Students bring Confederate flag to school, can't attend graduation.

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Hey Doggie Man

See if you can get this right. Where were was the last public school system desegregated? Boston, which, if I recall correctly, is in the North. And, where was the worst race riot ever in the US? Los Angeles, which is in California, near you.

So, before you accuse the South of harboring racial hatred, get your facts straight. Racial hatred, both white against black, and black against white, is everywhere, even in the People's Republic of California.
There's a tremendous undercurrent still to this day of hatred toward blacks in the south.

I think it's rather bigoted to associate the South with racism, as if it doesn't exist in other regions. In the 1860's, the North portrayed Southerners as being the source of all evil so that the West would go along with the Northern Party. But today I think it's just bigotry to demonize the Southern region, I don't think there is any longer a political advantage in such behavior.

I am reminded of when I lived in Durham NC ... one day I was driving in a parking lot and I accidentally hit my horn and it so happened that a young black woman had just stepped out in front of me ... I would never have hit my horn in that circumstance, I would have stopped and let the woman go ahead ... she looked up at me, and I tried to gesture that it was an accident, that I would never do such a thing ... and she smiled, and then she started pretending that she was all upset, because there was a race riot in LA that day, and she was making fun of the racist Californians. We both got a good laugh out of that. It must be rough living in California where people are racist and have all that tension and race riots. We don't have that in the South, or at least not in my place and time.
There's a tremendous undercurrent still to this day of hatred toward blacks in the south. It will not go away for centuries.

Don't you just love it when somebody from CA. starts professing about race relations in the south .:barf:

Half my neighborhood is black and I like them just fine.

looks like I got under the skins of some southerners! heehee

Look at it this way: If it were way off base, you wouldn't be getting so upset about it. :p
No Dogie... grow up
Someone keeps thumping your ear, it will get numb.
And you will still get pissed that they don't stop.

Lets just call it, "The winner writes the history." and leave it at that.

All I ever ask is for ignorance to be put aside, out of respect for those that gave their lives.

In the case of the OP, I usually choose to bypass idiots and their reactions.
I'm always a bit amused when 'northerners' tell me as a 'southerner' to 'get over my history' - or that it will take 100's of years to 'get over it.' What they don't seem to realize - is that my history is nurtured, enjoyed, and respected. I don't bemoan my Civil War legacy ; it's just that it is part of my living history - not an abstract politically correct doctrine in some distant modern theoretical text. One should share one's history and nurture it - not get over it and lose it.

One of the problems in America<imho>is that people want to have a pat politically correct answer to their messy history lessons. They are in a sense afraid of history. They avoid talking about history - and it's not just Civil War history,but all of history they avoid. I am very fortunate to have a wealth of family lore and historical data concerning my gggfathers and gggmothers and their community. I even have some history of ancestors who were in the American Revolution.

I am able to look upon a wall and see my gggfather's rifle replete with his initials...and know that it was used at Shiloh,Chicamauga,Atlanta ,Franklin and Nashville. I can only wonder about the horror and sadness it might of inflicted. I have a story about it from the Battle of Nashville. Reportedly my gggfather was a sharpshooter, and he and his buddy were shooting from the attic of an old Nashville Hotel during the Battle of Nashville. My gggfather was loading for his buddy who was shooting when his buddy was shot in the chest and killed...and died in my gggfather's arms. My gggfather then stashed the rifle and was shortly thereafter captured...but the rifle was found again years later...when the hotel was being torn down.

In regard to 'race relations' - I see some truth in the observation that 'southernern whites did not mind being close to southern blacks, so long as
the blacks did not have any power. In contrast, the northern whites did not mind the blacks having power, so long as they did not have to be so close to them. Moreover, I see racism as a multidimensional problem. I've bumped into quite a few black folks who were as racist, sexist and bigoted as anybody on earth. In fact, I'd say 'class' is a much bigger problem than 'race'
in American Society... In fact, I'd say that sometimes it seems identity and gender politics get stirred up as a kind of distraction to keep folks from focusing so much on class and $$$$ issues.

Oh well, I'm a libertarian. I don't care what flag you wave on your own time; I'll still support your graduation and not try to police your thoughts. If you want to wave a CSA flag - well, that's just fine. If you want to wave an African flag - you won't see me trying to stop you. Gosh, I might even allow all of you to express yourselves and discuss your histories and cultural sensitivities. If there's a conflict, well, life is like that sometimes, and your ears and eyes can't always be covered. :rolleyes: Don't come running to me asking me to ban someone from a school program because they offended you with a flag. Deal with it. Grow Up. Establish a dialogue. Learn to cope...
Non-lawyers talking about the law is about as enlightening as non-doctors talking about how to perform a hysterectomy.

