Taking your gun off in the car

"I am not oppossed to obtaining a permit and have even pursued it, however, Texas law makers decided to attach a requirement (pork) to the permit law that I have not yet complied with."

Did it ever occur to you that the lawmakers intended to make sure that people who obtained a carry permit were upstanding in all facets?

I was in a serious accident 18 years ago in which a good friend of mine was killed. The pickup I was in collided head on with a semi-truck. The driver of the semi had a suspended drivers license at the time of the accident and he was passing on a double yellow line. His defense was that his license was suspended ONLY because he had a parking violation. If he had followed the law that night, my friend would be alive today. Like it or not, laws are made for reasons, whether you agree with them or not.

You are giving law abiding concealed carry license holders a bad name. If you're going to break the law, at least don't brag about it in a public place.
The driver of the semi had a suspended drivers license at the time of the accident and he was passing on a double yellow line

seems to me the semi driver passing on a double yellow line is the reason why your friend was killed, not because the semi driver was without a license.

Dangerous people of criminal element are going to carry guns whether there is a law forbidding them to do so or not. Drivers who are foolish and irresponsible will drive deadly whether they have a license or not. Teenagers do it all the time before they are 16 for instance.

Nscale isn't looking for trouble, from what I can tell (and I don't know him personally) based on what he has told us, he is interested only in defending himself not in looking for trouble.
seems to me the semi driver passing on a double yellow line is the reason why your friend was killed, not because the semi driver was without a license.

Sure, the physical impact killed him, but again, if the driver had followed the law and not have been driving because his license was suspended, the accident wouldn't have occured.

If you don't have a license to carry concealed, and your state law requires you have one to be within the law, you are breaking the law. As I said, I don't think this is a positive reflection on law abiding gun owners. Just because someone doesn't think it's a good reason isn't an excuse for the law.
I think if I were that concerned about people in the vicinity of my car, I would just drive to a less conpicuous location for the removal and return.
I think if I were that concerned about people in the vicinity of my car, I would just drive to a less conpicuous location for the removal and return.
Then you lose your good parking place :( :) And besides, if there is a trial or something going on that day, you are lucky at all to be able to get any parking place at a courthouse.
You are giving law abiding concealed carry license holders a bad name. If you're going to break the law, at least don't brag about it in a public place.

You are absolutly correct, I have made a choice to break the law. I dont see how my choice to do so reflects on law abiding concealed carry license holders , but I will go along with your statement above.
I am sorry for the loss of your friend and I totally agree the person was breaking the law driving, regardless of why he lost his license.

I will say this, and it is not my objective to incite you or anyone else. I carry this weapon because I have seen and been expossed to crimes that may have had different outcomes if a good guy was armed.
For me, my decision to carry is based on a moral decision to prevent myself, my family or any innocent from being harmed.

Yes I will use my weapon to protect my life, yours or your childs, whether I can carry legally or not.

Personnaly, I am prepared to spend a life in prison if my actions save the life of one child. So come to my trial and feel free to tell the jury "The guy with bad credit may not legally carry a gun"

This was my point with my States Law. But as you pointed out. It is still the Law.
Doug.38PR, your point is well taken and agreed with. However the original post spoke of waiting 30 minutes one time and then another time,waiting 10 minutes for a lady and when she left there was a man shuffling papers on the other side of where she had been. When he "went in or whatever" there was someone on the other side of the poster's car. after that the coast was apparently clear. I feel certain that I could have pulled away a short distance, removed my gun, re-parked and then have been inside the Courthouse before all of this time had elapsed.
I really am not a troll. Despite my low post count, I feel the need to interject here. There is a constitution here in the US. That includes the 2nd amendment which states the "people". This guy that you are putting down is a "people". Just because the government decided to limit the "people" unconstitutionally doesn't mean that we are deprived of the right to bear arms. This is a god given, inherent right of all of us.

It is smarter to have a permit (I do now, but not until I carried for many years without one) in case you have to defend yourself in court. It was not a good idea for nscale to tell us as now he has exposed himself but it is not the place of any of you to deprive nscale of the right to bear arms. If I were to live in Washington D.C., Chicago, LA, New York City and other soviet republics I would still retain the right to bear arms. It is a right, not a privilege to be granted by the government.

Please remember that and that you should not pass judgement on your fellow man.
The Lone Star State

TexasSIGMan said it
"Non gun people just don't see a gun, even if it's right there. Their brain tells them "that can't possibly be a gun, you have made a mistake".
If it's only a glimpse, they will shrug it off and move along. I've had many occasion where I just KNEW everyone could see, and I didn't even get a second look."

My original response to the topic of this thread was really to make the point that where I live people really don't take notice when they see a weapon as TexasSIGMan stated above. Maybe this is only typical in Texas?

In regard to my permit status, I had no idea the mention of it would incite such strong oppinions. I do however, appreciate the fact that we are all at liberty to state our oppinions. "NO WHERE BUT AMERICA".

