TFL is leading the Way..In Cop Bashing

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LEOs are supposed to have a more nuanced understanding of the constitution, of the law, and of right and wrong. Even though citizens are responsible for this mess by voting corrupt career politicians into office, it's a LEO's sworn duty to do what he can to guide us back into the light. If that means telling State and Federal lawmakers to shove it, and refusing to enforce bad laws, that's what LEOs ought to do. Sadly, federal funding and job security are more important than that law to most LEOs.
+1 to you DocFox for pure, unadulterated friendly discussion.

Wildcard - in a perfect world, I'd agree w/you.

Having my father tell me horror stories, in an anonymous way, regarding his time as a detective in the both the Vice, and Sex Crimes division (Baltimore, MD)... how can you not be affected by some of that crap?

You mean to tell me you've never had an incident change your attitude and affected your relations with other people for the remainder of your day... week? If not, I want an x-ray of your chest. There better be a heart, lungs... etc, and not a wiring harness and motherboard.

All kidding aside, I can honestly say one of the many reasons I did not follow in my fathers footsteps is because I did not want to deal with people only a daily basis that disgust me. That is best left to people with more self-control than I can claim to have.

I believe 99% of LEO has that self-control.
BreacherUp! said:
How many threads do you see that point out glaring errors (or even minor ones) among the general populace.

Trip20 said:
...but I'm not going to bother searching for, and posting links - I'm lazy, and anyone that wishes to investigate can do it on their own.

Breacher, I disagree, and again, I'm not going to do the leg work for you. There are just as many threads about idiotic criminals and just plain morons (shooting bottles off of their buddy's head with a .44mag), as there are about LEO's who may or may not have done something wrong.

Anyone give their parents a hard time when they were a teenager? Anyone have a son/daughter who's a teen, and they just plain seem to hate you? Maybe it's the same syndrome here, I dunno. Contempt for authority is prevalent.
Trip, what leg work. Just click on Politcal and Legal, then read. Not much work there, bro.
I still disagree with you, so we'll leave it at that.
If prior calls effect how future calls / instances are handled, the guy does not need to be a cop. simple

Yea, you would not want to learn from and draw on past experiences while on duty to handle a a currant call on service.

But since you've "been there done that kinda guy " your bias would never influence a decision you would make while on a call on service.

Oh, that's right you don't have to explain your actions or claims made here according to you. It would seem you have no problem playing judge & jury when it concerns others and the factual basis for there alleged actions.

I look foward to more of you're insights on the world of LE.

I guess your years as a Reserve LE tells you that the tazing was justified? I guess you see that it is ok to go to a robbery, murder, get hyped up, see some bad stuff, then the next person you pull over for speeding gets the bad treatment, because you saw some scary stuff. Yep, thats ok, feelings and all.
I don't pretend that some of the stuff I've witnessed has not bothered me to some extent in my personal life. To deny it and not dealing with feelings that effect my job performance would be stupid.

That said, i treat people with respect and courtesy while dealing with them on any call on service - every time.

Since i have no real power, only the trust of the people whom i work for & and laws i have sworn to uphold - that's my bond and my word.

Quote from Breacherup
However, it is becoming more and more apparent that LEOs are constantly having to defend themselves and give the other side of the coin perspectives to such gold medal winning threads like "Cops should only carry revolvers" and JBT/German comments, etc.

Breacherup. Do you figure the majority of the folks on this site are just all right wing nut cases, or do you think maybe a lot of cops give a pretty good reason to feel too many cops are on a huge power trip?

For instance the officer down in Houston, who was answering a call about an 89 year old woman passing away, telling the dead woman’s sister to “quiet down right now!” because the cop didn’t want to listen to the woman’s sobs over her dead sister? I was there, and I know it sure did piss me off to see an old woman treated like a dog by an idiot. But nobody could say anything, because some other idiot, certified her to run around Houston with a gun on her hip.

See, most of the folks on this site, are American citizens, that go to work, pay taxes, and have never, ever, been arrested. (Although we have to put up with a lot of oppressive stuff to keep from being arrested, such as kissing butt to some fool woman cop who is too stupid to realize that a sister that has loved the person who just died, for about 80 years, is apt to cry over them being dead)
You know, when threads like this devolve as badly as this one, I generally shut 'em down.

Were I to do that on this one, I'd open myself up to charges of "Not letting [Fill In Group Here] have their say."

On second thought, thread closed. Part Deux is acceptable, but fair warning:
The personal attacks on BOTH sides of the Thin Blue Line are beginning to wear on me. If it continues, we're going to see a decrease in Membership.
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