TFL Commandments...

BlueTrain said:
How about "Thou shalt not kill?"

I prefer "Thou shalt not murder," which, I'm given to understand, is the "original" way the commandment was handed down.

There's a big difference between murdering and killing, as I'm sure everyone here knows and understands.

It's the leftist demosocialists who think every life is equal, no matter what depraved acts that life engages in, and there are no circumstances in which killing is justified, but that's incorrect.


"If thou art foundeth here tonight, thou shalt be found here tomorrow"

"When in doubt, empty the magazine"

"This is my rifle, this is my gun; this one's for fighting, this ones for fun :D "
Thou shalt remember -

Bigger Bullets Better, Faster Bullets Better, More Bullets Better. More Bigger Faster Bullets Best!

Some is good, More is better, Too much is just right!

Training, Training, Training

Placement, Placement, Placement
"Thou shalt fire to 'slide lock' or not at all."

"Thou shalt bringeth not thine two-edged sword to a gun fight."

It's the leftist demosocialists who think every life is equal

Most assuredly, they do not.
After reading posts about people who do not carry reloads I would not advise them to shoot to slidelock.

Shoot to stop the problem, then scan for other potential problems.

Always remember bad guys are in 100% bad person attack mode when doing evil things. If you are in 100% window shopping mode you may not have time to draw your firearm. Perhaps only use 75% of your brain for window shopping mode and keep 25% of your brain in "protect myself" mode.

Practice as you wish to react to a threat, and hopefully you will react to a threat as you practiced.

Only you can take care of your ccw piece and carry ammo and other equipment. Remember, it is only your life that may be at stake so treat it as you should.

Watch the ammo you are loading in your magazines, if this includes the gauges mentioned above have at it. Do not look at the tv and just stuff ammo in the magazines since factory ammo can be damaged in shipping or manufacturing.
Thou shalt not jerk the trigger in thine own excitement, for the Lord frowneth upon shots that misseth.

Thou shall put no gods before John Moses Browning, for He is a jealous god.

Thou shalt not nit-pick thy neighbor's posts; nay, neither his spelling nor his grammar shalt thou nitpick. For as thou nit-picketh another's spelling or grammar, so shalt thine be nit-picked in return.

Thou shall not bring up stopping power or caliber vs. caliber, thou shall carry what you are comfortable with and shoot well.

BTW, funny post Pax.