The Corona Virus Gun Buying Panic Thread

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I was at Buds in Lexington the other day, it was absolutely packed. It seemed like they were moving a lot of the cheap Taurus items.
I totally cannot wait for all the used guns to hit the market in about 3-6 months! Never fired... Gonna suck for the dealers but it will be great for the folks who buy guns for fun.
Yep, my lgs owner said the same thing when I was in there last week picking up my latest acquisition out of the ten day wait.
Does anyone know if the gun stores in CA, CT, IL, NJ, NY, OR, & PA are considered "essential" and can stay open? The States have Shelter-at-Home orders so can folks even buy guns?
I'm sorry James but you and that particular logic are woefully erroneous, a person who stupidly(and it is stupid)cedes their personal safety to a telephone, a three digit telephone number, and a local governing source and its police agencies isn't a sign of intelligence, its a brazen display of grotesque personal irresponsibility and stupidity.

Where exactly did I say that not having a firearm was a smart thing?
Where did I say that leaving it all to the authorities was a smart thing?
In fact, if you re-read my post, I implied the opposite in the last sentence.

In effect you are saying such folks are smart because as reality unfolds before otherwise blinded eyes, they decide "hey maybe a firerarm ain't such a bad idea!" That is exactly what they should have done long long ago, and sought proper instruction to operate a weapon at the same time.

Again, you seem to have read what you wanted to read, not what I said.

I said that realising that there may be potential danger in the approaching future and seeking to mitigate it is smarter than not trying to.

That logic kills a great many of the herd, a very very great many when calamity strikes on a national scale. These people are the ones who manifest themselves on these websites and bitterly complain when suddenly they cannot buy what they need, and if they can how expensive it just became!

This seems to be opinion passed off as fact and not really relevant to the point I was making.

They whine about price gouging, hoarding, and every other thing, all because they blew off "totally" their own personal responsibility for themselves and their loved ones! There's the way things ought to be, and then there is just the way things are....

As does this...
Good guns are getting hard to find now

I wanted a new gun for personal defense. I went to a few local LGSs and wanted a .380 or a 9 mm, preferably a S&W or Ruger. There was nothing to be found at first. I then went into a Sportsman's Warehouse and they had lots of guns but no ammo.

I ended up with a S&W M&P Shield EZ 9. I got the last one in stock. I bought the 9 because I still had lots of ammo for one at home.

There must have been 50 people behind me waiting to buy a gun. There was no ammo so what are they going to do,throw the gun at the bad guns?

Checking on-line for ammo and it's the same story, either nothing available or the high price stuff is still out there for .22s if you want to spend .20 a cartridge. Honker down for another shortage my friends.
Congrats on getting the last 9Shield EZ. Gun sale increases and an ammo shortage is not surprising in light of the current media-generated panic and the unknowns a pandemic brings with it for most of us.

I'm thankful to have a year's shooting supply onhand and will not be buying any ammo until the supply chain is replenished. I suspect this may take six months.

I don't want to be part of the problem so I plan to tailor my range trip ammo count down by focusing my sessions on drills that use less ammo but achieve the desired results. I'm not going to cut the number of range trips because the guys that operate the ranges need my financial support more now than they did last year.

Stay safe and healthy!
Arizonans looking for guns and ammo might consider a road trip north to Nevada. During the last AR-15 shortage, there were plenty in and around gun stores in Las Vegas. Also look rural, farm and ranch supply stores for ammo. But the big lesson is don't wait until the calamity is at hand to have a supply of ammo or a gun.
Does anyone know if the gun stores in CA, CT, IL, NJ, NY, OR, & PA are considered "essential" and can stay open? The States have Shelter-at-Home orders so can folks even buy guns?
CA bay area resident here, all of our LGS are closed and not considered "essential." I am well prepared, but I witnessed throngs of folks making their first purchases that they will be unable to have released from the ten day waiting period.
I was able to order 9mm online. Purchased 500rds which I feel is enough to last me until hopefully this all blows over. There was no price gouging and it was delivered Sat, took 4 days from when I placed the order. I found an old 38 special revolver that was found stashed in a piece of furniture when my Dad passed 15 yrs ago. It's nothing special (Titan Tiger) but I decided to give it a good going over and cleaning. I don't think its ever been fired, probably 60+ yrs old. It locks up tight and the barrel looks good not great but good enough to use as a last resort. The only 38 special ammo I could find a laying around the house was 12 Speer +p hollow points. Didn't feel comfortable loading that ammo so I ordered 50 rds of regular 38 special from same place as the 9's. Once again no price gouging and I suspect it to arrive mid next week.
I don't see a shortage of good guns NIB on GB, or out-of-control prices. Could possibly happen depending on how high the panicometer goes, but if not, we're talking about a very short-term disruption at the LGS.

Ammo is a different story. If you didn't place your order yet, you're going to be behind the curve for a while.
I laugh at all the panic stricken buying that is going on right now. I imagine a lot of it is all the liberals that a few weeks ago thought that all guns should be banned because they believed the police will keep them safe. Now there is literally no ammo to be found anywhere and I just saw someone sell a used Shield for $600.

I am not a paranoid person, nevertheless, I always keep a adequate stock of the essentials around and that especially includes things like ammo and redundant firearms. You just never know when something like this might happen. When the lemmings start to panic, the last minute is too late to start preparing.

PS, What is the deal with hoarding TP? I can always find a way to wipe my butt, however these panic stricken retards should be worrying more about food than asswipe.
CA bay area resident here, all of our LGS are closed and not considered "essential." I am well prepared, but I witnessed throngs of folks making their first purchases that they will be unable to have released from the ten day waiting period.
From what I've read on LGS websites, they will open to allow pickup but no sales.
Even plastic is getting hard to find. A local gun shop I visited sells virtually everything they can get their hands on. I stopped in on Saturday and Taurus was flying off the shelves.... Ruger, Smith, Springfield and Glock weren't moving as fast, but I suspect they too will move just as fast as the lower priced ones. Lots of first time gun buyers are stocking up now.
James please don't take my reply personally, but I have rich experience in dealing with catastrophe on a national scale. Everyone who finds themselves in such absent minimal preparation's for just such a calamity have in very real effect just awarded themselves a "Dawin!" A substantial portion of assessing IQ in humans involves speed in problem solving, the faster the better, waiting until catastrophe has hit to run out and acquire needed supplies adds up to around room temperature in the IQ department...
A substantial portion of assessing IQ in humans involves speed in problem solving, the faster the better, waiting until catastrophe has hit to run out and acquire needed supplies adds up to around room temperature in the IQ department...

I don’t take your views personally and nor do I disagree with your example criterion for gauging intelligence. And perceiving a threat then trying to preempt it therefore constitutes intelligence.
What I think you bemoan is the fact they hadn’t reached that conclusion long before being faced with a more evident danger.
Well there I agree with you too. However they’re doing better, in my view, than those who’ll only realise their plight when their pantry is empty and ruffians are at their door.
I noticed that Costco has said they will NOT be refunding any money for toilet paper brought back to the store.

Good for them. Let the folks that bought 600 rolls of TP eat them.

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