Very cute quote. Here's another one for your collection:

“The law belongs to the people, not the practitioners.” -Thomas Jefferson
looks like I got under the skins of some southerners! heehee

Look at it this way: If it were way off base, you wouldn't be getting so upset about it.

You flatter yourself with your grade school grasp of psychology. You are right, you should be ignored.
Don't you just love it when somebody from CA. starts professing about race relations in the south .

I know! And how about when they associate gun control with racism and blame it on the South ... while Californians ban guns and the South is the pro-RKBA region!
Oh well, I'm a libertarian. I don't care what flag you wave on your own time; I'll still support your graduation and not try to police your thoughts. If you want to wave a CSA flag - well, that's just fine. If you want to wave an African flag - you won't see me trying to stop you. Gosh, I might even allow all of you to express yourselves and discuss your histories and cultural sensitivities. If there's a conflict, well, life is like that sometimes, and your ears and eyes can't always be covered. Don't come running to me asking me to ban someone from a school program because they offended you with a flag. Deal with it. Grow Up. Establish a dialogue. Learn to cope...

Good points, I grew up in the northeast, I've spent time in the south. We don't have any special tolerance edge up here.

I don't care much about the flag, although I can sympathize with a black guy who pays taxes and has to look at it flying over his state house.

There are idiots up here in Maine who put flag stickers on their trucks as a means of identifying themselves as white crybabies, and I doubt that many of them could name one major Civil War battle.
Its just funny to me how drastically history has been altered, and how most people equate the confederacy with slavery, and not the union. How history has chanced the views to make the world believe southerners were ignorant people who merely fought to keep slaves, and that the northerners were more upright citizens who fought for the "just" ideals, and freed the slaves.

I suggest that anyone who actually believes this bunk should read some of the speeches and letters written by Lincoln. There are alot of them which VERY CLEARLY note his view of blacks and slavery in general. And a assure you that they are NOT pretty.

Just think its funny that the history they teach our kids has been completely rewritten, and has nothing to do with the way things actually were. The Confederate flag was a symbol of rebellion against the government at he time, not a clan rallying banner. Do some research people.
Wars are defined by the final outcome.

That is why the Civil War is viewed by many(right or wrong) the way it is.
I too do not support the CSA flag flying 'over' the courthouse. I don't support any flag being flown over the courthouse except the official state flag. It's kinda comical though. I remember when Georgia replaced its state flag which contained the CSA battle flag, and it was replaced...but the replacement is also a CSA flag motiff. In fact many Southern states have a CSA theme or motiff to their flags ie. Alabama has a red saltire/cross on a white field - as does Florida... Given the loss of life and reality of southern history, I believe it's entirely appropriate for it to be reflected in the flag - and not healthy to try to 'ban that history.'

In regard to lawyers and litigation. What's ironic, is that Jefferson Davis' post civil war book 'Rise and Fall of the CSA' was condemned by Unionists as being a 'litigeous defense of the CSA.' The Union NEVER put Jefferson Davis on trial, because the Union knew that his defense might actually win - and that could be extremely disruptive! For you see the primary issue at has trial would have been the constitutionality of 'secession' - and that was one issue the Civil War did not legally resolve. The old Hartford Convention of the early 1800s<a convention of Northern States had even come to the conclusion that states had the rigght to secede if they felt corced by other states.> Jefferson had a very strong defense.

Some might argue that secession is a moot point these days - a dead issue - and that the Civil War in a sort of de facto way settled the issue of secession. To some extent I would agree, but then occasionally I'll hear some news story about Puerto Rican nationalists or the Alaskan Independence Party - and I realise that it's just a dormant issue that under the right set of circumstances could flair up again. For example, if Puerto Rico was admitted to the Union as a state, but then a decade later Puerto Rican Separtists/Nationalists were voted into power - would the USA have the right to send in troops and try to crush them? I don't think so...but it would indeed present a difficult legal situation.:rolleyes:

Lawyers ? Fifth Sunday Preachers? Snooty Educators? Lots of folks I tend to not like to be around... and that I 'd rather ban from a graduation ceremony
for being 'offensive' than some teenager who innocently waved a CSA flag in a parking lot... A friend of mine has a fine antique ,elaborate tooled leather book about CSA veterans. It has pages where my friend's gggfather wrote the names and little stories of comrades ie.their name and where they were killed... His gggfather was a regimental commander, and he still has his ceremonial/dress sword<been appraised at over $30k.> Can't show it off at a school - not in America. For you see some of its emblems might 'offend' some precious 'educator.' Pathetic! BTW, the sword was likely worn in the presence of Jefferson Davis and Gen Joseph Johnston and Gen.John Bell Hood on at least one occassion.<among other prominent historical figures.>


