The Democratic Convention made me proud for our country

Not open for further replies. forgot the best reactions...that some of us don't care one way or the other what his race is.. it really isn't important. The quality of a man is not measured by the color of his skin.

Yes, isn't it always nice that some reach that point? Nice that, in fact, the idea has taken hold enough where a black stands a chance of becoming President.

That's new in America. That's the product of a long struggle in America. And America has gotten there first.

Good job.
And that mindset is the problem I think. People need to stop focusing on race and concentrate on politics.

There is no reason to care one way or the other about a candidate's skin color...he's running for POTUS...not Mr. Black America...
My mindset may be completely different than that of many people because my wife is black and our children are (obviously) biracial.

Most people will not understand this..but my former wife was bi-racial...and I didn't even notice it for about a year into our relationship. It was obvious to anyone who is cognizant of such things..but I was raised colorblind that it never occurred to me that she wasn't "white". It was so unimportant that it never dawned on me. One day she said something...and I just set my newspaper down and just stared at her...when she said, "what?", all I could say was, "'re not white...are you?" At that we both had a good laugh!

And you know what? Some 14 or so years STILL doesn't matter.
I don't think it's great that a black man or a woman can be considered for the presidency. For me, it's just expected and accepted that any "qualified" person could be president. What sickens me is the particular white man and black man that we have to chose from. forgot the best reactions...that some of us don't care one way or the other what his race is.. it really isn't important. The quality of a man is not measured by the color of his skin.
So true.

Unfortunately, the bulk of those holding that viewpoint nowadays seem to be white. Rampant racism is still the norm in parts of American society and in parts of the political establishment these days.

When the term "race traitor" is tossed around with impunity by those who should be respectable, we have a race problem. When the term "Uncle Tom" is tossed around with impunity by those who should be respectable, we have a race problem. When the black leftist establishment accuses black conservatives of treason to their race, we have a race problem. When the black leftist establishment takes it for granted that the whole demographic is in their pocket, we have a race problem. When the left plays the "race card", accusing any opposition to a black candidate of racism no matter the actual reason for that opposition, we have a race problem and it isn't those in opposition who are the racists.
Fascinating sets of reactions:

"I didn't notice he was black."

"He's not black."

"He was chosen ONLY because he was black."

As is obvious, race is still a deeply divisive issue in this country, and the fact remains that for 95% of our history there is not a chance that a man of Obama's race/ethnicity would be nominated by a major party.

But America has fought through that.

And that is grand!

I said "I hardly noticed." because it only seems that you are proud because he is black. I would rather be proud that he is a candidate that we can be proud of. For his leadership of this Great country. Not just because he is black.
It is a big deal. Good for the Democratic party and good for America.
The significance of Obama accepting the nomination on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, won't be lost on people watching.

There are things which remind me of the promise that is the American experience, this is one of them.
Racism is a horrible thing. Back in 2000 while deployed to Bosnia I was extremely surprised to find a copy of "The Turner Diaries" at our little military library at the camp I was on. Out of curiosity I decided to read the "infamous" book.

There are time I wish I hadn't. I was a lot more innocent before I read that garbage. Somehow I as able to make it all the way through the book. There were numerous part of it that literally made me physically ill.

I find it difficult to believe that some people are filled with such an unreasonable hatred.

I'm out for now guys. It's 0100 here in Baghdad and I have to be up for duty in six hours. Have a good night and I'll catch up with this thread tomorrow.

My problem is that he's shoving it down our throats that he's proud to be black. In my estimation, he isn't.

Why is it all about being black? Why isn't his other blood inheritance even mentioned? It's all political leverage. What he should be proud of is that he's American and that's it.
Having the person from Illinois is no progress at all, and in fact is more anti-progress than anything. To have a candidate like that representing ANYONE is no credit to them whatsoever and only serves as a reason to not have someone like them involved. If whoever wanted to have a moment in history, they should have picked someone who isn't a blatant communist and a completely disgraceful example of an American.

I fully support women and whatever type, race, appearance, religion (within some parameters...worshipping aliens, decapitated goats, purple hippos, earth goddesses, whatever is just off the deep end weird), etc.-- just not that one (nor the female runner up). There are way too many geriatric buddy buddy politicians and not enough 30' something, did something else before and is only in for one or two terms. Bidens, Kennedys, Feinswines, and McWeasels need to be run out of the system and never invited back. But whatever they run, the stuff that TPFI stands for has no place in our country, period. The Chamberlains in the other party are scarcely any better if at all.
Its a small step.

