The hammer has fallen...

This stuff has all been paraded out before. So far nothing has come of charges Obama is not a citizen. Anyone can file suit for any reason. However, I guess stranger things have happened. There is always the chance there could be some truth to this story.

Wait.....maybe this is the bomb shell that Hillary & Bill have been waiting to shoot off just before the convention. Obama cannot legally run so Hillary will have to be brave and step in to fill his shoes.:p

Wow, if that happened the Denver convention would make the Iraq war look like a Boy Scout outing!
To be honest, I have completely ignored the race thus far - I just found out about this new lawsuit from another board I hang out on. So far, the blogs I linked to are the only ones carrying the story. From what I've been able to gather in the comment sections, no MSM showed up to the press conference, so if there is any strength to this thing it won't come out until tomorrow. Also, the plaintiff is not necessarily asking for a birth certificate. He's asking for proof that Obama went through the proper procedures to reclaim his citizenship after leaving Indonesia. He is claiming Obama has multiple citizenships, and therefore allegiance to multiple countries. One thing is for sure, he has multiple alias'. Under the defendant section there are 4 names for Obama. I must say, the man is bold to use the name Barack Hussein Obama when getting into national politics. I probably would have went with Barry Soetoro or Barack Dunham.

Oh well, guess we'll see what happens
The new arguement as I understand it is that when Barack and his mother moved to Indonesia, she resigned his U.S. citizenship. Not a big deal - he's still a natural born citizen. However, upon returning to the states he did not go through the legal requirements to reaffirm his U.S. citizenship. Probably still not a big deal as long as you don't ever plan on running for President. Since he supposedly did not do this there is no documentation (basically an oath of allegiance to ONLY the United States), and therefore he is ineligible to be President because it is a conflict of interest with all the other countries he is still a citizen of.
When you think about it, none of this has to be true. Obama can be the most patriotic man to ever come from this country, but if the case does not get dropped immediately and he can't produce the mountain of paperwork the lawyers are going to demand by next week, then Hillary is going to be the nominee, simply as an act of safety for her party.
Forged documents? In America :eek:? How silly, to think documents could be falsified that never happens. Why documents are well, documented aren't they? Especialy overseas. :rolleyes:
Lets send Sandy Berger to Hawaii, who else but a true professional could get the legal documents we need to answer the questions.

kenny b
Bill Clinton was recently asked:
"Do you think BO is qualified to be president of the US"?
His answer:
"The CONSTITUTION of the US sets the guide lines as to who can be president of the US"

Was he "ducking" the question? --OR--do you think he was thinking about something else when he gave this answer?;)

Some think that this was what Bill was thinking about when he gave such an answer---that BO is not a citizen and can't legally run for president---as set forth in the constitution.
"The CONSTITUTION of the US sets the guide lines as to who can be president of the US"

I remember that answer. Now the light bulb is coming on. The law suit has been filed. That does not make it true, but the Obama people have to respond. Crazy things happen. I would not be surprised that at this late date his citizenship had not been strong reason until now.

I have been looking for links other than far right blogs to try to get a sense of their view, but no luck so far. Anyone have links to main stream news outlets that have mentioned this issue?
The "one US citizen parent" aspect only comes into play if they can prove that he was not born in Hawaii.

By filing a lawsuit, they are able to try to use the mechanisms of the court to compel Obama to produce the records which he's so far been unwilling to produce.
By filing a lawsuit, they are able to try to use the mechanisms of the court to compel Obama to produce the records which he's so far been unwilling to produce.

What records has he failed to produce? I have been on sites that do show his birth certificate and it looks legal.

(Just click on the certificate for a large view).

This gets complicate. Here is the law suit filed yesterday by Berg.
It may look legal, but it's a forgery. This fact has been demonstrated in a variety of ways through examination of the image file. The EXIF data for the image, for example, shows that it was last saved by Photoshop CS3 for Macintosh.

Here's an example:


The Obama forgery was apparently prepared by Jay McKinnon, aka "opendna" on Kos, possibly using the authentic Hawaii birth certificate of one Patricia DeCosta as a template. He also prepared the above "Haye I. B. Aphorgerie" "birth certificate" and posted it on Kos.

This site: has a detailed technical explanation for anyone who's interested. It was a fairly cleverly-executed forgery in some respects, so it's not surprising that many people who've never seen a real Hawaiian birth certificate before were gulled by it.
That's old news, his parents were both American citizens and his father was deployed by the US military---it's covered---he is a citizen---when a military person is deployed by the government of the US, any children born to him and his wife, are citizens---case closed--no debate.
Yes, dipper I did know that already. :D

I don't like what's happening to Obama - special interests against him. But not for the reasons you may suspect.

The current powers that be have all but destroyed the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the economy and our future - they did receive help from the Clintons and the DNC which is something the libs refuse to "fess up to".

I don't want further conflict and I surely don't want it with Russia. Obama is "playing both sides" right now. If he parrots the Neocon mantra he'll be considered "electable" but I wouldn't vote for him as would many. If he continues to make comments that indicate that he cares more for the Constitution and Bill of Rights then he'll continue to get "rode hard and put to bed wet" by the pundits.

I don't like his views on several things - not the least of which is the 2nd Amendment, Immigration and NAFTA/GATT/WTO. Oddly, I find fault with McCain on the same topics. The one glaring difference is that McCain seems intractable in his deadfast intent of more wars. Continue pushing with another nuclear power and nukes will be used. On *our* soil. At the moment I'm not addressing nukes on Russians. Only HERE. That's not a future I wish to see fulfilled.

I stated two years ago that it would come down to this: Ron Paul or Obama. Why? Because the GOP have trashed the laws of the land, the economy and our military preparedness as well as push for "pre-emptive nuclear war". No one in their right mind would vote to continue this. Unless, they chose Ron Paul (which I "knew" they would not do).

Therefore, we are choosing between the Clintons (NY organized crime connections), Obama (supported by Brzezinski) or McCain (organized crime connections). Two value Israel over the USA by their own words. The other is an unknown. At worst he'll do what the others have professed to do. At best he'll stand for the nation. How would that play out? It would depend on us.

Perhaps I should have run. You could keep your weapons. I'd only demand that you sought professional training (become a "pig" - a Professionally Instructed Gunman) such that you could repel the Communist and Anarchists that WILL arise soon when the "economy becomes no more."

I'd opt out of NAFTA/GATT/WTO, UNO, NATO and normalize relations with Russia. We'd have enough of everything to take on everyone with that alliance. Oil and gas would be cheap and I could vacation/hunt in Siberia. Cool! :D