Suggest ways to protect school age children.

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How about when there is a school shooting the media is not allowed to publish the attackers name and/or picture? They currently plaster the guy's name and face all over the TV and Internet for at least a week and make him into a rock star. (I think that's deliberate; they *want* to encourage all the other looneys out there to do likewise because it makes good television.)

The shooters want infamy. Instead, erase them from history as if they were never born; let no one ever speak their name again or even remember what they looked like.

The fun part will be throwing some high-profile journalist in jail for violating the gag order since they have so much contempt for our Second Amendment rights; shoe is on the other foot.
Schools should have no special status when it comes to conceal carry. People are always responsible for their own protection, that includes teachers.

Also above poster is correct. Don't give any of these idiots any fame.
I’m sure many will disagree, but I bet if the shooter were literally drawn and quartered instead of offered a cushy cell until they are put to sleep, the next would be shooter would think twice.

I also think maybe we could look at what is done to protect schools in countries like Israel.
HughScot said:
If someone doesn't come up with a real solution to protecting children while at school people will pass legislation that we won't like.
The President has suggested hardening schools. The opposition calls that crazy.

Yet: Judges work in "hardened" courthouses. The Congress works in a "hardened" Capitol Building. The President works in a "hardened" White House. Why is it "crazy" to suggest offering our children the same protections our elected officials enjoy?
Let anyone who is employed by a School Board and works in a school (already fully background checked) carry if they have a CCW permit (additional background checks), and a NICS check when they bought their pistol.

Cost = ZERO (aside from paying the legislators we're already paying)

Good guy guns into the fight ? But, this I can tell you; a teacher who is armed (there ARE conservative teachers in our schools) and in a building with an active shooter doesn't have to decide whether to go into the building. He's already in the fight, and only has to choose to fight back to save the lives of his students and his own.

Given the choice of relying on a police officer run towards the sound of gun fire, and a teacher who being fired upon, I will trust the teacher to return fire.

You're crazy if you don't think just being shot at by an "untrained" person isn't going to ruin these psycho's mass murder fantasy, reset their OODA loop, and save lives whether the teacher even hits them or not.

No down side, all up side.
We know, for a fact, that teachers, coaches, and administrators DO respond to these mass shootings - at least some of them. We hear about the heroics of those men and women after nearly every school shooting. Those who make an individual decision to be armed and commit to training should be allowed to be. A minimal pay increase to cover this increased responsibility would be a fairly low cost to show appreciation as well and encourage those on the fence. Not not every teacher should be armed and it should not be mandated. I don't know how good police training in regards to active shooters is now days in small towns but I don't think it is some golden standard from what I have heard or unattainable by those who are not police officers.
I am going to make this a separate post.

Just yesterday I went to pick up my daughter from school. By LAW I had to remove my pistol which I then unloaded and locked in my truck. I went inside the school, got my child, and then walked back to my truck where I replaced my pistol in its holster.

Think this through. The state has already determined I meet the min. requirements to carry a handgun. But I may NOT carry in a school. In the extremely unlikely event a mass shooter entered the building my ability to respond effectively would have been hampered by the law itself. The very tool that could have helped an effective response would have been locked up a hundred yards or so away. We would likely be discussing my "heroic" attempt to stop someone with some improvised weapon because schools are also designed in manners that make effective flight or barricade difficult at best. And we wonder why these places become targets?

Do you think the law is really going to matter to someone who is intent on committing mass murder? Yet we assure a population within those school buildings that is much more likely to be unarmed.
How about when there is a school shooting the media is not allowed to publish the attackers name and/or picture? They currently plaster the guy's name and face all over the TV and Internet for at least a week and make him into a rock star. (I think that's deliberate; they *want* to encourage all the other looneys out there to do likewise because it makes good television.)

Won't matter because all of the kids will be uploading it live instead of running for cover
Maybe we should rethink how we educate our kids. These shootings, at least for the most part, seem to involve high-school age (or thereabouts) kids in large prison-scale campuses with thousands of students in multiple buildings. What if we reversed the normal student school methods. Most places have a large number of elementary schools that feed a decent number of middle schools that feed a very few high schools. If it was reversed, the population of high schools would be small (as would class size), the campus easier to secure, everyone would have a much better chance of knowing everyone (and in more detail) so anyone about to "lose it" should be discovered early enough to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Another thing that seems to have come to light is that the school in Florida was under/not reporting behavioral incidents to keep their crime stats low. That does nothing to stop folks like these.
Why not just get rid of the consolidated school districts entirely, allow schools of choice so students can move across geographic boundaries if they desire, and return entire school systems to much smaller systems. Why are rural students forced to go to school fifteen miles away in the various cities and towns with class sizes that do not represent the rural population?
With the ability to go to school on-line, not just for college, but now from elementary school, why not abolish it. Between charter schools, on-line, parochial and home-schooling, a lot of wasted money could be better put to use. Getting rid of the admin overhead and unfunded mandates would allow more money for actually educating kids AND finding ways to deal with the mental issues that seem to be behind these shootings.
Perhaps if the press stopped making these deranged shooters media darlings,
some of the motivation would be removed. Time and again these individuals have
mentioned their desire to be famous.
Press could stop immediately, but 2000 kids with smart phones won't. It is this instantaneous in your face news that seems to help fuel some of these events unfortunately.
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