Taking your gun off in the car


Has anyone else ever pulled up to a courthouse or other no-gun building and had to wait a long time before you could go in because someone was sitting in the car next to you eating or talking on the phone, or some people were on the sidewalk in front of your car chatting, or people just happen to keep walking within eyesight of the driver or passenger side of your car so you couldn't reach under your coat and unclip your holster and put it in the console or glove compartment?

I have, many times. But the longest I've ever had to wait is like 30 minutes :mad: :rolleyes: :D :p . I couldn't believe it, last week I pulled up to the courthouse but there was a woman talking on her phone in the car next to me so I couldn't reach in and pull my holster out. After about 10 minutes she pulled out and right next to her was a car with a man sitting in his car looking through his notes. Then he got out and went in, but I think there was a car on the other side of me with a person in it. They finally left or went in or whatever. Then some old man or somebody would pull in where one of the two cars that pulled out was. Then a crowd of mexican people exited the courthouse and came across the street close to my car on the sidewalk and stood there chatting for about 5-10 minutes before breaking up to go to each other's car. Then off and on there would be one person or another walking by my car. I couldn't believe this! Every time I would seem to have an opportunity I would reach back and begin trying to unhook my clip holster but before I would work it loose someone would be walking towards my car or getting into their own car next to me. In another time and place it would make a good comic moment on TV.
Odds are people are probably to preoccupied with what they are doing or where they are walking to to notice...but why take a chance? I prefer to be cautious. I treat my CCW as Clark Kent does his Superman identity.
trust me. no one will notice. unless you hold the gun up high over your head when you unholster and announce on a megaphone: "this is my gun! there are many like it but this one is MINE!"
I agree with spaceman. Don't worry about it. Even before I was in LE I didn't care if someone saw me remove my pistol or not. If they do see, wink and blow them a kiss, lol.
I never think about it because from outside it just lookslike I'm pick my ****s tail outta my pants or somethin. You cant see what i'm doing when takin off my gun in the car fro the specified reasons
Non gun people just don't see a gun, even if it's right there.

Their brain tells them "that can't possibly be a gun, you have made a mistake".

If it's only a glimpse, they will shrug it off and move along.

I've had many occasion where I just KNEW everyone could see, and I didn't even get a second look.
You ought to see me doin the duck down and fat roll trying to get one off..Thats why I carry my Defender on my head

Hell i cant even cut my toenails...

I try to avoid such places, but when I have to, I take my gun off enroute (at stoplights, etc), so it is already hidden when I arrive.

I feel that even though I do a scan of the lot when I get there, there still might be someone who sees me remove my pistol and mark my car for a later smash & grab.

My 0.02
Just take it off..... People don't care. I often do this... Just take it off, stick it in the glovebox or what have you. I cannot fathom sitting in your car an extra 30 or even 5 minutes.
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Other people notice

I open carry here in Arizona a lot. very few people notice that, let alone what I am doing in my car.

Personally I only take my gun off if I have to go thru a metal detector. (courthouse)

Can U go behind your car and pop the trunk? The trunk lid opened up makes a real good sight barrier.
I think its best to be discrete. My wife has spotted two carry pieces at different times in store parking lots. I was in the floor with my grandson,(he is two...I'm 55), still had my coat on.He grabs my coat and feels something ...looks at me and says...gun?. Had to say yes. Then he's off to the toy box for a ball. They don't care at work anymore, but they know it's there. I keep mine concealed and with me.
Try it using a Smartcarry

Smartcarry is the easiest. Just hold an adult magazine in one hand while removing your gun with the other. People will naturally look away and never guess what you're really doing.
Whats the big Deal?

I dont even have a permit to carry and I carry mine in a holster on my hip every where I go. I try to keep my jacket on and keep it covered but it is often exposed. I know they see it and I act like it is normal. I dont even think people care.

Maybe they think because I am so bold with it exposed, I must be a cop or something. I am careful if there is a LEO around not to let them see it after all I do not have a permit, and in Texas you are suppossed to keep it concealed when you have a permit.

I wonder what they would do if they catch me?:confused:
while I respect your right to self defense, self righteous District Attorney's, Judges, and police (if for no other reason simply because it is their duty regardless of how dangerous you in fact are) would love to persecute you and as BIGFUNWMU said make you an anti gun statistic.

If caught you will be arrested. It is extremely likely that you will go to jail. I second the strong suggestion that you get a license immediately. Not all people out there will assume you are a policeman (and even those that do could have a case made that you were impersonating a policeman :eek: ). Two weeks ago a gun store dealer that I know from church was telling me about a co worker of his who got spotted with a gun under his coat by an old lady in the grocery store. He bent over to pick something up and she actually bend over behind him to follow him down to look under his coat to see if she had actually seen a gun (busybody old hag :rolleyes: ). She immediately ran off and told a manager. The manager, cooler head prevailing, simply approached the man and said, "I assume you have a Concealed Carry License." If he had not had that license, that man would have had a very bad evening.

BigFun and Doug,
I appreciate the information. I will have to take precautions and keep the weapon out of site. Actually I have considered the pager pal holster, allowing total concealment.
I am not oppossed to obtaining a permit and have even pursued it, however, Texas law makers decided to attach a requirement (pork) to the permit law that I have not yet complied with.

No felonys or criminal record prevents me from my permit, instead it is a very old student loan debt that has not been resolved.
Unfortunatly until I can satisfy this old debt, I do not qualify for my permit.

While I do not deny responsibility for the debt, I find it rediculus that this made it into the law. So until I can pay my debt - No permit.

When I discovered this pork, I had to make a decision as to whether I would continue to carry. It is obvious how I decided.

My concern has been the consequences resulting in having to use the gun. God forbid. If in fact that time comes I must rely on the old saying:
Better to be judged by 12,
Than to be carried by 6

Your point is well recieved. It is not my desire to be the poster boy for the anti-gun activist.
I understand. Then I wish you well and pray you get your debt resolved as soon as possible. If having to use the gun, a fair and impartial (as opposed to indoctrinated jury) jury would understand too and nullify that law and let you go home in peace.