I shot mine the other day after sitting around awhile. I was surprised how well it works in fast draw and shoot drills, which is its primary purpose. Reliable, safe, and accurate enough. For the money vs. quality, it's hard to beat as a defensive pistol. I paid $299 online plus shipping, transfer fee. Have seen them as low as $269 free shipping. Mine did jam a lot at first and the trigger was impossible. Memory is foggy, but jamming was mostly on Silver Bear steel 147's though. I would't shoot any bimetal or brass alloy bullets at all now. The fact that the SD is for all intents and purposes a Glock 19 without finger groove (of perhaps cheaper materials) should make it respectable enough. After several hundred rounds the trigger is much, much better. A little grease where the trigger bar rubs against the frame, etc. Is a big help until parts wear in. You mustn't over oil it or the firing pin will get stuck in the gunk. Keep it clean. It aint a Glock!