Texas Public School District First To OK Conceal Carry At All Levels.


New member
The Fort Worth Star Telegram reports http://www.star-telegram.com/804/story/834022.html today that a small West Texas school district approved duly licensed and trained administrators and teachers to conceal carry on campus.

This is the first public school district in Texas. Now that the first breech has broken and common sense prevails will others follow too? Are there any other PSD in the US that have allowed LCC on campus?
I'm not holding my breath on them allowing parents to carry.

I swear, some people can not see a victory when it hits them in the face.


Once it becomes apparent that the halls are not running red with student blood from CCW holders in the halls we can work on parents. People need to understand how big a win this really is.
No, I would not ...

... Either, you could pass out waiting. It's a start and it is positive, so hopefully others will monitor the results and common sense will prevail in the long run. We are one terrorist (Breslin) attack away from more changes.
"I'm not holding my breath on them allowing parents to carry."

This is the first public school district in Texas.


Now, lets stand back and watch the Brady Campaign explode on how dangerous, untrained, civilians with firearms are dangerous and how they create a hostile learning enviroment where children attempt to learn in fear!
This morning I had a nice phone conversation with David Thweatt, the school superintendent. He's sharp.

He understands the whole "gun free zone" issue and what a failed concept it is.

David will join me on the radio show this Sunday at 1:35pm Central time.

For a list of stations, visit www.guntalk.com. Some stations stream on the web, also. Or catch it Sunday evening on XM Radio, channel 166, or on Apple iTunes Store after about 7:00pm Eastern.

If you have questions for him, you can call in.
Doubt I would let my children attend

The news clip I read stated that the teachers had to qualifiy to carry concealed and would be trained in crisis management.

Don't remember the source but it was on todays Yahoo home page.

Let me preface the following by saying these are my opinions with the knowledge on the subject that I have.

This reminds me of the time that pilots were going to be allowed to carry firearms on the plane which I didn't believe in either. I don't think that someone should be a part time security force in high stress situations. If someone is going to protect the lives of my loved ones I want them trained and trained vigorously. In other words that is what they do full time. And to me being trained in crisis management is grossly ineffecient and doesn't even pertain to handgun training.

I think this is foolish at best and in no way promotes responsible gun ownership.

What's going to happen when an under trained overly stressed teacher or administrator pops their cork and uses the firearm in a destructive manner?

What has been happening in schools is tragic to say the least but is this really the best solution?

Does this even look to the root cause of those tragic actions?

Who was it that said there is no way to peace, peace is the way.

Peace, Jim
What's going to happen when an under trained overly stressed teacher or administrator pops their cork and uses the firearm in a destructive manner?

Wow! That is a huge argument the antis use for concealed carry in general, for gun ownership in general. If you aren't worried about your fellow CCW people shooting you one the street or in the workplace, why would you worry about that happening at school?
I do really enjoy how the anti-gun argument show up by fellow firearms enthusiasts :rolleyes: You should know better.

I think what I wonder is what message do you send in general, to your family, yourself, your kids, anyone that knows why you'd leave a district that allows trained and licensed CCWers to carry to school. The message I get is that you're scared of people who might be carrying guns.

Little Timmy: Mom/Dad, why do we have to move? All my friends are here.

Parent (assuming s/he tells the truth and doesn't worm around the reason): Well, the district allows teachers to carry concealed firearms. I don't trust your teachers with guns to do the right thing in stressful situations. I'm afraid they'll accidentally shoot you or another kid. I'm afraid they will drop their gun on the cafeteria floor. I'm afraid for you, son.

Message to Timmy: People with guns are to be feared

Am I reading incorrect?
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Don't really consider myself as anti-gun.

The point I'm trying to get at is that if it's necessary to protect a school or any place for that matter I think it should be done by trained professionals.

Shooting is one of my favorite sports however if someone asked me to take on the roll of protector I would have to decline. Just because I have a piece of plastic that says I can conceal a firearm does not qualiy me for that task.

