Texas neighborhood stands up to Black Panthers (video)


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Check out the link for the video.. I loved the 'oh crap' look on these clowns faces. It's nice to see that these people stood up to these shake down artists.


Protesters square off on street where neighbor shot two burglars

HOUSTON - Protesters critical of a homeowner who fatally shot two suspected burglars were confronted by hundreds of the man's supporters during a rally on the street where the killings occurred.
Yard signs declaring support for Joe Horn, 61, lined nearby streets Sunday in the Pasadena neighborhood where Miguel Antonio DeJesus, 38, and Diego Ortiz, 30, were killed Nov. 14.
Horn's supporters parked motorcycles along the block Sunday and jeered protesters who called for Horn to be prosecuted. The supporters waved American flags and hoisted signs reading, "We love our neighbor for protecting our neighbors" and "Burglary is a risky business."
Police officers in riot gear monitored the activities, but no arrests were made.
Horn's attorney has said his client believed the two men had broken into his neighbor's home and that he shot them only when they came into his yard and threatened him.
But that description is partly at odds with Horn's call to 911 in which Horn threatens to kill the men despite the dispatcher's urging that Horn stay inside his house.
"I support our rights as Americans to protect ourselves and support our Second Amendment rights," said Aaron Morrow, 43, one of dozens of bikers who revved their engines each time activist Quanell X attempted to speak.
Quanell X has said that Horn, who is white, should be charged with murder for shooting DeJesus and Ortiz, who were black. After Sunday's counter-protest, he said he doesn't know if the shootings were racially motivated but said he "wouldn't be surprised."
The families of the shooting victims were present Sunday.
"Our position is that we do not condone their actions. We condemn their actions," Quanell X said. "But Horn acted as police officer, judge, jury and executioner all at the same time."
Michelle Howell, who lives down the street from Horn, said she was in disbelief that the event had taken on racial overtones.
"First of all, this is a quiet place, secondly we've got neighbors of all different races. This has nothing to do with race," she said.
Maritza Munoz marched with the members of the New Black Panther Nation.
"Yes, they broke into people's houses, but it wasn't his right to kill them. What he (Horn) did was criminal," she said.
Horn has not been charged in the case. Pasadena police spokesman Vance Mitchell said the department will turn over its case to the Harris County District Attorney's Office in seven to 10 days. From there it is expected to be presented to a grand jury.
It's good to see people exercising their freedom of expression. I hope the Harris Co. DA was paying attention to how much support Mr. Horn has. It certainly looked like the Black Panthers got the message pretty quickly.

It's not a black/white thing, it's a good vs. evil thing.
Yeah, I agree, nothing racial at all. I think that home invaders are some of the lowest scum we have in the pot and they should all get death sentences for first time offenses.

A family ought to feel safe in their home. I don't care if the punks are white, red, blue, pink or paisley, if they invade a home they should die. Period. No bs about "well, what was their intent, there wasn't anyone home at the time, etc. etc". If they're on the property or in the home, they should be hung high for others of their ilk to see. Maybe then they'll think again before invading a home.

This country needs to start getting really tough on a lot of criminals, they've had it easy for far too long and now we only have more crime and more violent criminals.

I'm proud that those Americans stood up to the twisted mooslims (or whatever the hell NBP is) who were trying to defend the lowly home invaders. I wish we could stand up to CAIR like that as a whole nation. That organization is evil and should be kicked straight back to Saud. More undermining, it's the legal arm of the extremists.

I like it, nice and peaceful, no bottles or rocks. Just a plain clear message they support Mr. Horn and to get out.

Contrast that with other protests.......
I was very happy to see some of my boys there.

While I didn't see any colors, as you know The Patriot Guard Riders use the tactic of revving their engines to drown out radical church members who try to disrupt funerals.

You can plainly see several bikers there, and the din of engines.

However, I was also surprised that there are Panthers who do not need the help of walkers, canes and oxygen to attend protest rallies. Yikes, the real guys are older than me.
"Yes, they broke into people's houses, but it wasn't his right to kill them. What he (Horn) did was criminal," she said.
Um, no, someone breaking into someones should should EXPECT to be shot.
Although I'm generally glad to see this, this guy is not exactly a poster child for self-defense. His hands aren't too terribly clean when you read the 911 call transcript, in terms of SELF-DEFENSE anyway. Now if it's legal to defend *another person's* property in that state with deadly force, them more power to them (the ones supporting Mr. Horn). I'm all for upholding the law, and if it was legal to shoot, then I say great- it's bound to help dissaude other would-be burglars, if nothing else. I have no sympathy whatsoever for the burglars, and my own *personal* values coincide with what the guy did. But in MOST states, what this guy did would be considered MURDER. That's the beauty however, of allowing states to choose laws that reflect the values of their citizens and not having laws crammed down our throats from Washington, D.C. :)

They are morons for trying to turn this into a racial issue.

