The Middle Name Issue

And I dislike B. Hussein Obama
I am not an Obama supporter at all, but unless you are going to refer to McCain as "J. Sidney McCain III" that is pretty juvenile way to present Obama (trying to use his middle name as a derogatory stab) and, IMHO, beneath someone that would represent this forum as a staff member.

If you want to attack him on the issues go ahead...he is plenty vulnerable. But to play childish name calling games based on something he has no control of is pretty lame.
...but unless you are going to refer to McCain as "J. Sidney McCain III" that is pretty juvenile way to present Obama
Sauce for the gander, eh? Fine. J. Sidney McCain III it is. :)

BTW, I don't think his middle name is of any consequence whatsoever. Likewise for Mrs. Clinton. I use it because it makes people like you *really* nervous - obviously. :D

I use it because it makes people like you *really* nervous - obviously
It does not make me nervous, because I have nothing invested in him, I just think it is a slimey tactic used by sleazy neo-con mouth pieces.
It does not make me nervous, because I have nothing invested in him, I just think it is a slimey tactic used by sleazy neo-con mouth pieces.

Oh, gimme a break!

Richard Milhous Nixon, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, George Herbert Walker Bush, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Herbert Horatio Humphrey........the list goes on and on.

Getting your panties in a wad over the use of his middle name is rather juvenile, dontcha think?
I just think it is a slimey tactic used by sleazy neo-con mouth pieces.
<de niro>You talkin' to me?</de niro>

You're wrong. I am neither sleazy nor a neo-con and yet I use it.

Back to the topic at hand now.

The concession of Huckabee means the loss of the last true conservative running on the Republican ticket. Regardless of who gets the Dem nomination, we will again be faced with choosing between the lesser of two evils. I, for one, refuse to waste my vote by giving it to someone who does not reflect my views. If that means Cthulhu is elected president by the idiotic masses - fine. This country is following Europe down the socialist road toward one world government. There is no stopping it. :(

So what is a God-fearing Reagan-conservative to do? Personally, I'll be concerning myself with politics much less, flying low and trying to stay off the .gov radar, reading my Bible, buying ammo and living out my days in obscurity as much as possible.

Then, when was the last time we elected someone President who hasn't been a Governer? (Doesn't look good for McCain there.)

Well, considering he'll be running against another Senator I think it looks just fine for him. Huck may have had an edge, but McCain is at no disadvantage.

How is using his middle name a derogatory stab?!?! ITS HIS MIDDLE NAME. This is the same type of dribble the Democratic party and bleeding hearts have been yammering about. If you want a President name Barrack Hussain Obama then vote for him; I dont.

Why not? I mean, I can understand not wanting Barack Hussein Obama as President, given his policies and positions. But somebody named Barack Hussein Obama? I'm not seeing the problem.
We've had enough problems with Husseins and Obamas already...I dont think that we need one in the White House ;)

I really, really hope not. That might make me cross my own line of not voting for a "lesser of two evils" because I would rather see Obama or Clinton in the White House than Huckabee's ideas anywhere near it.

WOW! Thats all I can say about that. Huckabee; a NRA member and CCW permit holder and you would vote for people wanting to take away your rights? Whos ideas should we be worried about? His or yours?
I have no issue with Husseins or Obamas. In fact, I can't think of any Obamas we've ever had a problem with.

His NRA membership means nothing to me because it changes nothing about his views that I strongly disagree with. I don't vote based on one issue and I won't sacrifice any other rights to save one.
His NRA membership means nothing to me because it changes nothing about his views that I strongly disagree with

Yes, it would terrible to have someone in the White House with a moral compass :rolleyes: Bring on the baby killers and Socialists!
Yes, it would terrible to have someone in the White House with a moral compass Bring on the baby killers and Socialists!
Why must my moral compass point in the same direction as his?

I don't agree with too many of his ideas and his beliefs to want him anywhere near a position of power.
B. Hussein Obama

Agree with him or not, this is a blatant attempt to discredit Obama's candidacy by using his middle name.

How is using his middle name a derogatory stab?!?! ITS HIS MIDDLE NAME.

It's derogatory because you are obviously using the middle name for political maneuvering. Nobody refers to a candidate with their first initial, middle name, and last name. I don't agree with Obama on his 2nd Amendment positions but it's petty, juvenile b.s. like this that keeps the REAL issues off the systemic agenda and sends us down the path of losing our rights because your distracting attention from the real issues. If you want our interests to be taken seriously, cut the crap already.
What is it about his middle name that discredits him or makes him unfit for office?

That makes no sense to me. Hussein is a fine name.

Agree with him or not, this is a blatant attempt to discredit Obama's candidacy by using his middle name.

I guess that if one can discredit his campaign by using his middle name, he must not have much of a campaign to start with.

it's petty, juvenile b.s. like this that keeps the REAL issues off the systemic agenda

If this "petty b.s." is such a huge distraction, just maybe he doesn't really stand for much of anything to talk about.
It's the way and reason you're using it. You're using his middle name to attempt to instill fear in voters and that is perhaps the most despicable, ANTI AMERICAN political tactic going.

Fear is a political maneuvering tactic also used by:

- Adolf Hitler
- Joseph Stalin
- Mao Zedong
- Hillary Clinton
- George W. Bush
- Lyndon Johnson
- Pope Urban II
- Osama Bin Laden
- Ayman al-Zawahiri

If you want to live in a country whose politics are dictated by fear, do us a favor and MOVE.
I don't like J. Sidney McCain III. I voted for Michael Dale Huckabee in the Ohio primary. I think he was the best person for the job. And not because of his middle name. How superficial! He certainly was the only one who has actually run something, in his case, the state of Arkansas.