The Democratic Convention made me proud for our country

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It was fabulous to see Obama nominated by the Democrats last night.

I am proud that my country -- no matter the fits and starts and difficulties -- has made this kind of progress on the racial front during my lifetime.

Nowhere else in the world would this happen. No other country in the world is strong enough to fight internally about something this potent for decades and decades, but still remain together and strong and committed to ideals of equal opportunity for all.

Now, I know that many (I suppose the vast majority) on this forum dislike (at least) Obama, support McCain (or others), and would vote for anybody but Obama.

I'm not trying to fight about that here. Voicing widely divergent opinions is the whole point of an election, and being able to is one of the main points of America. And that's great too.

I'm just pleased we've gotten to this stage in my lifetime.
The Democratic Convention made me proud for our country


It was fabulous to see Obama nominated by the Democrats last night.

I am proud that my country -- no matter the fits and starts and difficulties -- has made this kind of progress on the racial front during my lifetime.

Nowhere else in the world would this happen. No other country in the world is strong enough to fight internally about something this potent for decades and decades, but still remain together and strong and committed to ideals of equal opportunity for all.

Now, I know that many (I suppose the vast majority) on this forum dislike (at least) Obama, support McCain (or others), and would vote for anybody but Obama.

I'm not trying to fight about that here. Voicing widely divergent opinions is the whole point of an election, and being able to is one of the main points of America. And that's great too.

I'm just pleased we've gotten to this stage in my lifetime.

What are you proud about? That he is black? I hardly noticed. I just know he lies like all the rest of the politicians.............
Is this a parody to Obama's wife saying that this is the first time she is proud of America?

Also SA has turned to crap but thats a different thread.
Is this a parody to Obama's wife saying that this is the first time she is proud of America?

Nope. I'm often proud of my country, as unfashionable as that may be around here, as so much time is spent in a frenzy about how bad things are.

And this is one of those times.
Yep. And sure you did. Everyone does.

I don't care what color a politican is. As long as he can be trusted to do what is right for America. Not the world. America comes first.

"It's time to clean up your own back yard"
I don't see why you are any prouder now then before. So - hes black? People will vote for whoever is closest to them, Obama was apparently closer to more democrats then Hilliary.
I don't see why you are any prouder now then before. So - hes black? People will vote for whoever is closest to them, Obama was apparently closer to more democrats then Hilliary.

Um we will see. Some Hillary supporters still might jump ship and vote for McCain. I bet florida and Michigan will have very little support for Obama.
Hardly surprising. Or even encouraging. It's just the beginning of Phase 2. Race is coming to politics in a bigger way than ever. I predict the Republican/Democrat boundary will be where they will draw the line. Two races on one side; everybody else on the other. For a while. Then, in Phase 3, there'll be room for just one race on that side of the line and everybody else will be on the other.

We've got 300 million people right now and Phase 2 is starting. It may not last long. In 30 years, we'll have 400 million. The extra 100 million and their group members who are here already will take one of those parties and make it theirs. The rest of us will be left with the other one.

Should be interesting.
I'm just pleased we've gotten to this stage in my lifetime.

The idea we have come a long way is in my opinion naive,what I would like
to see is a competent candidate presented to the public in a sane common
sense manner not a bunch of smiling fools who wish to cheat and lie to a
hard working public, to this old man we have went far down hill not up.
I refuse to watch either convention look how green we could all be by turning
off this crap go outside and play pitch with your kids or dog much more productive.
So will this historic occaion mark the end of whining about how oppressed and disadvantaged minorities are in this country? Somehow I doubt it.
IMO, the only reason he is on the ticket is because he is black. If any other candidate with his record tried to run for president, they'd be laughed out of town.
I see nothing so great about picking a presidential candidate based on his race..or even despite his race as the case may be.

No, I will be impressed when an individual is chosen to run for POTUS that actually understands and respect our rights. It will not matter to me what racial or ethnic background that individual comes from. I'll be the vote for a minority candidate if he truly is dedicated to upholding and restoring our rights and the dignity of our nation.

Race shouldn't matter when it comes to a presidential race. The only thing that should be important is political ideology.

Edit...Too many people seem to have forgotten what is makes a good surely isn't race.
i dont understand why people and the media are still hung up on this idea 40 years after its birth.
The "one drop" idea is not scientific. It was propaganda used by the black power movement to increase thier numbers.
for example...
By portion a cherokee must have at least 1/16 native american blood. sound like a small amount? its not. its 1 grandparent who is full blooded.
Obama does not even qualify by that loose standard to be called black in a scientific sense.
but then again how many blacks in this country have both parents and all 4 grandparents who are 100% west african slave stock?
By thier own definition they are not black either.

"It is well known that the history of African Americans has been marked not only by the forced migration from Africa, but also by the admixture with the other ethnic groups they met when they arrived in North America, namely Europeans and Native Americans. However, few historical records address the issue of admixture. Additionally, there have been important factors that, in the time since the abolition of slavery until the present, have configured the present African-American population. Of special interest is the pattern of migration of African Americans within the US over the past 150 years. In this sense, the redistribution of African Americans in the Southern States during the 19th century, and the Great Migration from the rural South to the urban areas in the North beginning after World War I are of particular relevance, and have had an enormous impact in defining the present distribution of the African-American population in the US.
In this example, individuals who described themselves as African American were plotted (NAM-Native American, EUR–Indo-European and AFR– African). It can be seen that relatively few of these individuals are of pure African descent . Many have significant EUR or NAM admixture . In fact some are more Indo-European origin than African .

(Johnson and Campbell, 1981)."
He's as white as he is black. He has no American black or slave ancestor roots. I don't see that it's wonderful to have candidates of any particular color. I want candidates that will do what's best for the country. Unfortunately, I think BHO falls short more than most and will harm chances for an African-American president in the future. Once he screws everything up, if elected, which is not assured, many people will blame it on his outward racial appearance rather than because he is a empty suit mouthing pablum.
To be honest, one of the things that bothers me about Obama is he always talks about being black, but completely leaves out that his white mother and grandmother raised him and payed for his education.
Fascinating sets of reactions:

"I didn't notice he was black."

"He's not black."

"He was chosen ONLY because he was black."

As is obvious, race is still a deeply divisive issue in this country, and the fact remains that for 95% of our history there is not a chance that a man of Obama's race/ethnicity would be nominated by a major party.

But America has fought through that.

And that is grand!
Pretty much what Danzig said.

Yes, I noticed that he is black, or half black, or whatever. Right from the get-go. That little detail doesn't matter to me. It does seem to matter to his constituency, however. No, what matters to me is his experience, or lack of such, and his hard leftist record. Oh, and his association with some VERY shady characters who he continues to support and continues to refuse to denounce.

My opposition to him has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with qualifications and ideology.

I recognize that there ARE blacks who ARE qualified to be the POTUS. There are blacks who ARE reasonably compatible ideologically. If they were to run, I'd support them just like I'd support any other candidate who met those criteria. forgot the best reactions...that some of us don't care one way or the other what his race is.. it really isn't important. The quality of a man is not measured by the color of his skin.
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