president. Fine by me.

Depressed? Write-in a candidate. Or vote for the green/libertarian/communist/etc. candidate. Or run yourself. Or wallow in depression if you must, but kindly do it silently, without all of the incessant whining, please.
Nate45, I noticed that your location is "the compound". You've got a compound, does it really matter who wins this election? Relax my man, life is good.
Ford v. Carter was the most depressing in my lifetime..........

None since are even close IMHO

Staying home or voting for a tree or a rock will get you no voice instead of the 'protest' voice your imagining.
Ford v. Carter was the most depressing in my lifetime..........

That one truly sucked. I voted for Ford.

In fact I have my vote list, Ford, Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole ,Bush, Bush

WildttheburningbushAlaska ™