Taurus Hand Guns are Good.

No, save your money and buy something nice and dependable......like a Smith. You won't regret spending the extra money........yea, I know....a lot of extra money.
Mr. Keenan has over 10,000 post on this forum. I'll bet over half are for Taurus bashing. He must have had the worst problem possible to be that bitter against a manufacturer. Sorry about your luck sir, others have different experiences.
Taurus revolvers

I've put 500 plus rounds of .357 magnum and 38 special +p and +p+ through my Taurus 617 without a problem, in fact it is my daily carry pistol.

So YES!!
I have put nearly 500 rounds through my pt111 stainless millenium pro 9mm without a problem. I'm looking to sell it though. :)

Taurus seems to do well at copies, like S&W rvolvers, Beretta semi-auto's, Colt 1911's. The other stuff is more hit and miss. After a bad experience with a semi-auto in the late 90's, I originally didnt like them. But after trying a Taurus snubbie for the wife I am not getting rid of either of my snubbies, even for a S&W.;):D The PT 1911's seem to get favorable reviews also.
well this 669 that I've been shooting for 20 years seems to be OK. as for there costumer service. i can't say. as I've never had the knead to send it back. wish i could say the same about a few of my S&W and COLTS...:rolleyes:
You guys made me do it.

Cylinder crack from being "test fired at the factory". Supposedly NIB gun. Might not be proof of poor quality, maybe someone fired a hot load through it and tried to pawn it off as NIB.


However, read the inscription on this barrel. Post #28


For Gods sake it says .357 MAGNUN. C'mon guys, like I said before,

Taurus handguns are good for people who don't shoot.

For shooters, they break time and time again.
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Do you have a closer view of that, Dan? From here it looks more like a gouge from machining. Still not the best indicator of good quality, but obviously not as bad as a crack.
And here we are, generalizing again...

Come on guys (and ladies?)
As far as I have seen just about every manufacturer has got firearms that are just not a good idea, and others that are simply superb.

I have a Taurus 0.22 revolver (6") barrell that shoots extremely accurately and has a great trigger pull, despite being almost 20 years old and having fired goodness-only-knows how many rounds.

Also, the 608 is one of the best revolvers out there for the pin-shooting afficionados (like me). and for those who do not know, most pin shooters use loads that are on the hot side of the scale and shoot a lot.

I also know two chaps from the club where I shoot IDPA who use PT's (9mm) that have sreved them well over the 16 years that we know each other, both as EDC and competition guns.

To go and shoot -down (excuse the pun) Taurus (or other manufacturers) will preclude a person who reads it and does not know better from buying a firearm that wuold suit him / her (and their pocket?) better than other makes.

IMO, if one wants to condemn a particuar model and can justify it then go ahead and do so, but no further than that.

