The Corona Virus Gun Buying Panic Thread

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...When I was a kid, most women had vaccination scars on their upper arm, near their shoulders. It almost looks like a penny was pressed there very firmly for a few minutes then removed. I mean I was little, maybe four years old....

Just FYI, that was from smallpox inoculation...
Worrying about ones health and the coronavirus is probably unnecessary if you are generally healthy. The problem is the fact that the contagious phase and the symptomatic phase are very staggered and although you feel fine you might pass it onto someone who is unfit and has pre-existing conditions who could well die from it. Even if they don’t, the odds are they will take up an icu spot and respirator. If that repeats, before long all the icu beds are taken and new sufferers won’t have one. Nor will the mother of two dying from a hit and run RTA etc.

So this is why COVID should be taken seriously.
This doesn’t explain the panic buying however...
Worrying about ones health and the coronavirus is probably unnecessary if you are generally healthy. The problem is the fact that the contagious phase and the symptomatic phase are very staggered and although you feel fine you might pass it onto someone who is unfit and has pre-existing conditions who could well die from it. Even if they don’t, the odds are they will take up an icu spot and respirator. If that repeats, before long all the icu beds are taken and new sufferers won’t have one. Nor will the mother of two dying from a hit and run RTA etc.

So this is why COVID should be taken seriously.
This doesn’t explain the panic buying however...
This is my take on it as well, the panic buying is a result of the media fanning the flames of the end of days and the world as we know it are over. Folks think that means the new world will not have toilet paper I guess.
When the toilet paper is gone I have this miracle alternative called the 2 minute shower. Marvellous invention!
Recession proof too!

We’re all quarantined here in Europe. No unnecessary outings, work from home.
Buying black powder guns has proven an excellent boon to the soul.
When the toilet paper is gone I have this miracle alternative called the 2 minute shower. Marvellous invention!

Recession proof too!

We’re all quarantined here in Europe. No unnecessary outings, work from home.

Buying black powder guns has proven an excellent boon to the soul.
Yea, leave it to the US to lose their minds rather than using some of the oldest methods used by civilization for hygiene. Here in California the majority of gun stores are cleared out of inventory because of panicked folks. People are starting to look at BP firearms since they can be mailed to your door currently.
DaleA said:
So is the "loophole" to buy a black powder revolver (shipped to your door):

and have them include a conversion cylinder too?

I have no idea if this is legal or not. Just sayin'.

norcalAF said:
Yep, perfectly legal.
Perfectly legal under federal law.

In the past year or two, a number of states have enacted anti- "ghost gun" laws. If your state has adopted an anti-ghost gun law, review that law carefully before blissfully thinking this is the answer. It may be a felony offense.
Pond, James Pond: no toilet paper could mean a 2-minute shower?

Is that a version of what European homes Could call a "vertical bidet"?
Maybe you have the type (bathtub, like in some hotels) with the shower head on a flexible, silver metal hose?

On page 1 you suggested that people might need to know the feeling of potential instability. I agree, and would not have thought of that.

A recently deceased buddy who escaped (ran, swam a river, a few bullets fired in his direction) from "East" Germany a few years before the wall came down told people here in the US that most Americans have little appreciation for our freedoms.

* Also, superb points you made about post-contagion reminders to politicians about gun rights being part of our security, and the timing of when the Chinese Virus is easily spread.
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Pond, James Pond: no toilet paper could mean a 2-minute shower?

Is that a version of what European homes Could call a "vertical bidet"?
Maybe you have the type (bathtub, like in some hotels) with the shower head on a flexible, silver metal hose?

On page 1 you suggested that people might need to know the feeling of potential instability. I agree, and would not have thought of that.

A recently deceased buddy who escaped (ran, swam a river, a few bullets fired in his direction) from "East" Germany a few years before the wall came down told people here in the US that most Americans have little appreciation for our freedoms.

* Also, superb points you made about post-contagion reminders to politicians about gun rights being part of our security, and the timing of when the Chinese Virus is easily spread.

By the time I need such an option, I won't call it vertical anything: I'll call it my new best friend!!

My thought about the instability is that, sadly, few people learn from the mistakes of others. They mostly need their own. In the case of needing or not needing a firearm, that can well be a lesson you don't live to learn from. And here we have a situation that most can imagine snow-balling out of control without too many leaps of the imagination.

And on your point about the people of the US, I think this is something that afflicts most western countries. We've become coddled by a society which provides all that now many, if not most think that freedom is being able to buy the TV or car you want on credit, and little more.

I'm OK with that, as long as people realise that it's not a one-way street. They have to be active in upholding that freedom and all the others that they've forgotten about. Do that, and they can buy all the TVs they want...
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When I was a kid, most women had vaccination scars on their upper arm, near their shoulders. It almost looks like a penny was pressed there very firmly for a few minutes then removed. I mean I was little, maybe four years old.

She told me that it was her vaccination mark. She told me that vaccinations were a gift from god and that every parent lives in constant fear that something bad will happen to their children.

That was for smallpox. When I was in grade school, we had to show it before they would let us go to school. They looked every year at the start of the school year.
Pond, James Pond:

But isn't the permanent concern mostly the fear that Russian President-For-Life Putin might need one of those Baltic countries?

The ethnic Russians living there might not agree.
---most women had vaccination scars

Then of course there's the old joke about the young man and young woman out on a date driving down the street in the guy's car and the woman slides over close to the guy and whispers, "You want to see where I was vaccinated?"
The guy gulps and says, "Well sure!"
She replies, "Right over there at St. John's Hospital."
The Baltic’s are certainly a potential target for sure.

The ethnic Russians here are an eclectic bunch. Some fiercely patriotic to Estonia, others to Russia, most just want to live theirs lives. But what the freedom of a democracy affords the individual is not something the people culturally once part of the Soviet Union can get to grips with easily: the USSR didn’t exactly encourage people to think critically about how stuff was done.
By the time I need such an option, I won't call it vertical anything: I'll call it my new nest friend!!
LOL! I know that's a typo - - but - thanks for the belly laugh it provided!!!

(I'm a big fan of double entendre - off beat humor - unintentional truths)
When there are 30,000 people dead (same as avg year for flu) from COVID-19, THEN I will start worrying about Coronavirus. The reason why folks are freaked is not so much due to the virus as it is due to the upcoming depression, hence the massive gun & ammo purchases. Our politicians are morons who are destroying our economy. They will be held accountable but it will be too late.
Mortality literally doubled in one day to 2,000. You may get what you wish for within two weeks.
Since this thread has gone off topic for TFL's range of subjects for a few days, I'll close it now. A bunch of folks failed to heed JohnKSa's warning in the first post.

If anyone wants to try another thread about panic gun buying you're welcome to give it a try, but if it gets back to personal hygiene, etc., it will also be closed.
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