The Best Handgun Ever Made!

While the Colt SAA has been the tool used, holding the world record for many years as the fastest draw and fire, one needs to look beyond just the gun to the exceptional individuals that did it.

The one that always impressed me the most was the often repeated feats of Ed McGivern. Particularly 10 (TEN) HITS on a playing card @ 20feet using two revolvers in 9/20 of a second, including the draw!!!

Be aware that the records for fastest draw and fire are not the same as fastest draw, fire and HIT! :D Some of the speed records were done with blanks.
"While the Colt SAA has been the tool used, holding the world record for many years as the fastest draw and fire, one needs to look beyond just the gun to the exceptional individuals that did it."

Exactly! I agree. And many of those exceptional individuals chose the COLT SAA for a reason. They chose it for a damn good reason... it's the best! :D
Best ... at what? One gun can't be 'best' for every situation. Not possible. My 'best' revolvers are those that feel 'really' good in the hand, real nice SA trigger action, and shoot to point of aim with good accuracy. I've got several SA revolvers that add up to that description. Speed? Who gives a hoot? Fast to draw? Big deal.... Not that I didn't mind watching Munden shoot! Or read about Ed McGivern (wish I could have seen his exhibitions). I do appreciate the skills some people develop. But it doesn't relate much to 'best' shooting iron for me or maybe you :) .....
S&W model 10, 4 inch heavy barrel, Pachmyer signature grips, loaded with 125 grain +P flat nosed, semi jacketed soft points, carried with two HKS speed loaders. Sits in the hand like a double Wild Turkey someone else paid for.
"It's more snappy than you might expect."

Actually, I would expect any such lightweight gun to be "snappy", to say the least.

I'm glad it works for you. For me, it would not be suitable for anything... "best" or not. ;)
If we all agreed on the same "best"...that would probably mean there was no other choice.
It might not be what I would buy,but I'd carry it.

Looks like a darn good choice!
No DA shooting at all for me either. I like light triggers. The best gun FOR ME is the one I carry every day, from pajamas-off until pajamas-on. It's a 5" S&W 629 "Classic" (full underlug) .44mag, loaded (always) with 240gr JHP Underwoods. I put in an 11 lb rebound spring to get me the lightest possible SA trigger ... measures about 3 lb on my gauge. I shoot that gun more accurately than I shoot anything else. I carry it in a homemade under-the-shirt vertical cloth shoulder holster. Comfortable and well-concealed. Only downside is a very slow draw ... but much faster than if I left my gun at home. I just have to see the bad guys before they see me ... that's a work in progress.

Man a 3lb trigger? Sounds like a target gun more than a defense EDC. I am on the opposite side of the fence. I do not prefer a exposed hammer in a revolver. Give me a smooth, controlled and deliberate well built DAO and I am ready to roll. And I do believe the ability to draw fast is a big factor in who lives or dies. The bad guy usually has a huge edge to begin with.

I believe people are making too much of a deal that the OP said it is the best. I believe he was saying this tongue in cheek. Yes, a fantastic gun and I would love to have one.
Congrats OP, you did well! Smith needs to bring it back.
SInce you specified "Handgun" even though this is a revolver sub-forum, here's an old doggerel from long ago...found it in Stebbins wonderful book: Pistols, A Modern Encyclopedia...published by Stackpole, 1961. It sums up what many of us, who carried the old "fist-filling gat" with confidence through long ago scenes of carnage, feel to the marrow if our aging bones! Best Regards, Rod BTW, for best Revolver, my vote is a M19/M66, Smith.

"Lines to My Lady .45"

For wide open spaces the rifle's all right,
Where there's time, space, and distance, and plenty of light,
But for work on the instant, when shooting is tight,
You can't get the slant with a rifle.

So, I'll say that at times it's all very well,
But for deviltry, death, and the raising of hell,
The Colt .45 is unusually swell
And will go where you can't with a rifle.

You can splatter a dollar at seventy feet
With a stunning precision that's pleasing and neat;
So I'll still make the claim that the Colt can't be beat
And will do what you can't with a rifle.

So when something is crashing the alders ahead,
And it's death to the brute, or you in its stead,
Let the Colt automat, the fist-filling gat, the chunky blue cat,
Chuck its competent lead.
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