The Middle Name Issue

Whether one is voting for McCain or not, they certainly are not gonna whine about which part his name you choose to use.

This is correct. But Hussein is a middle eastern name. There is nothing wrong with his name. There is something wrong with it's being used for fear purposes and psychological scare tactics. You know it and I know it. I refuse to put up with fear tactics being used to manipulate the electorate in our free nation. Obama may not be the BEST candidate and you can disagree with him on any issue. But he is not a terrorist, he is not a Muslim, he is not anti-American, he is not going to weaken our "national security" and he is a thousand times better than Hillary Clinton. You want the lesser of two evils? Help knock Clinton out of the box. She *will* win every state won by Kerry in 2004 and if she uses her fearmonger tactics to pick up Ohio, we're stuck with the Clintons in the White House agen. THINK ABOUT THAT! Hillary Clinton brought fearmongering into this race. She is the worst candidate in the country and if she is elected the Brady Bunch will get everything they want from her. Everything. Your mortgages will be fixed rate. She won't bring the war (Iraq, not the war against terrorism) to a swift victorious end (like McCain will, like Obama will). Your taxes will go through the roof and you can be for sure that we will be deeper in the deficit than Bush already put us in. More no bid contracts, except instead of Halliburton getting to rape America, it will be Clinton's corporation of choice. Anyone who criticizes the Clinton regime will be immediately ostracized, discredited, personal lives published, fired from their jobs, labeled "anti woman" "anti American" "anti Demoracy". President Hillary Clinton's administration will be President George W. Bush's administration redux. It will have the same failings, scandals, evils, crimes perpetrated on our Rights as Americans, but the "Democratic" label will be on it in place of the "Republican" label, so the other party identifiers will get their chance to feel disenfranchised while the Republic slips farther away from us. This will happen because she has us focused on the petty bull**** and not the real issues. "B. Hussein Obama" plays right into her hand. I stand with Huckabee when he says there is nothing funny about Preisdent Hillary Clinton.
Nobody refers to a candidate with their first initial, middle name, and last name.

Exceptions, of course, for candidates who choose to present themselves as such. Plenty of candidates (and authors, or just people in general) choose to go by their middle name, commonly use middle initials, etc.

Barack Obama is not one of them.

Hussein is a fine name.

Indeed. And not a terribly uncommon one.

If we start disqualifying everybody with names that have been attached to unpleasant people for president, that list starts to get kind of long. Between foreign dictators, war criminals, serial killers, etc. a lot of common names have been attached to horrible human beings. I've got a friend whose last name is Castro; assuming his policies are sound and he met the Constitutional requirements (he's a few years shy), is there any reason he shouldn't be president? And assuming his policies aren't sound, why should his name be relevant?

I guess that if one can discredit his campaign by using his middle name, he must not have much of a campaign to start with.

It's not so much that it discredits him, it's just that it plays to the bigotry that is common in this country.

If this "petty b.s." is such a huge distraction, just maybe he doesn't really stand for much of anything to talk about.

Well, he stands for gun control and, at least to some extent, socialism. Seems worth talking about to many here. Yet still some feel the need to fall back on his name: middle and, for the spelling-impaired (still waiting for the last "Obama" that gave us any trouble), last. Is there some reason his anti-gun positions aren't substantial enough?

All the constant focus on his name serves to do is paint gun owners as a bunch of racist and/or bigoted people. Or rather, apply another coat. I'm not seeing this as a "good thing."

Whether one is voting for McCain or not, they certainly are not gonna whine about which part his name you choose to use.

That's because nobody is using "Sidney" to try and associate him with a bloodthirsty dictator or imply he may be a closet terrorist. And sadly, some people in this country are simple-minded enough to fall for it (we already had one in this thread state he doesn't want a president named Barack Hussein Obama).
There is something wrong with it being used for fear purposes and psychological scare tactics. You know it and I know it.

I don't KNOW IT! That is pure rubbish, and I resent you telling me what I "know". I am intelligent enough to know that his middle name has nothing to do with the man or his beliefs or his politics. Hopefully, you and other voters are intelligent enough to "know" this as well.
There. Fixed it for ya.

Fair enough. Though sometimes it does at least seem to be a bit worse here than in most other quasi-developed countries. But that could just be a matter of perspective.

I am intelligent enough to know that his middle name has nothing to do with the man or his beliefs or his politics. Hopefully, you and other voters are intelligent enough to "know" this as well.

With that much hope, I'm surprised you're not an Obama supporter! ;)
I don't KNOW IT! That is pure rubbish, and I resent you telling me what I "know". I am intelligent enough to know that his middle name has nothing to do with the man or his beliefs or his politics.