Many European and Asia countries already have elected a women and other minorities as their leader. Yet in America people bitch about women or other minority president. Its a sad fact that many people will not vote for Obama just because he is black. We still have a long way to go in this country before we tear down the walls of inequality.
Its a sad fact that many people will not vote for Obama just because he is black. We still have a long way to go in this country before we tear down the walls of inequality.

Keep in mind, that many people WILL vote for Obama just because he IS black. That coin has two sides.

How many people would vote for Colen Powell if he ran for President? How many would vote for J.C. Watts or Dr. Walter Williams? How about Clarence Thomas? There are many blacks who are qualified to be President and who have much more experience than Barack Obama. I'd vote for any of those first four, exceptional, men. I would not vote for Obama. He's a closet marxist and his lack of judgement shows when you look at some of the friends and mentors he's had; William Ayers, Tony Rezco, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Father Fleger, and Louis Farakhan (I apologize for any misspellings in those names). Oh, I forgot one of his most influential mentors; Saul Olinksy. There's a hardcore marxist for you if you ever saw one. I don't care a wit about Obama's skin color. It shouldn't matter, though I won't argue that it doesn't matter for some people. I think the guy is a marxist, and I don't particulary appreciate that brand of politician.
Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Ken Hamblin...ANY of those I'd vote for. Did the donkey party want to run any of them? NO. They must answer for that.
As is obvious, race is still a deeply divisive issue in this country, and the fact remains that for 95% of our history there is not a chance that a man of Obama's race/ethnicity would be nominated by a major party.

Why is it every time someone says something against a black man it is racist? Same with gay, lesbian, Jew and/or "insert your favorite group here."

Obama expects to receive 95% of the black vote. Why? Simply because he is black. Cannot get much more racist than that. Yet any white person stating that if not for the color of his skin, anyone looking seriously at his qualifications would send him packing is automatically classified a racist. Biden is far more qualified to be president than Obama and I totally hate Biden.

Want to see this white man vote for a black presidential candidate? Get Condoleezza Rice on the ticket. I would vote for her in a heartbeat.
Why is it that TPFI can even claim being black over being white? If he was 1/4 would that be enough? For someone claiming no racism it's disgusting how obvious he plays it to its maximum--if it wasn't politically advantageous would he claim to be white instead?
Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Ken Hamblin...ANY of those I'd vote for. Did the donkey party want to run any of them? NO. They must answer for that.

:mad: Oh my bad ....I thought you said honkey!!! :eek:
I like Colin Powell, I know he doesn't respect the Second Amendment, but he would make a good president, J.C.Watts is a Second Amendment supporter and I would also vote for him, I will not vote for obama in all honesty, he has no experience short of an orchestrated campaign and law school, being a junior senator from Ill. is not a track record that interests me. Show me some votes in congress that he has voted against his party, show me some votes he has voted to protect the 2nd amend., show me he has the ability to think and act out of the box and out of party doctrine. Obama is a party soldier and has no political history and that makes him a good candidate in today's political smoke screen system. The opposition cannot oppose any of his policies because he has none. He needs to get a history then come back in 10-20 years and I'll take another look. But 'till then it's either McCain or abstain and I hate abstinence.
MedicineBow, you seem so pleased that a black man is running for POTUS, and I ask you why does it matter what color he is?

Let me ask you this, if candidates for POTUS were hidden from view, and restricted to only speaking about relevant political issues, and forced to leave out any personal information other than their policy stances, their personal and political ties, alliances, and achievements, their resume and experience, their voting record, you know THINGS THAT ACTUALLY you think that a man like Obama, with no credible political history, would even be glanced at twice, much less seriously considered for POTUS? Hell, if HIS experience is enough to run, I might run myself in 2012. I have as much experience in politics as he does.

Lets face the FACTS. The ONLY REASONS that Obama is even in this is that he is black, and young enough and inexperienced enough to be led around by the nose.

Makes me laugh. I think about puppet monarchs who used to be shown to the people as king or emperor because of their BLOODLINE, or because of their popularity with the people, while the REAL POWER behind the throne was often one of the elder statesmen, generals, ect. This feels like that scenario.....
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