Texas neighborhood stands up to Black Panthers (video)

...bottom line...

One can delve into semantics, racism, "legalities", etc. to one's heart's content. The bottom line is that TWO KNOWN CRIMINALS NO LONGER EXIST!!!!!!!! That HAS to be good news for the neighborhood, the state, the country, the GLOBE.

I think that neighborhood should be glad that the story is much publicized. I find it very hard to "see" how another set of similar criminals would choose to practice their "trade" in the neighborhood of Joe Horn. Hey, shouldn't that part of town be re-named "Heed the Horn"????

Wait for the Police???? Like was done at the mall in Nebraska yesterday??? If/when the Police arrives, they'd do their job; in the meantime, that's why there's CC...I think.
This from the Canada National Post on this case:


Yesterday, during their daily e-mail discussion of news topics for editorial commentary, members of the National Post editorial board considered the case of 61-year-old Pasadena, Tex., computer consultant Joe Horn. On the afternoon of Nov. 14, Mr. Horn called 911 to report that two men armed with a crowbar were burglarizing his next door neighbour. Over the objections of the 911 dispatcher, Mr. Horn armed himself with a shotgun and shot the two men as they attempted to cross his property. Mr. Horn's attorney argues that his client fired his weapon in self-defence and did so only when he thought the alleged burglars were lunging at him. What follows is a partial transcript of yesterday's editorial board e-mail exchange concerning the episode.

"They are morons for trying to turn this into a racial issue."

Thats what they do, LULAC is no better, if those thieving scumbags had been latin, it would have been LULAC protesting in front of Mr. Horns house.

If those 2 A'holes had been white, they still would have been shot, and deservedly so. This has NOTHING to do with race.

If the 2 had been white, would Quanell X(or whatever he calls himself) and his posse have been protesting? Of course not.

There will always be racism in this country because some people just cant let it go.
By the way:

PASADENA, TX -- There are new details about the two suspected burglars who were shot and killed by a Pasadena homeowner. Investigators are now looking into the possibility the two men were connected to an illegal driver's license scheme. And as we found out their method of attack is very similar to other cases.
Though they're similar, as of right now, Pasadena police tell us there is nothing to substantiate a link between the two suspects who were killed and other crimes, including a rash of burglaries. Yet, the circumstances surrounding this case and the others are remarkably similar.
Hernando Riacos Torres is one of two suspected burglars shot and killed by a Pasadena homeowner who believed he and his accomplice were breaking into a neighbor's house. It turns out Torres had a fake ID and was using an alias, going by the name Miguel DeJesus. We've learned he and Diego Ortiz, both Columbian nationals, may be connected to a driver's license scheme involving immigrants who may have been using fake documents to obtain Texas licenses.
A Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman tells us, "There has been an influx of Columbians trying to obtain driver's licenses through what we have determined to be fraudulent methods."
Authorities arrested more than a dozen people in Houston, suspects who have since been charged with tampering with government documents and misuse of identifying information. Those arrests, we've learned, were made over the last several months.
DPS investigators have since contacted the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
While we still don't know if the two men were part of a larger crime ring involving Columbians, their method of operation is strikingly similar to crimes committed by a group of men believed to be members of a Columbian crime gang.
Last year, a rash of burglaries and home invasions were reported, stretching from Harris to Fort Bend County. Victims described their attackers as black men with Spanish accents. Authorities say were known to target families of Asian descent. An Asian family lived in the home Riacos Torres and Oritz allegedly broke into last month.
We did get a call back from federal immigration officials. A spokesperson tells us Diego Ortiz and Hernado Riacos Torres were both in the US illegally and that Ortiz had been deported but came back.
Pasadena police plan to hand over the findings of its investigation to the DA's office on Monday.
I enjoyed watching the racists get run out of the neighborhood but I would have loved to hear them chanting "Go home raice baiters, go home race baiters!"
Another racial aspect . . . I heard on the radio that the home the two illegal alien criminals broke into was owned by a Vietnamese immigrant shopkeeper.

IF this is true, then Joe Horn was protecting the home of a minority neighbor.

Racism indeed.
Exploiting their "race".

I wonder when The Right Reverend Sharpton and others of his ilk will join the nuisance "Quanell X" in sharing the "spoils" of the Joe Horn matter. These characters seek "fame" by pretending to be "champions of the cause of blacks" - unquestionably CRIMINALS. They seek to thrive by keeping racism alive.

Hey Joe, you did WRONG!!! You rid the earth of two known criminals!!! But I doubt any other such scumbag will try to practice his/her "trade" in Joe's neighborhood any time soon.
I say this in the general sense, but I think whenever the crime is not black on black, they usually try to turn it into a friggin race issue, I'm sick and tired of it already....:rolleyes:
MyGunsJammed said:
they usually try to turn it into a friggin race issue, I'm sick and tired of it already....

Then they approve of the mafia? I'll call my cousin Bobbie to move into their neighborhood. He can live his life and no one will play the rece card.

Same deal. We're not going to ever solve the race problem by always addressing it. We should simply stop addressing it.

If a man commits a crime, then address the issue of that singular man. If an observer plays the race card we should always counter with the victim's problems.

Beer for my horses.