The Middle Name Issue

It's not about getting a pass on something, it's about rising above that level of childishness that taints the political process in the first place.

Just because others have done it before doesn't make it any less ridiculous to do it now.
You're missing my point. My point is not that such pursuits are valid, it's simply that they are a normal part of the process. Obama isn't facing anything new here. It's a minor annoyance to be dealt with in a way that doesn't cater to a Politically Correct infringement on free speech.
It's not about getting a pass on something, it's about rising above that level of childishness that taints the political process in the first place.
You are in need of facing facts. Lots of negatives are raised on side issues and irrelevancies in presidential politics. Kennedy's religion was raised against him, just as Romney's Mormonism was raised against him.
Go ahead and raise the issue of his religion. He is christian. That is not what people are doing. They are not addressing his religion. They are implying he is a religion that he is not by stressing his name. Childish and desperate actions if you ask me.
You're missing my point. My point is not that such pursuits are valid, it's simply that they are a normal part of the process. Obama isn't facing anything new here. It's a minor annoyance to be dealt with in a way that doesn't cater to a Politically Correct infringement on free speech.
I see what you're saying. Just suggesting that we should be above that.

I don't think he's facing anything new but the same old crap is still a bunch of crap.

It's not about political correctness, it's about honesty in discourse.
I see what you're saying. Just suggesting that we should be above that.

I don't think he's facing anything new but the same old crap is still a bunch of crap.

It's not about political correctness, it's about honesty in discourse.
I agree. The problem is the overlap where PC spills over. I refuse to bow to the altar of PC, even if I don't respect what's being said.

Frankly, while I don't much care for Obama's policy ideas, I think this middle name issue is something he could turn to his advantage and additionally take the spotlight off the Obama-Clinton feud that's dragging him down with Hillary. If he poked a little fun at it himself, the issue would vaporize. Instead, he's gearing up for a Clinton-style negative campaign, which is a bad idea because he will be playing on the Clintons' home turf.
I don't care if they call him Charles Emerson Winchester III, his "vision" for this country is in direct conflict with my beliefs, lifestyle, and pocketbook. A scare tactic? His policy views scare the hell out of me. His name is just that a name.
Good point. I'm worried more about his policies and less - actually, not all - about his name. He was given his name involuntarily at birth. He adopted his perspective willingly.
Pull you head out of the sand, or where ever it is, and face facts.

Who cares? It's politics. Are you too dainty to deal with something so trivial? You act like somebody kidnapped his family. So Hillary says "Hussein." It's part of the guy. At least she's not making up stuff. Where were you when the Clintons were screwing the interns, their friends were turning up dead, and they were pardoning fugitive felons?

Saying "Hussein" isn't illegal, immoral, or false. It's just the guy's middle name. If you need a cause, save the whales.
Nobody refers to a candidate with their first initial, middle name, and last name


H. Ross Perot
Why did Perot use his first initial? Did he have something to hide? No! Don't tell me! Could the H be for Hussein?:eek:
Why did Perot use his first initial? Did he have something to hide? No! Don't tell me! Could the H be for Hussein?

I'll pm you my paypal account so you can send me some cash to clean my shirt. I just spit diet coke and copenhagen all over.
There is an auction on ebay for a FAKE birth certificate for Obama where the winner can pick a new middle name. In the auction description, the seller makes the point...something like...

"You knew JFK and FDR. We don't want to have to call him B.O. do we? That stinks."

Personally I know he had nothing to do with the name he was given and I don't think negatively (or positively) of it. I don't agree with his views which seem Marxist to me. I think he should be judged only on his character, as MLK jr said so well.
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Quoted by WildAlaska:
I find the entire subject, all sides, to be extremely amusing, especially since this whole thread is longer than the Obamster's legistative accomplishments,,,

Know how it got so long? PM me and I'll tell you my dirty little secret...He,heee...:D Hint: It entails starting a thread about Huckabee, but ends up being anything but...:eek:

Now, off with my hypocrit hat and on with my tin....

I personally don't care that people use his middle name during discussions. However, my take is that most of the ones that use his middle name over and over again has the ulterior motive to "brainwash" the general public. I'm not talking about citizens that keep up with politics. I think they're targeting the general public that doesn't. This type of demographic (hope this is the right word) doesn't pay attention and whatever "evil" is said, they believe.
Ya you just can't heip but wonder if Barack is Saddams cousin.:p

Seriously why should it matter if Obama's father and grandmother are Muslims, I'm sure that wouldn't influence him.

Nothing else should matter except that he is for hope and change and he'll be the first African-American president! Thats ultra important, at least to some people.
If you want to attack him on the issues go ahead...he is plenty vulnerable. But to play childish name calling games based on something he has no control of is pretty lame.

Obama should be more worried about people running around calling him Obama Bin Laden who don't know that he has a first and middle name. I dunno for sure if this guy I work with was kidding about not knowing Obama's other 2 names but I think he genuinely did not know them.