Students bring Confederate flag to school, can't attend graduation.

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So please inform me as to why the "X" clothing worn by blacks was not banned in schools? That Malcolm guy wanted civil disobedience to be the means to an end... correct?
And if the schools are trying to prevent disruption and distraction why do they allow underwear to be shown?
Here in my rural region it is no longer allowed but in more urban locales it is still a fashion statement. They don't call it an UNDER garment for nothin'...
When they are trying to keep them from fighting, or worse, killing each other.

So the ends justifies the means in this example? I cannot agree to ban something or try to regulate something because of what MAY happen.
So please inform me as to why the "X" clothing worn by blacks was not banned in schools? That Malcolm guy wanted civil disobedience to be the means to an end... correct?
And if the schools are trying to prevent disruption and distraction why do they allow underwear to be shown?
Here in my rural region it is no longer allowed but in more urban locales it is still a fashion statement. They don't call it an UNDER garment for nothin'...

Guess you failed Leftism 101. Terms like "offensive" or "disruptive" are defined as "a minority member whined about it like a little pansy". Promoting a radical black supremacist who wanted to kill whites, or spreading the "gangsta" look, well now that's just being tolerant and embracing diversity... :D
Let me see the cross annoys some people, guns,flags, ten commandants,
etc, etc. let us be concerned over deeds and actions not symbols or objects.

The Bible also seems to literally endorse slavery. Is that a hate symbol?
So the ends justifies the means in this example? I cannot agree to ban something or try to regulate something because of what MAY happen.

Go teach in the south for a while with the task of trying to maintain some order. Come back and report.
I shall just continue to live the creed... "Doing my part to pizz off the easily offended..." Yes I flunked "Leftist/Marxist/Socialist 101" I was to busy hiding out in the library reading the Encyclopedia... I was to afraid of an azz whoopin' from pops to really skip school so I figured the sneakiest place for me was where NO ONE would ever think to look. I was thought to be a rebellious PUNK for wearing a Harley primary chain belt I had made and those "EVIL" black harley t-shirts with no sleeves and them T's out of soldier of fortune magazine... Favorite being the one with an M-16 on it and the text read... "Why waltz when you can rock and roll?"
ZeroJunk... I am at a loss! Can you please post some proof of violence stemming from images of the Confederate Battle Flag in public schools? I have lived exclusively in the south 26 years and I have yet to hear of one instance. I have heard a gob of yammering and excessive running of the ol' cake grinder by liberal media about it but thaz it!
LOL Send your 16 year old boy to Dudley in Greensboro with the stars and bars and see how he likes it.
Well, hopefully he is smarter than that. And , if not the teachers are there to get it off of him while he still has all of his blood.
And to what device shall we credit all this blood letting? Illegal knives? Come on... Where are the links? And once again I present the HATRED... It is the blacks that spit out hatred. If my son were to be jumped by a group of rabidly hateful blacks for simply his choice of fashion than who has the hate?
On a side note do a search for giant confederate flag and you will get a glimpse of the 50 footer over tampa.
You are changing the subject.

The school has the right to control activities that will most likely cause fighting either at school or after. Whether the reaction to the symbol is justified is an entirely different argument.
Go teach in the south for a while with the task of trying to maintain some order. Come back and report.

Maybe I am looking at this the wrong way, but here's my take...

Teach kids about these crazy objects that are terrible to the eyes of the media and others and just maybe when they grow up they will not be so jaded at the sight of them. I keep comparing it to guns, and it applies there, because if we had a gun course or a required safety course for kids to pass maybe we would see less AD's or increase CC permits at legal age, etc. the possibilites are endless. But it also applies to other things... teach boys how to be men in school, chivalry, etc. and maybe society could benefit from it, teach boys AND girls how to raise kids, teach the basics of everyday things life may throw at you, taxes, healthcare, and still teach the other "normal" stuff like math, reading, science, etc. Back in the old days we all got taught those other things by our folks, dad would share heart to hearts with us, mom would make those comments about taking care of Suzie when you went to the movies, etc. but these days that does not happen anymore. Let's not make this thread about the loss of a family unit, but you can't say that it hasn't changed, because it has.