Incidentally my ggrandfather and my grandmother were poor - and they worked picking cotton for quite a few years in addition to farming...and I have a few stories about that too ie. of their working with a former slave and her children...and I guess that can't be talked about in school too ? Strange! Has America become so totalitarian that 'history' is relugated to some watered down 'nonoffensive propaganda?'
whose ggparents were not poor

the standard of living at the turn of the century in 1900 was pretty low. Few folks were fortunate enough to live in big cities and have a regular job. Just because they had a regular job and did not work as field hands does not mean the had life any easier. My ggfather worked in a factory making glass bead 12 hours a day six or seven days in Glasgow Scotland. After he got to America he managed to get a job after several years as a day laborer. His job was working in a print shop 12 hours a day for six days a week. I doubt he was any better off than any on the farm.

The simple reality is most everyone was living a fairly low lever of existence around the turn of the year 1900. Those who lived on the farms made less money and had home grown items to eat. Those who worked in factories made a bit more money and had to buy the food for their family. Not a great deal of difference between the two life styles from an economic point of view.
"Officials say a Student Code of Conduct prohibits behavior that may provoke or offend other students."

Things like this drive me up the wall. God forbid that someone gets offended. If no one gets offended then whats the point of the 1st admendment. It is there because people are going to say things that might offend someone somewhere. What ever happened to the whole sticks and stones thing. Why can't I display my Southern pride without being racist, but Jesse Jackson, Sharpton,& Wright can spew anti-white comments and that acceptable.

OK I feel better now. Thanks for letting me rant

Oh wait, I want White pride month/day/parade. But you cant call me white, that is offensive. I'm northern european anglo-saxen native american. ( and yes I'm the guy that checks the "other" box and writes that in :D )

Sorry kinda highjacked there. This really got my blood pumping
'Offensive Speech' is one of those obscure subjective terms. I think Americans would be wise to open their eyes and ears a bit more, and learn to look at things from a variety of perspectives. The notion that 'other perspectives' are to be banned, shunned - or otherwise not tolerated - is what's got America into such wonderful situations like Vietnam and Iraq. Teaching kids that if you wear the politically incorrect shirt or wave the politically incorrect flag - you will be severely punished - is not a good lesson in democracy...and it tends to also go against the notion of 'free education.' If you can't truely debate ideas - controversial ideas - in a school setting, then what kind of society do you really have? Where is one truely allowed free speech?

Oh well, I saw where a high-school student was kicked out of school awhile back for 'bringing a weapon to school.' It seems the school had a 'zero tolerence policy.' There was a slight problem. The weapon was a large sword mad from 'cardboard' and aluminum foil'. The student was involved in a club that celebrates medieval history and dressing up in medieval costumes. The school treated the student like a 'gang member' and his cardboad costume sword was treated like a 'real weapon.' Seems like some schools aren't very big on motivating their student to study history these days...:rolleyes:
The confederate flag is a racist symbol. If these three young men didn't realize that they should be sent back a grade for being stoopid.

As it is they broke a rule and are suffering the consequences. If they did it on purpose to challenge restrictions on free speech, good for them. I doubt that was the case though. Either way stop whining and take it like a man.
The confederate flag is a racist symbol. If these three young men didn't realize that they should be sent back a grade for being stoopid.

They probably don't even know how to spell...:rolleyes:

Making a blanket statement on that flag is what is stupid. To a large portion of society it is a racist symbol. To another portion it is not. What it is not is ONE SYMBOL TO EVERYONE.

Regardless, it is offensive to a significant enough portion of the public that the school took the steps to ban it based on the problems it very well may cause among immature teenage students. That whole "responsibility for their safety" thing. The students made a mistake bringing it and should be punished.
"The confederate flag is a racist symbol. If these three young men didn't realize that they should be sent back a grade for being stoopid."

I love when someone that is obvious uneducated (atleast in history) claims someone else is dumb. Anyone who thinks the "confederate flag is a racist symbol" has been just brainwashed by modern public schools. They only teach p.c. history. They always teach the holocaust but they make not mention of what Japan did the Chinese during WWII. The war-crimes commited there rival the nazi's (albeit on a lesser scale, hundreds of thousands not millions)

Also note the take it like man statement. Take your own advice, man up and deal with the good ole' stars and bars. Then go read a history book (not one left over from school, I mean a real book)
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