I am glad there are folks like snolden who make a decision to carry a weapon, not based on his state laws requirements, but based on his conviction to protect himself, his family and other innocents from those that may do them harm. I applaud snolden for his willingness to comply with his state laws and I am happy he qualified for a permit. But, as he stated it is his right to carry either way.

I also appreciate the support from Doug.38pr and would hope that if ever I find myself being tried by a jury of my peers for using my weapon, a person like Doug would give me the benefit of the doubt.

But most of all I have to say, the strong oppinion of Peeweester40 has humbled me. While the reason I carry, is in my oppinion, right and justified, I should not consider myself above the laws of my state. Lets face it, we all carry our weapons to protect ourselves from people who have decided to break the laws of our land.

So where does this leave me?
I will be more discrete, but I will stay armed.

Discretion is crucial to carrying concealed, permit or no. Your first post in this thread stating how your gun is often exposed, does raise some concern.

My concern is not in based on the fact that you do carry, it is the method that you go about it. The whole point of a concealed firearm is that nobody can see it. Even without a permit, a gun that nobody sees will cause much less trouble than one that is visible. I'm glad you are planning to take steps conceal better.

I wish you the best of luck in getting a permit in the future,
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Authority is artificial.
It is NOT a higher power.
You CAN resist opposition.
Life is anarchy.

I believe that we have the natural right to defend ourselves in any way that we see fit.

I do not have a packing permit.
I have said that I have packed but I have not said that I have packed outside of my home.

I find it hard to believe that all of you with a permit had not packed before you got the permit.
So you went through all of the trouble of getting a permit before you even knew what it was like to carry?

This thread will probably be closed/locked because posts are off topic and involve illegal activities. So into history/oblivion we go!
So the topic sticks, since it is a good one....

I leave mine on in my truck, unless I'm going into a gun free zone (police station, courthouse, college campus buildings).

Then I ususally pull the gun, holster and all, while still in the truck, and lock it in the center console. I also make extra sure my doors are locked. I actually got the kind of holster I did in order to make it easier to remove the gun while in the holster and put it somewhere for safe keeping.

And I did carry around my own house before I got my permit, but I didn't take that show on the road.
I find it hard to believe that all of you with a permit had not packed before you got the permit.

I'll admit once or twice I loaded my .38 up driving across town back home late at night a few times before I got my permit. Who wouldn't? I loaded up once driving from Carthage to Houston late one night about midnight (but actually I found out later that was perfectly legal as I was traveling between at least 3 counties)

It is a right, not a privilege to be granted by the government

Personnaly, I am prepared to spend a life in prison if my actions save the life of one child. So come to my trial and feel free to tell the jury "The guy with bad credit may not legally carry a gun"

Oh give me a break, if you were such a firm believer in your right to keep and bear arms and how the carrying of firearms prevents crime you wouldnt be doing it surreptitiously...be proud..you're prepared to spend the rest of your life in prison on an "if come"? Show em whose boss, call the press, conceal your gun, tell the press and police , take it to court!!! Change the law, save potentially hundreds of lives!

This may sound odd but just pretend like you are supposed to have it (which you are) if people see you trying to hide it they would probably report you. If you just put it in your glove box like you would when no one is looking, people might think you are a cop or in the military unless they know u personally. People know an average person wouldn't do that so u would have to be a cop or sumone that is suppose to have it. I know it sounds crazy but it is true.
In the court house here, they have the metal detectors, and they tag and keep anything not allowed until you come out. I just leave the gun locked in the rig, and leave my holster on. I have a Suburban, so not many can see in from their cars, and pulling from the holster and locking in the center console is not even noticable anyway. I always pull the mag and take it with me. I put it in the tray with keys, cel phone, etc. before going through the detector. They just ask "do you have a weapon?" and I say "It's in my truck. I just don't like to leave a loaded weapon unattended ." They say "OK" and seal it in an envelope with my name on it, and that's it. No big deal.
In the court house here, they have the metal detectors, and they tag and keep anything not allowed until you come out. I just leave the gun locked in the rig, and leave my holster on. I have a Suburban, so not many can see in from their cars, and pulling from the holster and locking in the center console is not even noticable anyway. I always pull the mag and take it with me. I put it in the tray with keys, cel phone, etc. before going through the detector. They just ask "do you have a weapon?" and I say "It's in my truck. I just don't like to leave a loaded weapon unattended ." They say "OK" and seal it in an envelope with my name on it, and that's it. No big deal.

Most of the courthouses I go into don't have metal detectors and all that garbage, so if it is a shoulder holster, I just take it and my speedloaders in while removing the gun and locking it in the car.
However, if it does have metal detectors then the only problem I have with doing what you do is that it causes attention to you and anyone around knows there is a free gun to be had in your car if they can break in and get to it.