Very true, the sad fact is that most blacks are murdered by other blacks. If you look at the statistics, they are killing each other faster than the KKK ever could. Nearly half of the murder victims in the US are black, despite being about 12% of the population. Their culture worships violence and infidelity. Blacks who reject such culture do quite well in the US as I have observed.
I will have to agree with FirstFreedom. This was a very gray area shooting, and leaning towards unlawful. Personally I think he should be fully prosecuted to the fullest extent to the law. He physically got involved in a situation that did not pose any threat to him. If they tried to break into his house then that would be a different situation. But he went out of his house, and shot the two burglars. One was not even on his property when shot. He did not even call them to stop, or drop the loot, he just open fired. The police officer on the phone even told him not to do it, as the police where on the way. If he was in any other state he would be going to prison. This is also being negatively spun by the media, and in the long run will hurt our cause.
If by some remote chance the DA's office decides to press charges (hopefully not very likely) i want to donate to his defense fund.

And a "Job well done" to you Mr. Horn.
He physically got involved in a situation that did not pose any threat to him. If they tried to break into his house then that would be a different situation. But he went out of his house, and shot the two burglars. One was not even on his property when shot. He did not even call them to stop, or drop the loot, he just open fired. The police officer on the phone even told him not to do it, as the police where on the way. If he was in any other state he would be going to prison. This is also being negatively spun by the media, and in the long run will hurt our cause.

While I agree that this situation is in a gray area, I do have a problem with something you said, specifically the party about getting involved in a situation that didn't pose any threat to him.

Ignoring the part about whether they posed a threat (two brothers B&Eing my neighbors house with a crowbar and who knows what else on their person and possibly going for my house next seems pretty threatening to me) what in the world is wrong about a neighbor confronting burglars. I'd love to have more neighbors like this guy. Not only is there not anything illegal about getting involved in a situation like this, I think its really admirable.

As far as his actual actions, the tape can't reveal what he told the two guys and what they did. The dispatch officer telling him not to go outside on isnt determinative either. He has no obligation to follow his instructions. And any other state doesn't matter either. The laws of texas allow for defense of property.

Like I said I think this is a gray shoot, however the reasons you listed arent the reason why.
Then how is it a gray area shoot, if it is consider legal in Texas? He shot and killed two criminals in his front lawn fleeing a crime scene. Actually one was not even on his property. He called the police, to report the crime. He was armed and ready if they tried to break into his place. He then decides to stop them before they leave the area. It is all very clear on the recording. It is pretty dubious that he even bothered to yell stop before pulling the trigger. In the recording you can hear the gun shots but there where no warnings before it. In most states this would be considered at least manslaughter or worse 2nd degree murder. It should be an open in shut case against him. Now I did hear some legal analysts on Fox News report that their is no right to defend another person property in Texas, only your own.
Great Job, Joe!!!

I'm not one who "worships" violence of any kind, and this is exactly why I think Joe's action was "holy". Those who choose to make a living by desecrating the homes and properties of others MUST be prepared to face the consequence(s) - yes, including being put out of business PERMANENTLY!!!

Interesting how these black guys try to gain some sort of "social importance" by so unseeminlgy tryinng to "champion" the crimes of their "brothers"!

It would be interesting to know where the now-dead criminals came from, whether they had criminal records {most likely, yes}, and what those who tried to harass Joe did to "arrest" their "criminal brothers".
just some thoughts.

"Get a Job" and "USA! USA! USA!" didn't make the protest seem all that smart.

Don't get me wrong, I was chuckling when I saw the expressions on the faces of the Black Panthers retreating, in fact, I watched that scene probably 3 or 4 more times.

Here's my beef. "Get a job!". Well, let's apply that same standard to those saying it. What are you doing there? Getting your opinion across? Obviously. Do the people making that statement have jobs? Probably. Do the Black Panthers protesting have jobs? Probably.

It makes anyone saying that sound racist, I'm sorry.

As for the USA chant.... I fricking love the USA, but in this case, chanting it makes it seem that you're implying that ... well, don't get me started. The chant should have been something along the lines of "get caught, get shot."

That's just me.