Suggest ways to protect school age children.

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If someone doesn't come up with a real solution to protecting children while at school people will pass legislation that we won't like.
Put up a twelve foot wall around the school grounds with metal detectors and full body scanners.

Shut down all the schools and force everyone to home school their kids.

Your basically asking, how can we rid the world of evil? I don't think there is a good solution without any big tradeoffs.
On second thought, here is an unintuitive idea:

What if firearm safety and basic competency were taught in public schools? Obviously, this would never get through our political system, but I wonder if treating kids like competent beings instead of liabilities would help give them more self-worth, in addition to more respect for firearms.
If someone doesn't come up with a real solution to protecting children while at school people will pass legislation that we won't like.

First, I think everyone has to realize and admit that no matter what you do, there will always be shootings of some kind. Second, unless you can reasonably show that policy "x" will produce "y" result, then it is better not to do it. If mass shootings, for example, are still a significant problem despite numerous gun control laws, then more gun control laws aren't likely to yield positive results.
As ATN points out: we cannot engage the "not one more child" argument. Its a fallacious and impossible goal and if it is a realistic and valid goal it likely allows for the removal of all sports in high school. I have not looked but I bet I can find a death related to various sports in the last year. The same "goal" makes virtually everything forbidden.
Protect them in school? Simple, armed presence. It's what keeps crazies from attacking the White House, Governor's Mansions, Capitol Hill, state legislatures... they all have a "royal guard" with guns.

Do the same with schools. They don't need a guard their 24 hours a day, and the goal isn't that you get a Navy Seal guarding kids, it's just the mental intimidation that if you, as a shooter or a person wanting to harm kids, is going to have to also contend with a guy(s) you know will be there shooting at you, you're dissuaded from doing anything stupid.

Even better is put a security cabinet in the classroom, make it so only faculty can access the cabinet, and inside put a .223 rifle with a 30 rd magazine and train the teachers.
I think TruthTeller has a point though I disagree with arming teachers as a prerequisite. I believe some teachers can and should be armed but many should not be.

Just raise the bar. Our school children should be at least as protected as our politicians.
Can do !!!

I believe some teachers can and should be armed but many should not be.
Pretty much agree and don't forget the janitors and other service folks who are capable and willing. However, not be forced. Then supplement with extras, either paid or volunteered. I personally know of teachers who are now carrying. You are up against school boards and administrators who would not even let Eddie-Eagle in. A local program can be started and there are models that would help. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
It's been suggested we put police substations in schools.

We got police substations in the neighborhoods anyway, I guess I don't see much problem with moving them into the schools.

Money of course is a problem but I'd think it's money well spent.

Also the kids would get to see the police as their protectors, which they are, and I have no patience with folk that say police should NOT be in schools.

If any teachers/administrators/school workers want to take some training and are willing to carry that would be fine with me too.
Home school, parochial school, home-based internet schooling', reducing the size of school populations, especially high-school. Bring back our National Guard troop on overseas deployments and use them in schools
2,000 teens die each year from drunk driving.

Per the CDC, roughly 10% of teens drive drunk (which I think is optimistic at best!).

Are 10% of teens taking a gun to school? Are there 2,000 deaths a year from these school shootings? Can the Democrats shift the blame for drunk driving onto Republicans?

That boy checked every red flag, right up until the day he finally shot up his school. Will more laws have stopped him if the local police and FBI won't act?
pretty much agree and don't forget the janitors and other service folks who are capable and willing

That is true as well about others in the building. I hear stories from down in Florida about a coach and teacher who were running towards the gun fire and pushing students out of the way and both ended up falling as heroes. I wonder how different things could have been if these two individuals, part of the schools practiced response, had been armed.

I look back to my high school days in the 90's. Some of my teachers and the "service" personal in the school would have been laughable with guns and should not have ever had them. Some were veterans, farmers, and hunters who you just knew better then to cross. To tell these people that they are better off not armed always seemed a little strange to me.
How about instead of having these circular discussions about a superfluous part of these issues, we discuss why these people are doing this. Namely, the prescription drugs we are pumping our children full of. Drug which side effects are clearly stated, some being SUICIDAL AND HOMICIDAL thoughts and feelings. But we've become so acustom to having a pill as a solution we glaze over that part of the commercial. And here we having the same old discussion after the same old events.
Obviously society's behind the learning curve, here. We protect everything else by
restricting access to it, and guarding it with guns. But we gather all our children
into one unprotected area, EVERY DAY, post a sign, and make an asinine assumption.
Lohman446 said:
Just raise the bar. Our school children should be at least as protected as our politicians.
That -- or our politicians should be as UNprotected as our kids. Remove access restrictions at government buildings (especially in Washington) and see how fast politicians get serious about addressing the underlying problems that [sometimes] result in mass shootings.
Danoobie said:
Obviously society's behind the learning curve, here. We protect everything else by
restricting access to it, and guarding it with guns. But we gather all our children
into one unprotected area, EVERY DAY, post a sign, and make an asinine assumption.


The bank has a guard. Nice guy. The arcade gets a guard. The mall gets several. Some groceries have an armed guard. City hall has several. Every courthouse has a guard to protect them from me wearing a belt or watch. The federal courthouse has the metal detector turned up so the nails in the heels of my shoes set it off.
Obviously society's behind the learning curve, here. We protect everything else by
restricting access to it, and guarding it with guns. But we gather all our children
into one unprotected area, EVERY DAY, post a sign, and make an asinine assumption.

This is a good point.

With 3,000 people in a school and something like 16 officers per 10,000 individuals per capita ( shouldn't there have been about 4 or 5 dedicated officers to that school in Florida?
How about teaching the kids to fight back ? Set up teams, teach them to function, fight as a team, give some basic martial arts instruction, teach them that the mind is THE weapon. Pick up a chair, a waste paper basket, a book, a computer, throw it at an assailant. The best defense is a good offense.
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