I have owned two Taurus weapons, One is the Public Defender, which I still have, and the other was a PT1911, the PT1911, was bought used, and the manual safety broke off in just a few weeks, and less than 100 rounds through the weapon, Taurus fixed it in 3 weeks. I sold that PT1911 weapon soon after that, not that there was any real problem with it, it was I was willing to sell it, and got almost what I paid for it.
As far as reliability for weapons, I have only had two weapons that needed to be fixed at the factory. One was the Taurus PT1911, and the other was an H&K P7 PSP, I just got that one back yesterday from H&K, that one also one took 3 weeks to fix. Guns are a mechanical device, all mechanical device can and will fail, it is only a matter of time, off course we are hoping for many years between each failure, if any failure at all, but all mechanical devices will eventually fail, it is just a matter of time.
Neither incident will keep me from buying used, and neither will keep me from buying a Taurus or H&K again. when I am looking for a weapon, I will choose what fits my needs at that time, what purpose am I buying it for, how well it fits my hand, and from there price.