Finally, keep the religion out of the schools and let kids decide for themselves, but teach them things that will actually help them in real life, not the 'let's not talk about this subject or that because we may hurt little Johnny's feelings'.

This idea of lets just try to get them through the day so they are out of here without bloodshed is crap. It has not worked and has left us (specifically my generation, generation X) with a huge void of leadership when the time comes for us to run the country.

The saying goes...guns don't kill people, people kill people, and we all agree on that...but the same thing applies here...objects don't kill, beat, or otherwise intimidate others, the hate in other people does that with those objects.

The school system for this country is in the toilets, it sucks, evryone knows that, but we can't just continue with the same 'ol same 'ol.

/end rant
I don't know that I disagree with any of that. But, it is optimistic. Hopefully the human race has more potential than I think.
To me this is a big misunderstanding.

The whites see the confederate flag as a symbol of rebellion- a symbol of standing up to the powers that be. That's the way I've always seen it anyway. When you look at the meaning of the flag at the time it was flown over the southern states, that was the meaning- the war wasn't about slavery- it was about taxes. And today people look at confederate flag for pretty much the same thing.

The blacks see it as a symbol of racism. But how is it a show of racism if there is no racism behind the display?
The original history of the flag is all I care about.
If I was suspended for its use, I would not care.

I show it with respect.

Whether what Confederates believed in, by fighting under it, was right or wrong, many died under that flag for what they believed in.
Being from the South, they died for me.
Both are the only reasons I need to be proud of them and their sacrifice.
That flag was their symbol, and a piece of history that makes me who I am.

If anyone chooses to misunderstand me, or assume wrong about me, because I bare a tattoo of the flag, it is they who are wrong. Not I.

It is a part of me to be proud of, just as sure as I was born.
The fact that some retard uses it to repulse humanity, makes me ill.
So stupid in fact, that they can't invent their own flag. Thay have to use others of historic national pride, tainting them.
But, it is a free country.
All I can do is complain.
And that, I can be proud of as well.
The Civil War was fought over the rights of individual States vs. the rights of the Federal Gov't. The country was still young and figuring a lot out. 1776 may be given as the signing but they were still hammering out the details 20+ yrs. later. That brings us to 1788-9. Individual States had the right to secede from the Union and some States chose to do so starting in the 1850's.

The Civil War was not about slavery but about details concerning the Federal Govt's influence over State's sovereignty. Slavery may have been more prevalent in the South by numbers but was practiced in both the North and south.

IMHO anyone who envisions the flying of the 'Stars and Bars' as a racial issue is misguided. It was a time in our history when our nation was still dealing with many internal issues. The Civil War changed some of them, WWII, the 1960's changed some more and I feel another wave coming.

Back to the 'Stars and Bars'. It represents a time in our history when 600,000 people died, all ours.
Some inconvenient facts.:

The Confederate Constitution at the outset of the War banned the African Slave Trade. The U.S. Constitution did not...

Abraham Lincoln made repeated racist statements and complained 'We have done enough already for your people.'<a remark made by Lincoln to Frederick Douglas.> Lincoln frequently referred to black americans as an 'inferior race' and sought to repatriate black americans to Africa as a solution to the problem.

The Emancipation Proclamation only abolished slavery in Southern States not under Union control - not the border states - and the Proclamation only came about after the Battle of Antietam. Abolition became part of the war effort as the War escalated into a total war.

Jefferson Davis had a an adopted black son. Davis was argueably significantly less racist than was Lincoln. The Davis plantation was used by the Freedman's Bureau after the Civil War as a model for helping freed slaves become reintegrated int post-Civil War society. The Davis plantation was designed by R. Owen - a utopan socialist - who had visted the Davis family and conceived of developing a community that would transition slaves into freedom. Davis' wife was the granddaughter of a New Jersey governor. Lincoln'e wife was from a slave holding family. Davis gavored the gradual abolition of slavery. There were more freedmen living in Alabama in 1860 than in Vermont. The segregation Jim Crow lawsin the post civil war were based on segregation laws already in place in NORTHERN STATES. One could argue that 'mutual racism' reunited the north and south at the end of the civil war and that the abrupt ending of slavery exacerbated the problem of raicsm. Brazil for example phased out slavery peacefully about 10 to 20 years later, and has a hsitory of less racism.

