The 'AK-47' of handguns

IMO the Glock is the AK-47 of the handgun world. As far a power go's? Pick one in the caliber you feel most confident with.:D
You all missed the point, handgun sidekick of the AK.

The AK is:

Cheap to produce
Made for war
Low tech
Effective caliber
Ugly as hell

The Walther P38

see above

russian and shoots a mini AK caliber...they seem pretty comparable, no?"

That's exactly what I was going to say. Get a Tokarev.
I'll vote for the Tok or Mak. If I had to pick one over the other, though, I'd go Mak. From my experience as an owner of 3 Maks, I'd go so far as to say that Maks are the only semi-auto that are as reliable as a revolver.
The semi-auto equivalent needs to be designed 30-40 years of the AK in order for the technologies to be comparable, which rules out Blocks and other injection molded Mattel toys. It also needs to be of European descent in both design and caliber and have a long standing reputation of reliability and worldwide distribution. This criteria narrows things down considerably and really leaves only four real candidates. I've throught this over in the past and I always come to the same conclusion..... Beretta 92, SIG 226, Browning Hi-power or CZ75. Of course there's no question as to which are the "correct" sidearms for the AK(Tokarev and Makarov). Ive never cared much for either, as one seems more like a scaled 1911 clone and the other a bit to small and underpowered for my taste.
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The only way I would go with a 1911 is if I had a gunsmith by my side in battle ,shoot that thing in any condition other than just cleaned and you'll need one.1911's are great looking guns but would not work well in the conditions an AK would. Most polymer guns are better suited to ride along side an AK.
I'm gonna have to go with the Browning Hi-Power as the AK of handguns. Shoot, I'm sure in some nations, you can find "military" or "police" forces armned with both.
to go along with the aks mythical ability to be fixed and cobbled together by semi literate individuals in just about every country, region, and climate of the world, the only handgun that truly goes along with that abitility is

peace maker
single action revolvers of the 1800s of colt and remington model except teh patterson and root.
If you are looking for a handgun as a companion piece to an AK, as in it shares the same "spirit" of the AK if you will, then get a Makarov or a Tokarev TT-33. They both served Russian soldiers right alongside the AK, and would make great companion pieces.

However, if you are just looking for a handgun, and really like the feel of the 1911, then get one. Whether it's the "something of the something world" doesn't matter. What counts is how you like it and how it performs in your hands. 1911's are reliable and they are easy to work on. You just just about disassemble the whole gun using just the parts of the gun itself.
Glock as reliable as any semi auto maby ugly but glocks work. I have tried to limp wrist and cant make any of them jam.
The 1911 is about the opposite in every aspect to the AK. Untill the last 30 years the 1911 wasn't even close to being considered a reliable handgun. It's basically American only, had limited capacity until recently and looks to good to be compared to the AK. We may "want" to believe it is but in our hearts we should know it's not. Webley made some good arguments for the S&W DA's but the honor (cough, cough)without a doubt has to go to a comblock gun. Reliability and fire power is/was their only concerns and their distribution and production numbers are unmatched. I'm guessing that in all aspects a 9mm Makarov is the closest thing followed closely by CZ's and the Mosin Nagants which are still seeing plenty of use through out the world.
