Stand up for your 2A rights - BOYCOTT T.G.I. Fridays!!

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Sometimes I cant decide what makes me feel unsafer...the unlikelihood of some loony tunes bursting into TGIF and playing spray and pray on the patrons because his mommy didnt toilet train him with love, or the unlikelihood of some open carrying Rambo doing tactical rolls across my table as he draws down on some gangsta simply because he saw him reaching in to his waistband.

I think I will stay home

WildlessfatandsodiumthatwayAlaska ™
I will take my chances with the Tactical Ted squashing my dinner rolls...because it more likely that he is at least attempting to aim his shots.
Good thread, people. This is a very sensitive, passionate, and heartily-argued topic. So far, everyone's being civil. +1 to all of ya!

I believe...that, unless I am violating the law of the land, or a LEO has probable cause and/or a warrant - what I do, or the laws, rights, and privileges I enact and enable within the boundaries of my own property are my right and inviolable. Else where is the advantage of owing property? That's why it's called the "Castle Doctrine". It's my "castle" and I am the king.

All that, and what I've said previously, being argued, I'm in agreement with the OP - If TGIF doesn't want my gun - they don't want my business.

As a side argument - does anyone think all handgun laws should be Federal and the same for all states - no individuality? How I dare suggest taking away some state's rights! :eek:

Were do you think you live in the wild west? If it's concealed why did they ask you to leave Fridays. They shouldn't have seen it. If you hid it it won't bother anyone. Buy a concealable gun and you won't have any problems. I don't use my 357 mag 9inch barrell for that reason.
Just my opinion Thanks :rolleyes:
Some of those "freedom" lovers need to understand one thing: As provided by the same Constitution that they seem to love to throw in anyone's face who disagrees with their choices, your rights cease where another's begin.

The problem is that TGIF is not willing to guarantee my safety while I am unarmed on their premises. I would gladly disarm at their request if they could guarantee my safety. Until they can do that, I will not disarm. Instead, I will just not patronize their business.

So, who's rights begin where again?

Sounds like everybody is well within their rights to me. ;)
I will take my chances with the Tactical Ted squashing my dinner rolls...because it more likely that he is at least attempting to aim his shots.

I love that, I might have to steal "tactical ted"
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In Texas, licensed civilians can carry in any place that does under 51% of their business from alcohol (i.e. restaurant serving alcohol, but not in a bar). Just depends on state law. Random unrelated comment :o

I'm guessing TGIF has a pack of lawyers proofing their notices, but it's worth checking the state notice requirements for property owners wishing to prohibit CCWs on their property. In Texas, there is specific language and specific sign requirements so that people see them. If it doesn't meet those requirements, they can't keep you from carrying.

Of course, I wouldn't argue with them, I'd just peace out. I think that's ridiculous, but it is their right.
Creature said:
So, who's rights begin where again?

Your rights end where theirs begin in this case. It is your right to carry a firearm. It is their right, as the property owner, to say "No Firearms Allowed", just as it is yours to say "No XYZ" in your house or on your property. (It is obviously your right to not hand them your money in protest of them exercising their right to a "weapon free zone".)
One thing to add to the Texas thread is that there is zero tolerance if your blood alcohol test comes up with anything but zero. The rule of thumb here is "one beer; one hour". That is, if you have one bottle of beer, don't leave the restaurant until one hour after your last glug.
I will take my chances with the Tactical Ted squashing my dinner rolls...because it more likely that he is at least attempting to aim his shots.

yeah well where does that leave my chicken wings when some ninja has smeared his 511s all over them:rolleyes:

May I just note that if you choose to leave your gun in the car, the odds of you being safe increase if you eat fast:rolleyes:

WildheyhowaboutarmedguardsectionsinpizzahutAlaska TM
Carry concealed and there usually is no issue. Want to make a "statement" by carrying open....this is what you get. :o

On the Texas tangent- On page 70 of the Texas Concealed Handgun Laws booklet in the Q and A section it clearly says--
Q: Can I carry my handgun if I am drinking alcohol?
A: "Carrying" while drinking is NOT prohibited, but it is a criminal offense to carry while intoxicated.
Best bet just dont drink because if you have one drink and get into a SD situation, eg. shooting, and any alcohol is in your system you are cooked!! Now where it gets really sticky is the definition of intoxicated. That is a longer post and its late.
Carry concealed and there usually is no issue. Want to make a "statement" by carrying open....this is what you get

In Virginia he would be breaking the law, He is complying with the law by unconcealing his firearm.

That being said, still the restaurant's right to ask you to leave if you're armed.
rantingredneck wrote:
... I choose to boycott TGI Fridays based on their crappy food and horrible service (at least at the one I ate at here several years ago.......haven't been back).

Plus 1. We stopped going to TGI Fridays a couple of years ago. Poor service, so-so food.

No company can guarantee one's safety. It's part of the risk of living in an open society. You just have to weigh the risks and rewards.
The Constitution is based on personal freedoms - EVERYONE'S, including the store owner who doesn't want guns in his establishment. Our rights stop where his begin

+1 to that! Too many people think that ALL property is open to their definition of personal freedom.
We have hashed this "Private Property" debate sooo many times, I wrote this short response in the case it ever came up again.

You get to say what goes on, with your property, up until the time you open it up to business with the general public.

At that moment, you lose much of what you thought you had a right to.

Just about every aspect of your business has been or can be regulated by the government. Local, County, State or Fed. You become an unpaid agent for the various taxing authorities. You are bound by numerous health and safety codes. You can't discriminate against portions of the public. And on and on and on.

You can put up "No Guns" signs and enforce your will... Up until the time a law is passed that says otherwise. Conversely, you can put up "Guns Welcome" signs, up until the time your government says guns aren't permitted in your establishment.

Such regulation (for or against) are always attached to the Health and Safety of the general public. That same public you are in business with.

Private control of private property is one thing, but once you open your property to the general public, you lose much, if not most, of your control.

That being said, in areas that are not (currently) regulated, the property owner, or his agent, has the right to set the conditions of gun carry within the boundaries of the business property.

Don't like it? Let the specific company know why you are taking your business elsewhere. No reason to get into a tizzy about this. If enough people complain about the policy and it appears it may affect their profit margins, they will rethink their policies. If not, no big loss.

There are simply too many other businesses that don't care, one way or another, and will welcome you and your guns... And your money.
In Virginia he would be breaking the law, He is complying with the law by unconcealing his firearm.

Virgina is a Shall Issue state for a Concealed Handgun Permit. Get it- Learn it- Use it.
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