TFL Commandments...

Thou shall not teach "he who cannot handle a paintball gun responsibly" about real guns.

Some people are born morons I swear.
Thou shalt study thy American history, and thy Constitution, and understand that THOU art THE PEOPLE, and that ALL TEN Amendments in thy Bill of Rights are as relevant today as ever, and that when thy Rights are infringed, thou shalt get mightily peeved.
I'm sorry

over the top, no real threat intended, sorry. I was just trying to point out how ridiculous it is to plan how to kill everybody you meet, anybody who seriously plans out how to kill dozens of people a day, hundreds a week, etc seriously needs help. it sounds hardcore, but it is really psychotic.

I respectfully suggest something if I may. According to TFL Rules of Conduct -

Welcome to The Firing Line, a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership.

There is more to responsible firearm ownership than firearms

Mindset, Awareness, and Prepardness, are just three of the attributes of being responsible.

We extend these respsonible characteristics in our lives to other Life Responiblities.

We take note of exits, fire alarms, fire extinguishers for example when we enter a building.

One never knows the where or when of next encounter -CRSam

Defensive Living if you will.

We all hope and pray the balloon never goes up, be it a BG, a drunk driver or to avoid fire.

Our Denny was the firstest with the mostest when a fire broke out in his home...he was trained in mind, body and soul to get himself and grandson to safety - and survived.

That is what TFL is all about, being Responsible to Survive.

Main focus in firearm related, then again I know for a fact Denny has taken a defensive driving course, has taken and trained in fire drills and actions to take.

Apologies to Denny for citing his tragedy without permission and TFL for getting off topic.



over the top, no real threat intended, sorry.
Apology accepted :) . We know you weren't serious; privately, I got a chuckle out of it, but others, especially outsiders surfing through, wouldn't know that, especially given the nature of these forums. Please keep in mind that there are some that would take your words and twist them with glee, just to support their anti cause ;) .
Capt Charlie's post

I was not offended.
As Capt Charlie stated in his post- my post was more for our visitors to TFL to clarfy TFL's mission statement.

btw Capt Charlie, your username in bold looks great! Congrats on being Staff.

Commandment: Thou shalt not be complacent.
Thou shalt study thy American history, and thy Constitution, and understand that THOU art THE PEOPLE, and that ALL TEN Amendments in thy Bill of Rights are as relevant today as ever, and that when thy Rights are infringed, thou shalt get mightily peeved.
Amen, brother Alpineman
As responsible firearms owners (and Americans, citizens, patriots, Insert your word Here--->) we are singularly responsible for understanding and maintaining our rights and firing any elected officials who wish to modify the Constitution for their own agendas. Seems I swore to protect and defend it. How about our politicians?
Climb down off your high horse and look up the phrase "tongue in cheek". If you can't take a joke you shouldn't make them.
If you want to find Poquoson then try or I'd be happy to send you directions.
Apple a day wrote:

Protect yourself and your family using guns, chemical sprays, electronic devices, knives, blunt objects, feet, fists, harsh language, ugly looks, prayers for divine retribution... whatever you can. Don't count on anyone else to do it for you.

Keep your eyes and ears open.

Be polite to everyone you meet and always have a plan to kill them if you have to.


I think that about sums it up.

wait, how about....

Thou shalt remember thy training day, and keep it holy....
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors gun collection....
Republicans will taketh away thy gun rights as sureth as thy Democrats,


Okay, here I go.

War means fighting and fighting means killing.
-also Nathan Bedford Forrest
(in other words if you face a bad guy shoot to kill, don't give him any slack, if you do, he sure won't do you or the next victim the same favor)

Thou Shalt use thy weapons righteously, responsibly and in the service of the Lord.

to counter that idiot Joyclen Elders,

Thou shalt useth more dangerous guns and more dangerous bullets
and a few more....

Thou shalt never ever ever pull thy firearm unless thou intendest to use it.

Thou shalt never joke about using thy firearm: thy firearm is for thy protection, and thou shalt treat it with the respect it deserves.

Thou shalt not twirl thy revolver upon thy finger, nor shalt thou twirl thy pistol: remember, man, that thou art NOT James Arness and thy life is NOT Gunsmoke, nor art thou Mel Gibson or James Garner in Maverick. Thou art thyself, thou art not, nor shall thou becomest, a movie character.

Thou shalt always always ALWAYS wear thine ear protection when shooting thy firearms, whether thou huntest, or shootest trap and skeet, or the holy target practice; thy hearing is important, and thou shalt want to HEAR the trumpet on Judgment Day, not to mention thy children's laughter and thy spouse's endearments.

Thou shalt never fire a .357 magnum round in a .38 special revolver; thou shalt remember that guns are but metal, and if thou puttest in a round not intended for thy firearm in its chamber and pullest the trigger, thy firearm may blow up in thy stupid face. A .38 round thou mayest shoot from a .357, yea, even a .38 +P may thou shoot, both in a .38 special and in a .357, but thou shalt not shoot a .357 magnum in thy .38 special lest thou find thyself unexpectedly in the emergency room or, worse, meeting thy maker and being asked why thou forgottest this rule.


Thou shall not covet thy neighbors Colt!

Thou shall pick up thy brass when using my range (please).

Thou shall offer to help clean the weapon that thou blastedith 100+ rounds thruith.

Shoot unto others as they shoot unto you.

Thou shall carry locked and cocked.

Thy intellect is thy greatest weapon.

Thou shall vote for Pedro.
Thou shalt not purchase on impulseth.

Thou shalt not shooteth on impulseth.

Both require educationeth and sound judgementeth.

And finally:

Thou shalt learn the grammar of the King James English thou art using. When thou screwest up thy grammar, thou rendereth unreadable that which thou art trying to say.
