Target 9mm?

When I used to shoot longer distances with my Model 57 I painted the top half of the front sight blade with bright pink nail polish. For most normal ranges up to 25yd I’d just use a standard 6 o’clock hold but for longer distances I’d just set the upper pink part above the front sight to elevate it. Basically it was a frame of reference to enhance judging holdover depending on the distance. Using a bag to steady myself I could regularly hit a paper plate at 100yds. I sure miss that eyesight, great fun.
For IHMSA Revolver, I masked off the red insert in the front sight of my .44 Magnum with teeny little strips of tape, then painted over with black. That gave me red bars on the sight like Elmer Keith had made of gold; good for holdover on the long shots without a lot of clicking.

But when shooting PPC at ranges only 7 - 50 yards, I adjusted.
I don't believe a 700fps .38 Wadcutter is going to be fantastic for 100 yard shooting.

The standard .38 wadcutter is out of its element already at 50 yards. Blame it on ballistic coeficient and slow velocity, I guess.
The original Tactical Sport was a good idea at the time. But the TS2 Blue and Shadow frames are now the same(ish). The non S2 TS frame (which I think the Orange is) is large frame and uses Tanfoglio designed mags. Get the check book out and know Brian Enos ranks these mags as problematic for dirt more than the S2.

The Cajun Works bushing is ranked better than the CZ and is 100 dollars. I question how excited people note the difference because Petter lock up is 100% at the other end with muzzle not being part of lock up. If there is a difference, you're not noticing with anything than a scientific shooting situation like documenting slow fire difference...questionable people are seeing the difference in anything other...I mean, common on. You instantly started shooting an inch difference at the range?

I'm not impressed with reset feel on my S2 DA/SA or S2 SAO. It's okay, but the feel is actually not great.

I hear the reset on the TS2 is even less tactile. Though it might break lighter than the S2, I'd say go S2 and be just as happy with a better reset feel.

If you change out a P226 Elite or Legion sights to target sights, the SRT trigger resets better and WAY faster than most "race" guns. The grip shape of the P226 and S2 are exactly the same. Exactly. But the Sig cuts are into the frame and the S2 grip texture is raised. I like the Sig E2 grip much better. More comfortable.

It's an odd thing that S&W revolvers stock are usually brought up as target worthy (they are) but the Glock stock sights are universally hated. It's the same set up with an outlined cup and ball/square.

I'm liking the idea of the P210, but that trigger is simply two stage by any other name...that's holding me back.

My favorite so far is the Walther Q5 Steel with the comp Overwatch spring. However, even my small hands get knuckle where Walther did not cut out the tang all that well...Steel forged like the P210, unlike the CZ frames that are cheaper constructed but same price.

I also think the P226 gets overlooked because I don't know why. The sights aren't fiber or rear adjust. Change that and you've got something that's probably just as good as anything else. Amory Craft (builds German X Five replacement parts) said the Legion can go into the new X Five territory without work and the Legion because of Grey parts doesn't have creep that the X Five has.

Need a group photo. But so far I like in order the Q5/P226 Elite, S2 SAO, S2 DA/SA.


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I had to hold under to strike the 12-in plate at 120 yards. My CZ po9 is zeroed with my hand loads to strike the center of the target at 25 yards where point of aim equals point of impact.
The original Tactical Sport was a good idea at the time. But the TS2 Blue and Shadow frames are now the same(ish). The non S2 TS frame (which I think the Orange is) is large frame and uses Tanfoglio designed mags.
That’s incorrect

The TS2 and TS have the same basic frame dimensions. The TS2 is actually heavier than the TSO. They both use the same magazine also. The Shadow 2 is smaller than either.
Perfect. Thanks for the correction. The TS2 frame does get the S2 frame cut, but still wider. Some dumb reason I thought the Blue TS was different than the Orange...which makes the Blue TS2 more appealing in this convo since the Blue can be had for $1K even.

