Stupid Question: How do you pronounce "Sako"?

You can spell it Mxppfty and if you say it's pronounced "Smith" then "Smith" IS the proper pronunciation of that name.

You mean like Coach K at Duke? ;)

Mike Krzyzewski and everyone says "Shashefski"
Mr. Garand (who inventedthe action) pronounced his last name 'jer-und'. I know my H&K USP .40 is Heckler & COKE, -- Sako - I may have to call the company.
I thought that Mr. Garand pronounced his name: Gar-and.

I pronounce SAKO as sock-o, and Lap-wa as in Lapua

I usually don't care how they pronounce Garand, Lapua or SAKO but I do give some shooters a heads-up at the range about the pronunciations --- Though most (here in Maryland) seem to still like pronouncing it Ga-rand (maybe it sounds like the M1 Garand is worth at least a grand to them and La-pua sounds cuter than saying Lap-wa.
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Something tells me that, if it hasn't been resolved in the NINETEEN years since this thread was started, we aren't going to resolve it now. :p
In Kentucky-speak, it is definitely Say-ko, with a long a and long o. But we also call:

Versailles "Ver-sayles"

Athens "AY-thens" (long A)

Louisville "Loo-a-vul" named after King Lua.

I'm not that works. The fine city of LA is usually pronounced "Las An Gel ous"
But it's a Spanish word more or less pronounced " Los An go lace".
Or something like that.
This is the gun version of the different ways ASUS computers is pronounced. Is it Ace-Us? is a A-Soose? Is it As-zeus? There are a couple more. I called them years ago for tech support on a motherboard and they said, Ace-us, but since then I've heard it all kinds of different ways, by employees and people selling their stuff.