A friend frequently carries around his 357 to defend his property and family. However he has logged very little shooting time and has never had any formal training. Isn't even aware of any gun laws. Would a full time teacher be any different? I am certainly against that. It's simply a bad accident waiting to happen.

Sincerely, Jim
Would a full time teacher be any different?

At this particular district, yes.

The gun policy Teachers and staffers in the Harrold school district can carry firearms beginning this fall if they:

Have a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun.

Are authorized to carry by the district.

Receive training in crisis management and hostile situations.

Use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls.

Source: Harrold school district

I'm confused as to why you think a teacher would not have time for or the ability to be trained sufficiently (knowing quite a lot of them, including family and nearly one myself). Plenty of professionals in the workforce across the nation manage to take firearms continuing ed or at the very least, get in range time, especially of they are licensed. In order to get licensed in TX a cert class is required, some research on how the process work must be done. It is in that research process that the world of firearms is discovered and an enthusiast digs deeper.
if someone asked me to take on the roll of protector I would have to decline. Just because I have a piece of plastic that says I can conceal a firearm does not qualiy me for that task.

Up until a few years ago all you had to do to take on this roll was to be a man.
Funny it's worked so well the last 10,000 years.

kenny b
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Guns can make a volatile situation far worse then it already is, I agree people should be able to CCW but it's purpose is to be used last, not first.

Better to take a few punches then shoot someone, end up missing and hit a bystander.

The teachers need to be perfectly clear as to when/how they would use it along with making sure they have all needed training. Just because you carry a gun doesn't mean you should use it. If I was those kids parents I would be very wary of sending my child to that school simply because I wouldn't trust the teachers enough to make a correct choice when it comes to if/how/when they ever needed to use their CCW.
Guns can make a volatile situation far worse then it already is, I agree people should be able to CCW but it's purpose is to be used last, not first.

Better to take a few punches then shoot someone, end up missing and hit a bystander.

The teachers need to be perfectly clear as to when/how they would use it along with making sure they have all needed training. Just because you carry a gun doesn't mean you should use it.

Isn't that what CCWers already try to go by?

These concerns aren't new. Sounds like we're all reverting back to when concealed carry was up for consideration.

I agree all CCWers should be proficient.
plinky that is a weak argument that I do take offense to being a teacher. A lot of teachers I have taught with in the past have extensive firearms training. In fact our county paid for us to go to the firing range at the manatee county sherrifs range this past summer. To paint them all with a broad brush is a brady tactic. Plinky do you carry? What is your occupation? If you carry do you FEEL like the protector of all citizens around you including women and children? If you carry at work are you their security blanket? I carry to protect myself and family. I would bet that a lot of people who have ccw in states like my new one PA have no clue about the laws pertaining to ccw. All it costs is $25 and 15 minutes of your time and you get your ccw in most counties.
Lots of pilots still do carry concealed firearms. The rules are retarded, and in part due to those rules, one pilot had a ND in his seat. Nobody hurt, of course. Just embarrassment and lots of media outrage.

plinky - There are legally (and illegally) carried guns all around you. The scary scenarios just don't play out like you fear.
Shorts, people care more about their kids then anyone else. They don't really care if someone gets shot as long as its not their child. Different standards for CCW should apply when it comes to schools.

lol sorry, for the short question. But really, why a different standard for schools? Considering each parent already puts the safety and well-being of their kid in the hands of others every day they load them on the school bus or drop them at the school steps. Heck, even letting your kid walk to school, they're already in the hands of someone else. Why does the possibility of a firearm present decrease a child's safety? Seems like it is a moot point unless there is a preempting situation. And if that's the case, the kids are already in danger.

Anyhow, losing control is scary. I understand the desire to control as much of everything as a parent can in order to keep their loved ones safe. But as a military spouse I realize you can't control everything.