None of the TS2 Blue or Orange features are more target than a S2 though than a lighter trigger which can be done on a S2.

Magwell has nothing to do with target. Different sights...but both are adjustable which makes sights "target" sights. So no "better" there.

The Shadow 2 SAO is single action just like the TS2, but the trigger is flatter. That it's "more" flat on the TS2...shrug. Not by much it isn't...I'm unsure how much "flat" and curved are made up today as...look at the P210 trigger shape.

It's a lighter pull. That said, I can trip the trigger on my S2 SAO with almost the same weight as I use to pull the dead weight slack. S2 SAO comes with trigger travel it might at a point start to get even less of a difference.

I have never read the TS2 reset is better than the S2. I don't own a TS2 yet, but I know people have commented on the TS2 reset feel being kinda poor.

S2 DA/SA doesn't have texture on the trigger and is very slippery and narrow. S2 SAO does have texture and is not slippery. Here I think that part is overlooked. I like the S2 SAO trigger way better for this. The S2 DA/SA trigger is too narrow and slippery without texture.

Here's the $100 better part than CZ factory that people say shoots loose quick.

There are reports on Brian Enos of people getting rough Orange frames that show the cast voids through the poly--just like early Urban Grey S2s. I doubt the frames get any more attention than any S2 or any TS2. I take the non defined "fitting" as meaning someone probably is selecting barrels out of a bin...or just possibly "fitting" a bushing that is again a questionable part given the new TS2 Orange bull barrel (no bushing).

Again, look up the reset feel on the TS2. I love the looks of the TS2 no rail, but I think the Shadow line is a better buy, even if the Orange is the "better" gun.

Meh. I am also considering an Orange, but I'm not going to pretend the $500 difference is accounted for without about $450 in profit difference in CZ's favor. :) I do think Green, Orange or Purple grips looks better than the Blue. "Target" work you're probably going to want Bogies anyways...

Enjoy your researching. I sure do, even when it turns out to be wrong info like Bac showed me. Thanks!
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Isn't the S2 SAO at 2 1/2lbs? I do feel it's lighter than my S2 DA/SA's SA. I can drop the hammer half of a handful pulls just trying to take up the dead weight slack without feeling additional stacking.

I guess at some point it can't just all be weight because of the praise of the P210 Target and it's at 4lbs. I'd have to defer to you all who are professional target shooters. I am not.
Shadow 2 SAO trigger is about 3.5 lbs. The TS2 trigger is under 2 lbs. the good thing about the Shadow 2 trigger is that it’s metal. The standard TS2 Blue trigger is plastic.
It occurs to me that 1911s meant to have light trigger pulls set will have low mass triggers, titanium and plastic in the lightest. Do you think that affected the design of the TS2B?
There absolutely are handguns that can reliably hit 2.5 inch targets at 100 yards. I own some. They are scoped, and are best shot from a rest or braced position, are single shots and use rifle cartridges but they ARE handguns!

You are correct. I should have been more specific. I was thinking 9mm semi auto pistols.
As others have said, there are a number of good choices. The US made Sig P210 gives good value for what you get. We have a 952 Smith that is very accurate. A big surprise is a 92 Beretta that I set up as a budget EIC pistol. Trigger job, adjustable sights, and a KKM barrel. All of these can group well with ammo they like. 9mms are fussy about ammo and not all like the same thing. Repeatedly I saw people just buy Atlanta Arms Ammo thinking that will get the best out of every pistol only to get beat by someone's handloads.

It's just lame that target is kinda a fantasy idea in 9mm. If it's not true olympic target like a Walther ssp or osp, there just arent target only purpose 9mm. I would love to see a true target 9mm purposed gun.

I know that isnt totally sound logic, but intent being just 9mm target only would be rad.
There are plenty of true target 9mms. The free pistols are designed for rimfire or weak wadcutters only. The are fragile, blowback designs. You don’t need that to have a true target pistol. They are not interchangeable for 9mm.