Oh really? Well that's great. Care to tell us why you decided to refer to him by his middle name, or why you think it should be used?
Oh really? Well that's great. Care to tell us why you decided to refer to him by his middle name, or why you think it should be used?

For a start, please show me the post where I refer to him by his middle name. Not a quote from another post, one where I make such a reference. Do that, and we can go on from there.
For a start, please show me the post where I refer to him by his middle name. Not a quote from another post, one where I make such a reference. Do that, and we can go on from there.

Sorry Sasquatch, I apologize and in no way meant to put words in your mouth. The question stands, however. Why do Obama critics - including Clinton campers - insist on using his middle name if not to incite fear?
Simply because it irritates others (especially Barack supporters) so much.
It also irritates those of us that are not Obama supporters because it reflects badly on the rest of us. It reinforces the stereotype of gun owners as bigots and racists.

We need less of that, not more.
It also irritates those of us that are not Obama supporters because it reflects badly on the rest of us. It reinforces the stereotype of gun owners as bigots and racists. We need less of that, not more.


We can and will win the hearts and the minds of the people when it comes to our Civil Rights as gun owners. We always do when we're focused.
Fair enough. Though sometimes it does at least seem to be a bit worse here than in most other quasi-developed countries. But that could just be a matter of perspective.

Yes. Please don't include the whole country in your need to self-flagellate. We don't all have white liberal guilt complexes. ;)
What is it about his middle name that discredits him or makes him unfit for office?
Don't play ignorant. It is beneath you. You know exactely why Rush does it and why you did it. It is inciteful because they are trying to use his name to tie him to terrorism through word association. They are stressing the name again and again trying to make people say "boy that sounds muslim to me." Name me another candidate ever that they continually used and stresses his middle name. This is just a small step above how Fox news repeatedly "mistakenly" mispronounces his last name as "Osama." Dirty little tricks like this make me want to vote for him.
I see your point Playboy, and I hear it all the time from many conservative voices that I listen to and respect. I guess it never bothered me much because I can't stand Obama anyway, but because of where he plans to steer the country, regardless of his middle name which I care nothing about.

By the way Playboy, your personal "collection" is much too beautiful to risk voting for Obama! :D
By the way Playboy, your personal "collection" is much too beautiful to risk voting for Obama!

If I recall correctly, it was Jerry Falwell and the "moral majority" that was interested in what everyone was reading. . .
Maxb49 said:
...this is a blatant attempt to discredit Obama's candidacy by using his middle name.
TheBluesMan said:
What is it about his middle name that discredits him or makes him unfit for office?
Playboypenguin said:
Don't play ignorant. It is beneath you. You know exactely why Rush does it and why you did it. It is inciteful because they are trying to use his name to tie him to terrorism through word association. They are stressing the name again and again trying to make people say "boy that sounds muslim to me."
I don't listen to Rush, so I had no idea that he does that too. Like I said before, I use B. Hussein Obama's middle name because it irritates people like you.

As for your assertion that it is "inciteful" (to what does it incite people? Did you mean insightful?), your argument falls flat on its face. Liberals love to point out that S. Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti had absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, the September 11, 2001 attacks and had no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So how does using Senator Obama's middle name associate him even tangentially with terrorism?

Your statement also infers that the American people are a bunch of drooling idiots because they might say, "Dad gum it all, Pete, I ain't votin' fer that Hoo-sayne guy, he's pro'lly one of them there turrrrists." It doesn't make any difference to any American of average intelligence.

It's all a tempest in a teapot anyway. I'm convinced that B. Hussein Obama will be the next president of the United States of America.

Welcome to the school yard. Next it'll be Hussein Hussein Hussein neener neener neener.

If this is the best the right wing can do Dennis Kucinich could win the Whitehouse.
Like I said before, I use B. Hussein Obama's middle name because it irritates people like you.

How very mature. Thanks for continuing to (as noted above by another poster) discredit the rest of us by making us look like toothless backwoodsmen with no tolerance for other ethnicities. That's really going to help the cause. :rolleyes: I'm warning you, this Hussein thing came directly from the Clinton camp and the Republicans parroted. You're eating out of Hillary's hand. All she needs to do is win that nomination and we - every member on this board collectively - is sunk. She is not going to be easy to defeat. She will win every Kerry state from 2004. Then she will pick up Ohio and we're dead. Thanks a lot.
To quote Bill Murray from "Meatballs" (I think): "It just doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter."