The Middle Name Issue

Well, don't forget, it's Barry Obama who chose to present himself as "Barak" for political reasons. He knows an exotic, foreign/intriguing name puts a shiver up the legs of people like Chris Matthews. It's like Gerry Rivera calling himself Geraldo for professional reasons.

If we also notice that his middle name is Hussein, well, that's our business.
Amazing the crap people utilize to chide each other with. I truly wonder how many of us actually go and seek out what positions our candidates have on subjects near and dear to our hearts. After hearing a lot of drivel via the telephone about Obama, I went to his local headquarters and discovered more about the guy than I wanted to know. I personally will not vote for the guy due to a couple different issues. 1) He supports making the assault weapons ban permanent. While it didn't really affect me as a citizen much while in force, his camp tends to hype weapons such as AKs w/o giving very good distinction between auto and semiauto. Combined with a certain CA dem as House speaker, that kinda scares me. 2) He is pandering to the farming and ranching community to steal some votes from the republicans. He fully supports farm subsidies that I see as nothing more than welfare for farmers. Every bit as wasteful, costly, and bad for us taxpayers as 2nd and 3rd generation innercity welfare recipients. Anyone else actually do some studying on your candidates or are you just getting your info via the headlines which most feel are tainted by the Liberals anyway? Seriously folks, how about you quit fighting about what someones' name is and actually figure out something about the candidates.
trying to use his middle name as a derogatory stab

Yes, political figures suddenly grow middle names. Remember John Fitzgerald (so people didn't forget he was a 'dirty Irish Catholic') Kennedy? It is a time-honored American tradition, largely fueled by the media.
Well, don't forget, it's Barry Obama who chose to present himself as "Barak" for political reasons. He knows an exotic, foreign/intriguing name puts a shiver up the legs of people like Chris Matthews. It's like Gerry Rivera calling himself Geraldo for professional reasons.

If we also notice that his middle name is Hussein, well, that's our business.
That's crap. His legal name is Barak, not Barry. If he had tried to run under the name "Barry" he would have been accused of hiding something and raked over the coals.

As for "noticing" his middle name...there is a big difference between noticing and "stressing" it. Especially when people like Rush emphasize his middle name above anything else.

Like I said one other candidate that the talking head constantly say, much less emphasize, their middle name.
name one other candidate that the talking head constantly say, much less emphasize, their middle name

The media went through a multi-year phase of incessantly using Hillary Rodham Clinton. What was emphasized by including 'Rodham' is beyond me, but there it was.

Have you ever noticed how infamous people are referred to by three names? John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Sara Jane Moore...
The media went through a multi-year phase of incessantly using Hillary Rodham Clinton. What was emphasized by including 'Rodham' is beyond me, but there it was.

Unless I'm mistaken, that was by her choice. I think she went simply by Hillary Rodham up until Bill got elected President.

EDIT: Beat'd.
I think there is little point in arguing his name, both Barak Obama are Hillary Clinton are more liberal than anyone I remember being elected to the presidency. John McCain is not much different from George Bush on the war. I think an old man is better off accepting that today is no longer his time. If I voted just for myself, not considering anyone else, I would vote for Clinton because I think she is most for national healthcare. I have Medicare and having a national supplement rather than one I have to pay for would be nice. Yet, I think she will be the most active for gun control. At least that is what I think.
That is not a middle name.

:o You are correct; but it does readily roll off the tongue between the first name and last name.

I think she went simply by Hillary Rodham up until Bill got elected President.

I don't remember ever hearing 'Rodham' used in Arkansas before Bill ran for President; however, the Clinton name did have substantial market value in Arkansas.

Seriously though, whether used lovingly or disparagingly, third names are a fixture of American politics.
I don't listen to Rush, so I had no idea that he does that too. Like I said before, I use B. Hussein Obama's middle name because it irritates people like you.

I'd like to quote something you may be familiar with:

The presidential elections are more than 14 months away and the tone of many of the posts in L&P is getting increasingly strident. This does not reflect well on The Firing Line or on gun owners in general. The staff of TFL will not allow this to continue.

Our sister site, The High Road has already taken steps to quell a similar rash of impolite posts. They have completely done away with general political discussion. We believe that political discussion is an important tool for preserving our rights, so we will not be going that route at this time.

Instead, this thread will serve as a warning to everyone who posts in L&P. The standards are going up, we are raising the bar again. The staff of TFL expects the Legal and Political forum to be the most polite and courteous discussion site on the web. Impossible? Some may think so, but the members of TFL have come through before and we are confident that the membership is up to this challenge as well.

Please help us raise the bar by example.
I find the entire subject, all sides, to be extremely amusing, especially since this whole thread is longer than the Obamster's legistative accomplishments,,,

WildheshouldchangehisnametoShiekYabootieAlaska TM
especially since this whole thread is longer than the Obamster's legistative accomplishments,,,
Finally, something we can all agree on. :)

But seriously, he must be something special or he wouldn't keep telling us how great he is...
Don't play ignorant. It is beneath you. You know exactely why Rush does it and why you did it. It is inciteful because they are trying to use his name to tie him to terrorism through word association.

Heres a news flash for you, it was Sen. Bob Kerry (d) and Hillary supporter who first emphasized Obama's middle name.

Why Did Bob Kerrey Mention Obama's Middle Name -- 'Hussein'?

December 16, 2007 9:19 PM

"I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim," Kerrey is quoted as saying. "There's a billion people on the planet that are Muslims, and I think that experience is a big deal."

I still like Barack 'Milhous' Obama better, do I use that to deride Obama and make light of him and his wifes overblown protestations of people emphasizing his middle name?

You darn betcha.

I think in the not so distant future his middle name will be the least of his worries, when he is forced by his opponents and the media to put some substance and details behind his empty 'change' and 'hope' message.
One of the more interesting things I find here is the number of posters who religiously listen to Rush and Hannity and the other talking heads. Who woulda thunk it?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Milhous Nixon, James Earl Carter: These are just the most recent names of presidents as they were used during their presidential campaigns and their presidencies. Heck, the first George Bush was called George Herbert Walker Bush.

Why should Barack Hussein Obama be different? Why the special treatment? If you can't mention his middle name, what else can you not mention about him?

Anyone weak-minded enough to link his middle name to terrorism is someone who won't vote for him or fears him already. Except for this particular post, I never use his middle name because middle-name usage strikes me as awkward. But I see no reason to castigate those who are holding Obama to the same standard as applied to others.

Obama wants to be president of the United States, leader of the free world. If he can't handle this tempest in a bedpan, he clearly doesn't have what it takes. Since he keeps portraying himself as the Second Coming of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, made he should take a lesson from the man. Kennedy faced the factor of his Catholicism head-on and squelched the issue. If Obama did the same with his middle name, he would look presidential. Otherwise, it's Obama who looks fearful, not the folks using or hearing his middle name.
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John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Milhous Nixon, James Earl Carter: These are just the most recent names of presidents as they were used during their presidential campaigns and their presidencies. Heck, the first George Bush was called George Herbert Walker Bush.
And did you ever hear someone say their names in a derogatory and condemning manner? Pull you head out of the sand, or where ever it is, and face facts. When you continue playing ignorant to cover obvious negative tactics it eventually just makes you appear truly ignorant.
And did you ever hear someone say their names in a derogatory and condemning manner? Pull you head out of the sand, or where ever it is, and face facts. When you continue playing ignorant to cover obvious negative tactics it eventually just makes you appear truly ignorant.
You are in need of facing facts. Lots of negatives are raised on side issues and irrelevancies in presidential politics. Kennedy's religion was raised against him, just as Romney's Mormonism was raised against him.

Obama isn't the first, nor will he be the last, presidential contender whose middle name has been used for negative purposes. You may not be old enough to remember, but I'm old enough to remember "Milhous" being used to mock Nixon as being a dweeb, and "Herbert Walker" being used to mock the first Bush as being a rich elitist. Or Gary Hartpence being mocked to cast aspersions on him (does anyone remember the "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" refrain being turned into late-night comedy as "Gary Hartpence, Gary Hartpence"?).

But for some reason, Obama is supposed to get a pass on something that others have had to face before. Apparently, he bears the name we dare not speak. That kind of thin-skinned, knee-jerk reaction is more damaging than the name itself.
But for some reason, Obama is supposed to get a pass on something that others have had to face before. Apparently, he bears the name we dare not speak. That kind of thin-skinned, knee-jerk reaction is more damaging than the name itself.
It's not about getting a pass on something, it's about rising above that level of childishness that taints the political process in the first place.

Just because others have done it before doesn't make it any less ridiculous to do it now.