Duncan Kenner - a CSA congressman was dispatched late in the war to Europe to offer complete emancipation of all southern slaves in exchange for recognistion of an independent CSA. Judah Benjamin, the Southern Secretary of State, and considered the 'brains of the confederacy' authored the Southern Emancipation Proclamation. Incidentally, Ulysses Granted authored 'Order#11' which evicted 'all Jews as a class from Tenessee.' <some of family were ecicted from Tennessee by the Union at that time for that reason>Similar official antisemitic orders were carried out by the Union throughout the South. Part of this was due to Judah Benjamin being jewish. He was the son of the founder of the jewish reform church in Charleston S..C. which had per capita until about 1850 the largest jewish population of any city in America. A racist Massachusetts <sp>senator during the civil war loudly blamed the war on 'jews.' CSA VP Stevens was a rampamt racist; he was also a close friend of Abraham Lincoln. Stevens loudly proclaimed in 1860 that Lincoln shared his 'racial views.' The Civil War was ugly!!!!!! It was not a situation of good guys vs. bad guys. You had good and bad guys on all sides.

The Union wasn't some 'good guy entity' and the south some 'bad guy entity.' It wasn't that simple. Virginia did not enter the War until after the Union declared War on the South as a result of Ft. Sumter. Virginians held the belief that it was unconstitutional for Union troops to cross its border to attack another state. 90% of the CSA's War Industry and much of its human resources came from Virginia.

By the end of the Civil War, practically every town in the South was in ruins.
More CSA POW's died in Union prisons than Union POW's died in Southern prisons. Three of my GGFathers were POW's in Union prisons. One of my gggmother's lost both her brothers in the Battle of Shiloh. Her parents died in abject poverty in the last year of the War. I don't own or fly a CSA flag,
but if my neighbor down the street wants one - so be it. If some screwball principal says his/her children can't graduate from school because of it - well, it's not the sort of school that repsects history and true multicultural sensitivity.

Warren Harding was from Ohio. He was reportedly sworn into the KKK while he was president of the U.S.A. When the KKK held its largest march in history in the 1920's it waved the U.S. flag - not the CSA flag. BTW I deplore the KKK. Don't try to put the CSA and the KKK in the same exclusive bucket....and don't tell me that black, green, yelllow, red or poka dotted racism is somehow sweeter and less benign than white racism.

I f I get misty eyed when I hear the strands of DIXIE, it's not because of racism' it's because my gggfathered looked like a living sleleton after his walk from Camp Douglas to Alabama at the end of the Civil War and every member of every branch of my family was then uprooted and had given their lives to defend the South from what they saw as a Union invasion. I guess high school principals can't understand such things these days. One of my gggfathers was in a regiment that started out with well over 1000 soldiers. At Chicamauga his Company lost 2 separate color bearers and the Company Commander....while charging Snodgrass Hill. By 1865 there were less than 50 soldiers left in that regiment. I tip my hat to them...and I respect their flag...and that ol' statue erected to them by the old courthouse. If that offends somebody - well, they'll just have to deal with it.

One of my favorite all-time bumper stickers had a confederate flag followed with, "you lost, get over it".
get used to it

Southerners will take 500 years to get over the Civil War and slavery.

I was dating a girl from South Carolina who moved out here to CA. She was very politically correct, but get a few drinks in her and under her breath she'd start making very racial remarks and ripping on MLK. It was really kind of weird.

There's a tremendous undercurrent still to this day of hatred toward blacks in the south. It will not go away for centuries.

With all the problems inner-city kids are facing they worry about a flag. I bet most of them couldn't name one Confederate State or find one on a map.
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